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Everyone here should see this movie. Critics might be saying average things but they're all fat men who wear ties every day. I felt it did an excellent job of establishing a heaven/hell mythology, and all the trappings of water and crosses and catholicism, and then using it to take the movie to places and in directions that you can't predict, but make sense. And it was awesome.

It has the effect of really making you feel you're experiencing something entirely new, both as a story and as a world, to the point that you don't notice when it stops "helping" you with the subtle explanations and continues doing crazy shit. 
looks to clean - bleh 
bring back floyd. 
Re: Func_crate 
Since the Site Help thread is where people are talking about how much they like the new logo, I'll keep to the current convention and post my negative feedback here.

The crate: Too clean, colors look weird, not enough detail. It looks like plastic instead of wood. :/

Furthermore, despite how cool I think Floyd is, I agree that he's not the most relevant icon to have in the logo. However, his colors and details certainly fit in better. 
is as relevant as a wooden box.

the whole crate thing is an in-joke to begin with, so why not have something a little bit personal and fun?

anyway, not my board, durr bluh. armchair art directing. 
Love The Crate 
Floyd always seemed too needy and eager to please with that slinky walk thing he was doing and the 'oh, don't I remind you of 50's Sci-Fi kitsch' vibe just doesn't fo it.

Crate rules! 
I created a back story, about how Cratey the Fullbright Crate dominated and killed Floyd in a 1on1 fight to the death. That explains the ascension of Cratey. All hail he who is lethal with a spork!! (cratey) 
Crate Is The Future! 
Floyd RIP 
Just wanted to add a "me too" to everything Lun said.

I enjoyed the comic (before I quit buying comics a few years ago), and was horrified when I found out that Keanu would be playing John Constantine and nearly sprained my eyes whilst rolling them.

Silly me, Keanu Reeves was surprisingly good, and yeah, the movie kicked much ass overall. Some of the characterization (Constantine, Angela, Gabriel) was fairly complex and meaty for a movie of this type.

We need more movies from comics that don't suck. 
I Don't Suck... 
getting crates to eat... 
Animated Floyd. 
Much prefered Floyd. Surely a progression would be the animated Floyd rather than regressing to a mere crate.

Although possibly Madfox's should be it *rolls eyes* 
That gets a big LOL from me. 
HeadThump (#7199) 
no worries. was just a bit disappointed you didn't say "oh, what, like this script I wrote that you can download here" :) 
That Makes Two Of Us 
I'm dissapointed that I can't tell you that too. Keygrip (and esp. Keygrip 2 for Quake2) would be the next best thing for Quake movies.

For Blender, what I would like to see is a script that extopolates an IK skeleton from an existing set of keyframes from a model. You import an ace model you have retrieved from, say, Polycount, build a skeleton from it and build a model with it as a basis. For me, creating models and textures is enjoyable but animation is a pain in the arse even for Blender where skeletons are pretty easy to set up. 
Left Out An 'r ' There 
whoopsidaisy, 'extopolates' sounds positively vile. 
Oh Btw, 
here is a really cool tool I have bumped into. A modeler called Deled that saves into .x files and includes light mapping. It is a hybrid product actually. Designed to function like a map/world editor for those who prefer that sort of interface to that of a modeler. The non-commercial (lite) version is fully functional so I would recommend grabbing it. 
Saw the film with PJW. A decent film, lots of nice visuals, some good theme and characters.

I was entertained, but felt the movie came off as a bit too much of a Matrix remake of some kind. Like Neo is now a guy who can cross between Hell and Earth or something and kills demons rather than agents. Throughout the movie I was expecting bullettime battles with demons and Constantine to just fly from one seen to the next (some of the ugly editing seems to support this... asking a question in 1 locale and then answering it in a totally differant one a split second later? zhuh?) That's my only real complaint about the film... oh, plus the bit with the suicide, cutting across the wrist... MORONS YOU CUT DOWN TO KILL YOURSELF, NOT ACROSS. AND IT TAKES MORE THAT 2 SECONDS TO BLEED TO DEATH.

But overall, a good film, was worth watching and was better than I expected. 
the whole crate thing is an in-joke to begin with, so why not have something a little bit personal and fun?

Ok, but what the fuck is Floyd anyway? Since I don't 'get' it, it just looked completely inappropriate at the top of the page (though as someone mentioned the colours/details did work nicely enough with the page).

On the other hand, I don't need any explanation for why the crate is there. : )

It'd be nice to see the crate fixx0red, though. 
Floyd is a walking robot enemy metlslime made for Rubicon2. It looks so totally rocking that Vondur made a screensaver of it walking and Lun made a func_logo of it. That's the full story. 
Oh, And My 2 Cents 
I love the new logo as it is. Nice and clean. 
Re: Down, Not Across 
Oh that crazy Floyd, what won't he do? 
BARNEY LOGO was ten times bettar than this crate and floyd combined! 
Very Nice Looking D3 Map.. 
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