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New Skins. 
99% of the problems with new skins are when they are SHITE or they DON'T FIT IN TO QUAKE NOR WITH THE OTHER MONSTERS.

Avoid those two things and you should be fine. Unfortunately 99% of new skins don't actually avoid those two things =/. 
New Skins 
Not much point making a new skin for a Quake monster unless:

a) It is a new "class" of monster, like a DeathKnight that has a new attack or something.

b) The map has a very distinctive setting
(like Snowy Norse-Medieval) and you want to give the monsters a themed skin to match the new location.

Of course, you also need to apply Shambler's clause (above). 
Speakin' Of Morrowind 
Buy Soultrap, then get yourself to a spellmaker and concoct a version that can be cast on a target and lasts for 60 seconds. And beef up yer Enchant as much as you can. Soul gems are much quicker than wandering around waiting for your 1337 magical crap to recharge naturally.

Two other spells to buy: Mark and Recall. (I wish I'd thought of that when I went to do a little favour for Mr. Varro.)

If you've found Creeper, and you're bowling over smugglers on a regular basis, visit the lad with about eight or ten doses of skooma, as you get 'em, and you'll be able to afford boffo gear in no time.

Oh, and Phait's thinking of the Wizard's Staff. Lovely bit of kit. There's one at the top of the Forgotten Galleries at Maelkashishi; just backtrack from the Daedric arrows. Having a good Blunt Weapon skill makes it even more useful. 
Sorry, I'm wrong about where I got my Wizard's Staff. I found it in a shrine east of Ald'Ruhn called Ramimilk, along with a shitload of other magical crap. It was a Daedric Longbow I found in the Forgotten Galleries. Sorry. 
Yes, two good points indeed. 
there is some good advice up above, particularly Kell's nuanced views, but the most important thing to keep in mind is to do what you want to do and accomplish the goals that you set out to accomplish. There is enough room for both the old school refining of Quake's motifs and the off beat but original work of a [Kona] or Manke. You'll catch flak from the gatekeepers no matter which way you turn, and if you are new to texture/skin art, your first batch of work is likely to be less than optimal, but don't let that stop you from a) creating and progressing in your abilaties, and b) displaying your work. Keep at it! 
Only The True Floyd.... 
Realy impressed by the Floyd Logo, in fact, can't see anything else since I morphed it into the soldier.mdl Great job Metslime!

Sorry the Quake Costum Monsters toppic isn't further explaining things about making new monsters.

There was a Fawn, but the conversation stopped.
Made four new monsters now for Q1, but still haven't found the .qc to add them to Quake1.
Replacing monsters goes easy, but I would like to add new monsters. Experience learned me this isn't an easy job.
Milkshape has the oppertunity to explode monsters, which I intended to do with Floyd.
But for some java-reason it didn't work. 
If you've found Creeper, and you're bowling over smugglers on a regular basis, visit the lad with about eight or ten doses of skooma, as you get 'em, and you'll be able to afford boffo gear in no time.

oh I see 
Alledgedly, Blowout is out.

For those that don't recall it being announced a year or two back, it basically looked like it was going to be an updated version of Abuse. The early shots of it looked cool and distinctive, with chunky character models in an id-esque style, robust looking boiler-room style geometry, but most noticably - subdued greyscale textures on everything with only occasional splashes of colour. Unfortunately the look must have been too radical for somebody (probably a marketing drone at a publisher) and in some more screens released later it looked like monster design and colour pallette was heading towards the Serious Sam school of absolute gayness. It was a great disappointment to see this happen.

But, it might still be good to play...

So, has anyone seen it? Played it? Was it any good? 
Forgot This Bit 
In case anyone was thinking "wtf that's been out ages," yes, I'm aware that it came out in the US ages ago (at least on XBox, not sure about PC), but there is supposedly a UK PC release now, and I don't recall the XBox version ever making it to the UK.

(Also, I just found some of the later batches of screenshots and they were nowhere near as luminous as I remembered them. Still far more coloury than the first lot were though. Don't mind me, I'll just sit here quietly and rock back and forth while dribbling a bit) 
After a brief look, I have come to the following conclusions:

1) As a fan of sidescroller shooters, that looks like it might be a fun game.

2) I can't find any evidence that it was ever out on the PC in the US.

3) I might just have to buy it for my GameCube. 
Was Thinking Yesterday.. 
Imagine when games will introduce elastics and similiar mobility (i.e. bendable hollow 'plastic' piping) in games... what might you see in gameplay using such physics? 
Don't Ask Me 
my small hobby's you won't dream of... 
you crazy malk. O_o 
lsd or dob ?
also have u made the music for it aswell?

makes me wonder why u make such ugly maps, if u have some art education

sry for being so straightforward 
Get on the hotdog! 
Da Fox has really excelled himself this time lol. 
I had this fuckin wierd dream. I don't remember it all very well, or how it started, but I got to this point...

I was Spiderman or someone Spiderman-esque, and there was only one person who knew my secret identity. After saving some guy from some hazard, I started swinging back by trees to my lair, where I promptly changed into normal clothes. Well, all of a sudden Biff pops out of the TV, this short, fat, bald little goth guy wearing a red Superman-cape with only some hair on the side of his head. He wanted to watch some ridiculous B-Movie horror show, and so he put in the tape and started watching it from the middle where this poor girl had like a pineapple stuck in her throat and her eyes were popping out of her head. So anyway, all of a sudden Biff's dad is sitting on the couch along with him, who's like the EXACT same thing as Biff but older and his hair is a lot whiter, and they're both sitting on the TV completely glued to this horrible horror movie.

There's a lot of other stuff, like this vegetarian-anaconda I have that I let wander through the house which I was worried would die because it's cold blooded, so I tried wrapping it up in blankets to keep it warm. There's also this one part about my sister and her boyfriend trying to kill me because I didn't like their dinner or something, I don't remember too well.

Anyway, I thought I would mention that Biff is a squat, balding goth super-hero wannabe and his dad is the same thing as him but shorter. The dreams don't lie. 
MadFox is in your head.

You'll need to flush him out with some Holy Water and a praxinoscope. Do not attempt this by yourself.

Having some art education won't stop me from playing ugly maps! 
That is the most awesome thing ever. 
Well, all of a sudden Biff pops out of the TV, this short, fat, bald little goth guy wearing a red Superman-cape with only some hair on the side of his head. 
Who Is Played By 
Jason Alexandar, in the func_ feature movie. 
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