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Midnight On The Express Train Of Zeitgeists 
The edifices of time pass on the left while shambling passengers pass on the right. Soon they all seem the same as perception blurs and reality changes. You casually wonder if you've missed your stop, but you take comfort because you have seen no one else get off either. Before long, your perception changes again and it no longer matters.

You take out of a piece of worn, folded paper. Right-angled sections of it are missing, and it has been folded so many times that the paper is seperating at the creases. Many of the original graphite markings have since rubbed off, but new ones have taken their place. You attempt to read one of the oldest sets, but to no avail. After skimming the paper, you notice a haiku written in ink:

Scampie's infatuation

Look how big it is!
My infatuation grows.

Perception changes a third time, and you remember where you're going. 
Fitzquake + Voodoo 3 Problem 
I've setup Quake with Fitzquake on a friend's 800 Mhz AMD K7, with 224 MB RAM. The Voodoo 3 is PCI and 16 MB RAM.

Aside from potential "tell him to get a new system" replies, what might be the problem: I run Fitzquake, it opens (takes maybe 10 seconds to completely load), the menus all work but if I enter a map, the console doesn't move anywhere and the map isn't shown, and there are no errors shown - it just freezes (with a little bit of the bottom of the console repeated).

Software Quake runs fine (but there is VIS greyouts in my map, but thats a whole nother story)... Half Life 1 runs well at 1024x768 using Open GL.. I have not yet tested original GL Quake cause I wanted him to use FQ.

ANy idea? 
By The Way 
Just tried GL Quake, it runs fine. So it's a FQ issue apparently. 
unfortunately, i've been told that voodoo support is pretty broken in recent fitzquake releases. So until i fix it, your best choices are either: 1. get an older version of fitzquake, or 2. try another custom engine. (Or use glquake or winquake, i suppose.) 
BTW, when fitzquake new release will be ready ?? 
Aye, thanks. 
that was a fucking cool bit of writing until that Scampie bit. Is that from anything? 
Thanks. And no; it's just cryptic drivel I wrote at 1:00 in the morning after a week of sleep deprivation.

And scampie does tend to ruin things, doesn't he? 
Me Wanna Tis 
what was the name of the 2 episode madness for quake1? i remember it had medieval/wizard all the way (at least i think so, never got as far as level 3). i cant find it anymore and this is all i remember.

any help? 
Might you be refering to Soul of Evil? 
What this submit buttom for? 
not sure. It's really close, but I'm not working on it right now. 
Deathmatch Encyclopedia 
This isn't really newsworthy but I thought I'd mention. I finally put all my old mapping articles back online. They haven't been updated at all, so there's probably a lot I could correct, but at least they're there: 
That's good news, someone was asking about where your DM stuff had gone to on the rejuvenated Q3W forums not two days ago! 
The Fern Interview Was Interesting 
er, that's all I have to say. Go away, message body. 
Planetquake Ftp Details 
Hi Chaps, I need some help from a fellow planetquake hostee. What is their ftp address? They seem to have changed it without telling me.

Thanks in advance 

then to get to PQ add /planetquake/<yoursite>/ to the initial directory. 
Can you send me your email address? I've tried to contact you for a while via PQ but it doesn't seem to work. 
My new personal email address is captain*NOSPAM*

( Remove the *NOSPAM* for the correct address but I'm sure you realised that :) 
Yo Yo Damaul 
Wassup homie. #tf crew were asking about you the other day. Hope things are good, w3rd. 
It's great to hear that the pulsating legacy of DaMaul still burns brightly in people's hearts! 
you just make sure to keep you pulsating legacy in your pants. 
You Shut Up! 
He invented bears you know.

That's good news, someone was asking about where your DM stuff had gone to on the rejuvenated Q3W forums not two days ago!

Yeah, I know, he emailed me. 
Thanks, I was told all these articles were lost in the hard drive crash, but THEY WAS LIARS!

Awesome, glad I can read these again. 
New Quake 2 Deathmatch 
I have a new Quake 2 Deathmatch level for you guys to look at called Slug Magnet Hell.

Any comments are welcome.

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