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General Abuse
Talk about anything in here. If you've got something newsworthy, please submit it as news. If it seems borderline, submit it anyway and a mod will either approve it or move the post back to this thread.

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it is. Those eyes! 
Trent's Doom 3 Tracks 
Knowing the ways Trent Reznor does work, we should all be happily listening to his Doom 3 tracks in the year 2009. 
<--- Sliding 
Hello, this is probably an age-old question, does anyone know how to get around the sliding-forward bug in Quake (after stopping, the player keeps sliding forward for a bit like the fucker is on skates)? Is there are command to control this? Thanks. 
that's not a bug, that's the way the engine is configured...
you can change sv_friction from 4 to 10 or so, which stops the player from sliding faster... 
That's almost as annoying as the bug where if you run off the end of a ledge, you start accelerating towards the ground below. I'm surprised no-one's fixed this really.

/end sarcasm 
I liked the bloom in Fable.

Yes it was over the top, but it worked for me in a 'oooh, this is a pretty, magical fantasy world' way.

Shame that the game was too short (and even then started to get a bit too repeative/easy towards the end) 
Quake Physics 
Actually Those Urls Aren't Working, 
A Hello From Cairo 
and good to see some of you buggers actually releasing some maps! 
Take reference photos for us! 
Hi Nitin! 
All happening when you're away buddy, classic Q1SPs, maps that are making HL2DM fun, projects in the works, all sorts...=) 
just to confirm, I got your mail and I'll address the matter shortly :) 
Refresh Rate In Quake 
no matter what engine i use, about 1/3 of the time i open quake, the refresh rate won't be what i specified in reforce.exe and will be instead 60hz which is damned annoying on the eyes.
sure, i can restart the game and it most of the time uses the correct refresh rate (although this one time i restarted 3 times in a row and it was using 60hz each time which really bugged me) but this is slow and annoying.

can any one give me some help with this? 
Refresh Rate 
the next fitzquake lets you set the refresh rate in a menu (or with a cvar.) Might help. When i finally release it, i mean :P 
depends on your vidcard, there might be refresh rate override option in the driver settings so u can set constant refresh for certain resolutions.
what vidcard u got? 
i've got an ati 9600 np.
there are no refresh rate settings in my vid card options, i had to download reforce.exe to force my monitor to use the proper settings. reforce.exe is supposed to make the monitor use constant refresh rate which overrides the normal 60hz default.

so far, this only happens with quake, and then only 1/3 of the time. could it be something to do with opengl? most new games use directx, and not opengl which would explain why i haven't seen this problem in them... 
i'm not sure about the opengl here. as for the quake, persuade metlslime to release 0.8 asap and you'll be happy :) 
Gl Vs Linux 
From the marcher thread:

What video card and what linux distribution are you using? Post answer to General Abuse thread as to not to spam this thread.

Eh, I guess I was being rhetorical in asking for help. I've lost all enthusiasm for this particular battle.

Porting an enhanced engine to OS X seems like a more entertaining way of seeing marcher in it's full glory (a port of tenebrae already exists but the graphics card in my mac isn't good enough to run it, sigh. I need some new hardware, but for that I need a job, for that I need to finish my PhD, etc...). 
Opening Up Map Reviews To Everyone: 
see my site for full details:

I have found myself unfortunately and increasingly occupied and distracted by real life busyness, and as a result I have decided to experiment with the idea of throwing open the door [like lvl q3a] for anyone to submit reviews of maps to me, and if they meet the criteria listed below, they will be published.

Review Criteria:
[1]be a review of a recently released Q1SP map in the new "maps awaiting review pile" list, see top of this main index page.
[2]be at least 300 words long, no upper limit on review length. Also include a score out of 20.
[3]have decent standards of grammar, readability and English.
[4]in .txt file format, plus 4 [or more] screenshots [format preferred: 280*210 pixels, jpeg file format]. [if your not sure how to do screenshots, email me and we can sort it out].
[5]Please submit via email, with review and screenshots to:

Email me if you want to review a map and then your name will be placed in the list above as the "Assigned reviewer", this is so no-one duplicates a review for that map. [For example Tronyn is currently working on a review for the 1000 Brush Quake SP pack].

When a review has been submitted i will email the reviewer to let them know its ok and that their review will be posted here, and then the map will be deleted from the "maps awaiting review pile" list."

20 Points? 
That's odd...

Wouldn't be easier to say 5 stars or just 5? That's a good range. 
D3 Quote 
"While some have criticized Doom 3 for being a repetitive shooter, which to me is like criticizing Myst for having too many puzzles, this game is in my mind a masterpiece - the current pinnacle of the survival horror genre. The way I see it is this: you can either roll with the fun and actually enjoy the thrill ride that is Doom 3, or you can hang with the too-macho-to-be-heard-screaming crowd. The choice is yours -- I'm having fun. "


This is just SO true. I agree with this 100%.

Eh...just had to get that out :) 
Can I join the it-was-fun-for-the-first-hour-but-now-it's-just-irritating club instead? 
Oh, Arsenuggets 
Even better, can I join the "it was fun for the first hour, but now it's just irritating" club instead? 
I'm making a DM map so I'm looking for good, reliable bots to test with. As I have no idea which one(s) is/are best, I'm relying on someone else to do a google for me~!!

Also, if anyone has guidelines/general rules on making a decent DM map (layout etc) then I would be appreciative if someone pointed me in the right direction, thx. 
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