#6788 posted by metlslime on 2013/08/28 21:35:52
Mirror's Edge -- I liked it a lot. It's a first-person parkour puzzle game. The puzzles are cool. The environments are cool. The art style is cool. They have some shooting but manage to balance it so shooting is not the ultimate solution to most problems. The story is good enough, but not critical to enjoying the game. The cinematics are kind of budget, but are few enough and don't drag on.
#6789 posted by DaZ on 2013/08/28 22:59:22
definitely worth playing Mirrors Edge. Super awesome art style and parkour stuff.
The actual shooting is actually quite bad unfortunately, luckily its not the focus and doesn't go on for too long.
I haven't played FEAR 2 but I enjoyed the original quite a lot from what I remember.
 Fun Little Free Game
#6791 posted by Spiney on 2013/08/31 12:23:44
I like it. Very authentic.
#6792 posted by necros on 2013/09/09 02:14:11
started playing mirror's edge. (as usual, i'm behind with games... )
interesting game that suffers from some weaknesses.
the main weakness is that the game isn't able to be as abstract as it needs to be the way portal can since it is supposed to be taking place in a real city.
but the thing with this game is that it wants you to run fast and react, but that usually the paths through the level take some time and planning (and some trial and error) so i end up feeling like a chump as i bumble along missing jumps (and falling to my death a lot) and stopping and staring around, trying to figure out how to get to where i want to be.
still, it's nice to see first person games that are different.
#6793 posted by necros on 2013/09/09 02:16:32
er... when i say it can't be as abstract as it needs to be, what i mean is that it can't be as explicit about what can be mantled, climbed, jumped, etc...
the 'runner vision', where bits of geometry that you can interact with in some way lights up as red is ok, but because it's only a short range effect, you can't actually use it to plan a route whereas in portal, everything is explicitly marked in some way and you can see exactly what you need to do before opening a single portal.
also, it's possible i just suck. i've never been very good at twitch games.
 Mirror's Edge
#6794 posted by gb on 2013/09/09 22:44:16
There is a set of standard moves in the game which the architecture is pretty much tuned to. With practice it's possible to judge what moves are possible where.
Yeah, the goal is to optimize your route/s through each level.
I find combat is also pretty cool in ME, I haven't seen so many games that allow you to disarm opponents with martial arts moves and pick up their weapon including the ammo left in the magazine. This is handled pretty well.
very great game IMO even if it suffers a little from being mostly linear. The route options are kinda limited and it is very scripted. More game modes might have helped, such as hiding bags for other players to find.
#6795 posted by necros on 2013/09/10 00:17:34
There is a set of standard moves in the game which the architecture is pretty much tuned to. With practice it's possible to judge what moves are possible where.
There is and i'm starting to recognize it a bit more, but the more advanced (and fun!) moves such as multiple wall running are rarely explicitly pointed out, so I end up missing them and don't really practice it.
I find combat is also pretty cool in ME
i haven't really explored combat at all! usually I just run away.
the few times where i've been forced to fight, i just treat it like a normal shooter and easily finish npcs without needing more than the first gun i grab.
but i don't do it unless i need to because killing the npcs feels strangely wrong in this game even though they are faceless evil dudes trying to kill me.
#6796 posted by gb on 2013/09/10 22:38:04
Yeah... I think the PKs have it coming though, so those are fair game.
 Another Giveaway
#6797 posted by negke on 2013/09/12 20:26:28
Anyone interested in Br�tal Legend and FTL: Faster Than Light? I have spare Steam keys.
 Lemme Guess...
humble bundle?
#6799 posted by mfx on 2013/09/12 23:32:29
it lives!
 Hmmm...or It�s Alive?
#6800 posted by mfx on 2013/09/12 23:34:10
my lazy brains...:)
#6801 posted by ijed on 2013/09/13 00:15:51
I've got an FTL one as well, but I tried plugging it into steam to see what'd happen and nothing did. Not sure if that makes it invalid or not.
Mark of the Ninja is just as good as everyone's being saying.
#6802 posted by Spiney on 2013/09/13 04:07:01
I'd be interested in FTL.
My Steam handle is Zynith.
#6803 posted by Spiney on 2013/09/13 04:08:24
These bundles... I have too many unplayed games in my steam list. I've just stopped buying them. FTL is something I genuinely wanna play though.
#6804 posted by Spirit on 2013/09/13 15:26:32
System Shock 2 is really hard to get back into after 3 weeks without. The maps are terrible. I just found out that you can press N to leave markers though. Died shortly after because my fingers missed the reload button and I panicked.
This game is so damn much ahead of HL in having a coherent, tight atmosphere and story. HL had more vista and diversity though so that might be better.
#6805 posted by ijed on 2013/09/13 15:48:21
Was much more accessible :)
The design was much more player friendly and well rounded.
#6806 posted by negke on 2013/09/13 16:42:45
Spirit's average game impression: http://i.imgur.com/1YrIG.jpg%3C/span%3E
Spiney: Got an email address? If non-public, send me one.
#6807 posted by Spiney on 2013/09/13 17:27:33
#6808 posted by Spirit on 2013/09/13 18:32:50
you got the wrong impression and I meant the maps (cartographic), not levels.
#6809 posted by Spiney on 2013/09/15 14:46:05
FTL is a bit disappointing, so many good reviews for a straightforward grinding and leveling game? I dunno... art is also kind of a mess.
I did pour half a day into it, so thanks for the key :P
Giving Amnesia another try.
#6810 posted by necros on 2013/09/15 16:05:36
yes, it looks boring to me too. i don't know why everyone likes it. there's nothing to it, you jump go from random encounter to random encounter until the game forces itself to completion.
#6811 posted by megaman on 2013/09/15 19:44:39
my impression as well. but even rogue-like-likers like it?!
#6812 posted by necros on 2013/09/15 20:44:24
well, it is very roguelike, is it not? totally random with discreet combat events.
but i don't like roguelikes either. :)