Now I Have Got...
#6763 posted by Shambler on 2013/08/14 13:53:59
Metro: Last Light (just started)
Bioshock Infinite (just installed)
Crysis 3 (just mail-ordered)
(Uninstalled FC3 as it was FC2 gameplay in FC1/Cry1 setting, didn't inspire.)
Any other modern games I should try??
#6764 posted by Spiney on 2013/08/14 17:33:34
Dishonored and Deus ex maybe... I'm a bit behind.
Done Both.
#6765 posted by Shambler on 2013/08/14 19:07:35
DH:HR, very good.
Dishonoured, great. Just got the 2 DLCs for that now.
#6766 posted by negke on 2013/08/20 22:04:35
I have spare Steam keys for Mirror's Edge and Dead Space. Anyone interested who hasn't played any of them, yet?
#6767 posted by negke on 2013/08/20 22:23:02
Mirror's Edge went to otp.
#6768 posted by erc on 2013/08/25 01:30:19
I apply for Dead Space.
#6769 posted by erc on 2013/08/25 01:35:22
I have no idea how the giveaways work, but my Steam username is ercicin.
#6770 posted by negke on 2013/08/25 09:24:46
It's a key that you need to activate in Steam. I sent it to the email address in your profile. Have fun!
In other news, Amnesia - A Machine for Pigs is finally released on 10 September! necros rejoice!
#6771 posted by erc on 2013/08/25 13:05:10
I'm so happy for that. :)
#6772 posted by necros on 2013/08/25 15:19:03
I had to stop playing the first one...
#6773 posted by ijed on 2013/08/26 02:02:22
I liked the first one but my interest waned when I discovered this tactic:
1. Monster appears
2. Run to the nearest corner
3. Stick your head in it
4. Leave the pc, go get a glass of water or something
5. Continue playing
I completely ruined it for myself I know, but I can't help taking advantage of an exploit.
Wasn't a fan of Dear Esther either, and apparently those two developers teamed up for AMFP. Esther was just a shoddy HL2 mod, for me at least.
Having said all that, Machine is still tempting...
And Here's A Video
#6774 posted by ijed on 2013/08/26 02:06:11
#6775 posted by [Kona] on 2013/08/26 12:58:29
Bit of shit trailer, just some dude walking around in pitch dark almost, and nothing actually happening. Doom3 looked better than this.
#6776 posted by ijed on 2013/08/26 15:15:20
A lot of the game actually. But yeah, the game play shown in that one is pretty staid.
But bear in mind if your expectations are for an atypical FPS then you'd be disappointed anyway.
What its strong on are the storytelling, environment design and raw fear.
#6777 posted by Spiney on 2013/08/26 15:41:21
Tried those games a few times but got bored pretty fast... I'dd rather play Myst.
#6778 posted by necros on 2013/08/26 15:44:09
just some dude walking around in pitch dark almost
That IS the game. There's no fighting of any kind.
#6779 posted by Spiney on 2013/08/26 17:07:25
There's also your character crying, shivering, moving like a slug and breathing heavily for no apparent reason :P
Heavy Smoker + Acid Flashbacks
#6780 posted by ijed on 2013/08/26 18:03:15
It All Makes Sense Now! :o
#6781 posted by Spiney on 2013/08/26 18:55:48
"too Boring"
#6782 posted by negke on 2013/08/26 19:27:04
More like too scary!
#6783 posted by [Kona] on 2013/08/27 01:00:16
I still plan on playing it, and the first Amnesia that I haven't played yet. I just hope they're better than the Penumbra's.
I'm A Bit Of A Pussy
#6784 posted by starbuck on 2013/08/27 15:13:06
but amnesia was too much for me. Christ, i just about shat myself
Y'all Are Pansies
#6785 posted by Spiney on 2013/08/27 16:40:52
now excuse me while i go wrestle a polar bear in my back yard.
#6786 posted by Spiney on 2013/08/28 03:32:59
Feels very much P2W...
I don't get all this upgrady crap... I never liked RPG's to begin with, and it's EVERYWHERE.
Really makes me wish ingame advertising worked out so there was some other F2P model...
#6787 posted by erc on 2013/08/28 21:23:42
Have anyone here played Mirror's Edge or F.E.A.R. 2? If so, quick thoughts?