#6699 posted by JneeraZ on 2010/06/13 13:29:27
Working on getting a feel for L4D2 levels and how buildings should be structured. First attempt:
#6700 posted by bal on 2010/06/13 15:41:55
Looking good so far, quite believable structures. Looking forward to whatever you come up with.
#6701 posted by Vigil on 2010/06/13 16:04:56
Amazingly enough, I could see orange as a very believable choice for a strong jazz club. Structure's looking good too, though I imagine the top level could use a few more windows (or skylights).
#6702 posted by Zwiffle on 2010/06/13 16:32:53
That looks like a really solid building. Wish I bothered to spend time playing around with cool shapes like that. Good show old chap.
Some Progress
#6703 posted by JPL on 2010/06/13 17:36:28
Good Effort!
#6704 posted by madfox on 2010/06/13 19:57:08
First thing I wondered was, why the pillar stands so close to the wall, as for carrying weight it should have some distance.
But that's just seeking needles in a haystack.
Most of all that gun in the second pix reminded me of my frustration in the original game (/) I could only use it once.
Tiles versus rock very good done. Keep it up!
#6705 posted by necros on 2010/06/13 21:30:52
re 6699: i thought that was the actual texture for the jazz club until i looked closer and noticed they were dev textures. :P like vigil said, it actually wouldn't be a bad colour to go with. you know, faded and busted up a bit, but still. :)
re 6703: been looking forward to this map for a while now. bricks and tile detail is good, lighting is maybe a little flat from sunlight, but there are some nice shadows and contrast now.
#6706 posted by nitin on 2010/06/14 03:43:06
cool shapes.
jpl, why last map? 2nd pic looks nice.
Last = Latest
#6707 posted by JPL on 2010/06/14 08:11:49
.. don't worry ;)
#6708 posted by Ron on 2010/06/16 22:51:21
That looks great, JPL.
#6709 posted by madfox on 2010/06/17 20:26:24
that's a Malice gun, isn't it?
#6710 posted by generic on 2010/06/18 19:22:49
Plasma gun ;)
Did Quoth Invent The Plasmagun?
#6711 posted by madfox on 2010/06/20 23:56:22
I thought I saw it somewhere before that release.
(explaining my wondering I lost it after the cells were gone)
#6712 posted by necros on 2010/06/21 05:09:39
the quoth model and sounds are original. of course, there have been dozens of 'plasma rifles' going back to doom's rapid-fire gun which i'm sure everyone is familiar with.
the gun is supposed to be similar to quake3's plasma rifle what with it's rapid fire, medium damage and small explosion radius but more in-line visually and audibly with the 'phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range' from the original Terminator.
#6713 posted by Shambler on 2010/06/21 15:15:18
Willem I like that building outside, the curves look good, need to see more of that style, i.e. cool structures rather than just relying on textures/details.
JPL, looks good, Madfox has a good point tho...
8 Bit Demo
#6714 posted by qbism on 2010/06/22 06:09:08
Not a map, but a way to demo maps online.
Will go out of my way for a rotfish, now, something about the sound.
#6715 posted by metlslime on 2010/06/22 06:20:54
pretty cool... and you have transparent water too!
Is this a package that's easy to put together (given map x and demo y?)
Is there a way to set a smaller resolution (so you could embed it in a webpage the way youtube videos can be, rather than fullscreen?
#6716 posted by necros on 2010/06/22 06:31:22
you wouldn't even have to download demos anymore, you could just watch them right in a release thread o.o
#6717 posted by qbism on 2010/06/22 07:12:29
It's not too hard, especially after setting it up the first time.
A wad is made with the map, demo, and data.
An IDE called FlashDevelop combines this with the engine, which has been precompiled to Flash.
The view window can be any size and imbedded in a web page.
The engine is an enhanced WinQuake based on the Makaqu engine and ported to Flash. Can play some big maps but not quite up to Marcher yet.
#6718 posted by Vigil on 2010/06/22 09:51:06
You wouldn't even have to play the maps anymore, you could just watch them right in a release thread o.o
Bloody Hell
#6719 posted by nitin on 2010/06/22 10:01:12
thats pretty cool!!
#6720 posted by megaman on 2010/06/23 00:31:43
Spirit adds demo upload to quaddicted (or integrates with willem's upload site), and adds a way to embed flash for any map.
So basically youtube for quakedemos, you'd upload the demo and would get back an embed link.
in a month or two I even might volunteer for some coding.
#6721 posted by metlslime on 2010/06/23 01:46:01
QuakeTube would be very cool.
Of course it also requires the bsp (and/or the required mod) to also be included in the map.
But if those are already hosted on the server, the user only needs to upload the demo still.
#6722 posted by metlslime on 2010/06/23 03:11:21
Maybe this is already solved, but there probably needs to be a way for the embedded flash to pass its width and height into the software renderer so quake's video launches with the correct dimensions (so you don't get pixel scaling.) For small embeds (say 320x240) this would be much better than scaling down an 800x600 render, which would be both slower and not look as good.
#6723 posted by qbism on 2010/06/23 05:12:04
As it stands, video resolution can be modified, but it's baked into the Flash engine code. The web design and code would need to match to avoid pixel scaling.
To clarify, this Flash demo is a self-contained swf file with all needed data- pak, bsp, dem, progs.dat, etc. Nothing is 'streamed' from the server.