No Jpgs, Tgas In GtkRadiant 1.5?
#6837 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/01/13 17:08:35
Trying to map for DarkPlaces with 1.5, and for some reason it won't load the jpgs and tgas I'm wanting to use as textures. I've checked the game file and everything, and even LordHavoc was stumped.
I Love Biff
#6838 posted by gibbie on 2008/01/13 21:39:41
Do you think it's related to gtkr 1.5? I made my map with it and i could load high-res textures fine.
/Me HUGs Gibbie
#6839 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/01/13 21:58:26
As far as I know. I could try a reinstall and see if that helps.
#6840 posted by gibbie on 2008/01/13 22:10:48
I don't think that's gonna work. Try loading the bsp in QuArK and see if you've given the high-res textures the proper names?
#6841 posted by grahf on 2008/01/13 22:17:14
Do you mean they won't load in DP, or in GTKR 1.5?
biff, what map converter are you using (if at all?) Do the texture names in the map file have folder paths? (they shouldn't for q1) What format are the tga's? Radiant doesnt't like 8bit paletted tga's i've noticed, certain compression settings could mess things up too. I guess if you've consulted with havoc already you would know the proper override directory for the textures.
#6842 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/01/13 22:55:03
They won't load in GTKR. Everything in DP works fine, I can even compile the maps and they run (mind you, without the rlit file for lighting). Some of the textures are in folders within the id1/textures folder, but the majority aren't -- and none of them show up in GTKR. All I get are the "shader file missing" icons for the jpgs or tgas, and the normalmaps.
#6843 posted by gibbie on 2008/01/14 00:45:47
Oh wtf i thought you meant they didn't load in DP. u s. jk i l u!
Re: I Want To Convert Quake Bsps
#6844 posted by bear on 2008/01/14 02:47:45
It probably won't be satisfactory but q3map2 can convert .bsp to .ase so you could go q1->q3->3d-program ... I have no idea if it includes UV:s and lightmaps(probably not).
GTKRadiant 1.5 Unable To Read Shaderfiles
#6845 posted by Russell Adamson on 2008/01/16 19:10:40
I have a problem here. I'm set up GTK1.5 for quake III level editing. It says that it's reading my shaderlist.txt file but it is unable to read the shaderfiles. Can anyone help me.
Biff, Err
#6846 posted by grahf on 2008/01/17 21:53:33
Well I guess I have the same problem ironically; I just use gtkr 1.4 instead and it's fine. Looks like the answer there was to create a new project file, putting it into %basepath%/scripts (for you, id1/scripts), and giving it the correct engine and texture paths for your install of Q1/DP, thus creating a "mod directory" for radiant to work out of.
Some of the textures are in folders within the id1/textures folder, but the majority aren't
Where are they then? If the config files tell gtkr that the basepath is "id1," then "id1/textures" is where you'd want them.
Of course, gtkr 1.4's config files were nice easy text files, and 1.5 has bizarre xml monstrosities. Not sure how similar it would be for 1.5.
Yeah Grahf
#6847 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/01/17 23:49:41
That's the solution I've come to, myself. I'll just have to downgrade to 1.4 and hope for the best this weekend =D
#6848 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/01/18 02:26:45
GTK1.4 is working, but not with the "progressive" JPGs I've been using (from the Rygel hi-def texture pack for DP). But once I converted them to .tgas, all went well. I dunno If I'll use those textures, maybe some of them, but at least I know what I can get working at the moment.
Update (gah)
#6849 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/01/18 03:38:02
Well, not GTK1.4 doesn't seem to want to save my maps. All the paths are in order (even the editor itself under the "save as" command shows the way directly to "\quake\id1\maps"), but the map still doesn't get saved. I even tried opening an old saved map and changing it (no dice). Mondo bizarro.
Re: Zerstorer Info (#6836)
#6850 posted by negke on 2008/01/20 11:41:16
Actually, I wasn't quite right.
If there are multiple bloodcubes in a map, their time adds up (the more there are, the longer the one the player picks up lasts, but itapparently does run out sooner or later). This way, one could make a map in which the player has the bloodcube the entire time. It can be removed by killtargeting it.
It's also possible to pick up several bloodcubes at once - this multiplies the damage. Of course, all of them also feed on the player, so his health is drained faster, too.
Thanks to aguirRe for investigating.
#6851 posted by rudl on 2008/01/20 11:54:57
I'm too stupid to set up GTKradiant for Quake correctly.
Where do I have to place the .wad files?
#6852 posted by negke on 2008/01/20 12:06:37
In the id1 directory.
#6853 posted by rudl on 2008/01/20 16:59:32
Gtkradiant And Hammer Map Files
#6854 posted by Ankh on 2008/01/20 23:53:43
I have a map file created in hammer. Is there a way to open it in gtkradiant? I get an "parse error at '[': expected '#number'" when I try to open it.
In Addition...
#6855 posted by grahf on 2008/01/21 00:34:06
What neg|ke said will work for GTKRadiant 1.5, as I understand. For 1.4, look at a guide like necros's that tells you how to set it up (basically you have to convert the WAD's to jpg or tga):
Func_train Control
#6856 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/01/21 12:36:53
I want to have a func_train in my level that is to travel to a series of path_corners. I want it to travel to each path_corner and wait until triggered before moving to the next path_corner.
Is this doable in vanilla Quake? I have it moving to the first corner and stopping but then I can't get it moving again.
#6857 posted by necros on 2008/01/21 12:45:31
not in vanilla quake afaik. maybe some clever hack? but not with the standard set of entities.
if you set wait to -1, it'll just stop at the corner forever. you can only make a train start by being triggered once.
#6858 posted by JPL on 2008/01/21 12:48:55
I didn't test it but, just imagine you would use several trigger_once (one for for each path_corner stop) in order to force the func_train to restart: wouldn't it work ?
#6859 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/01/21 13:21:59
I tried that but it seems like you can only trigger the func_train one time. After that, it ignores you. I can sort of hack it using multiple func_trains but that's really depressing from a hackery point of view.
Would love to solve this elegantly...
This Probably Won't Work
#6860 posted by czg on 2008/01/21 14:30:50
I haven't got a chance to test this myself, and I doubt it works, but try creating a solid entity like this:
"classname" "info_notnull"
"solid" "4"
"dmg" "2"
"movetype" "7"
"blocked" "train_blocked"
"use" "train_next"
"speed" "100"
"nextthink" "0.2"
"think" "func_train_find"
"noise" "misc/null.wav"
"noise1" "misc/null.wav"
I'm thinking it will mess up because it doesn't do the setmodel(self ...) calls at the start, but it's worth a shot. And maybe some clevererer people than me will think of a solution.
I Hope It Does Work!!
#6861 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/01/21 14:36:30