Other DX1 Mods
#6688 posted by quakis on 2013/06/06 18:29:11
... for those interested.
Project 2027: http://project2027.com/en/#/
Neat mod but can be tough. Plan to review this eventually...
Nihilum: http://www.moddb.com/mods/nihilum
This seems to be a recent release I noticed by chance. Haven't played it yet though.
#6689 posted by madfox on 2013/06/07 02:36:37
@DaZ - I kept turning and saving untill my saved games were up.
@spiney - I've talked to Tong, but when I try to return to the Canal-Road, Gordon Quick stands in the way, although I shoot out all my ammu on him.
It looks as a kind of block-up in the game
Fine textures in the mod.
I'm still a MonsterVodoo2 user, makes playing Unreal like games a joy.
Vodoo 2
#6690 posted by Spiney on 2013/06/07 12:09:28
Haha, that's awesome. I used to have a voodoo3 but threw it out, now I kind of regret not having it for building a retro gaming device.
There's also modernized renderers for UE1:
Both work well for me, they can give you the glide look under DX and OGL.
Quakis: I'll check those out sometime. Kind of in the mood for giving DX another twirl (happens every once a year or 2 lol).
#6691 posted by Spiney on 2013/06/07 13:58:34
#6692 posted by bal on 2013/06/07 14:43:25
Spacechem is awesome.
Believe It Or Not...
#6693 posted by Rick on 2013/06/07 16:55:34
I still have the Pentium Pro computer that I bought in 1996 just so I could play Quake. I put a 3Dfx card in it right after I bought it.
I later upgraded to a 3Dfx II, and... I still have the box that the 3Dfx II came in, and... inside that box is the original 3Dfx card.
The Pentium Pro still works fine, I turn it on a couple of times a year just to check. It has a 2.5 GB drive and 32 megs of RAM :)
#6694 posted by ijed on 2013/06/07 18:57:07
Is too clever for me.
Moster Vodoo II
#6695 posted by madfox on 2013/06/12 10:25:00
The screenshots on kentie.net illustrate the wild feeling VodooII delivered me the Unreal game more than twelve years ago.
The fine ligtning with halo glow, reflections and fog boosted up the game in an outrageous way.
It may be said the clarity of the screen was scattered by the pixel melting, but I still concern it as a great profit.
There have gone long shiftings of directX before those effects were obtainable.
If I had Vista I would try out that GL-score on DND3D and Rune, they look quiet spectulair.
#6696 posted by necros on 2013/06/15 18:29:27
i was thinking of picking up metro last light, but looking at the minimum specs for it has me a little worried...
i'm fine for cpu, ram, etc... but it has the nvidia 250gts listed as minimum.. which is what I have.
anyone here playing the game: what video card are you guys using vs how well does it play?
Dead Space 3.
#6697 posted by Shambler on 2013/06/22 00:09:01
Up to Chapter 5.
The controls are broken as fuck just like in Dead Space 2.
Use overrides aim mode for collecting items and opening doors, but not for using the bench nor control panels.
Any tutorial introducing a new action requires holding aim to use despite almost all actions working with aim toggle on otherwise.
A few random things don't work with aim toggle for no reason.
Quick stasis doesn't work in aim mode despite quick health working.
The mouse feel is horrible and swingy especially in aim mode.
The health bar is obscured most of the time in close combat despite the cruciality of quick health.
Basically one of the main ways I get through combats is focusing a lot on the keyboard and what to press, rather than actually aiming and moving. This is of course the polar opposite of what a natural and transparent control system should be like.
The other issue is that apparently (I read in a few comments on Blues etc) there are loads of resources and ammo and health in the game. So far I have found the resources to be more scarce than pretty much any other game I've played. This is including playing carefully, using stasis a lot, not wasting ammo and hunting in every bloody area I can find. This is the other main way I get through combat, by cheesing the fuck out of it by running away and waiting for stasis to recharge.
It looks great, the detail is excellent, the sci-fi style is done very well, the ship graveyard is splendid, and it's intriguing enough for me to put up with the seemingly deliberate control bullshit and keep playing.
#6698 posted by [Kona] on 2013/06/22 09:08:13
I'm back playing games again! Haven't actually had time to play anything since last year. Anyway I played COD: World at War and Necrovision. Anyone played Necrovision? I really liked it, the design and art in second half really feels like an id game. Combat was good fun.
Reviewed them both http://www.etherealhell.com/etherealhell/reviews/2013/call_of_duty_world_at_war.php
and http://www.etherealhell.com/etherealhell/reviews/2013/necrovision.php (8/10)
#6699 posted by [Kona] on 2013/06/22 09:24:53
Oh, I tried to play The Witcher too. Turns out you can't remap the mouse buttons and most the keys. Fuck that infuriates me. Same with the sequel I think (anyone tried?).
Anyone looked into the possibility of playing an Xbox or PS with mouse/keyboard? Too many games are coming out for consoles and not PC, I might have to get a console, but I sure as fuck aren't playing without my mouse/kb.
Yeah, Has Been Wondering The Same,
#6700 posted by dooomer on 2013/06/22 12:47:57
though they say it's easy to play FPS with the controller on xbox360, I would surely prefer to take down baddies with mouse and keyboard.
#6701 posted by Spiney on 2013/06/23 00:44:49
I don't think so, the majority of current console constituency has been raised with twin stick shooters.
It's actually not that bad once you get used to it... there's far bigger problems with console fps (z-axis? never heard of it! the new patch allows you to raise your fov to a whopping 30! I heard you like health management so it now regenerates at twice the rate!) There's a few Wii fps games which work surprisingly well with the Wii controller, though it takes some getting used to (and the controller is still lacking in reliable tracking regardless)
Tomb Raider (2013 Reboot/prequel)
#6702 posted by Jago on 2013/06/23 01:17:40
I am playing this on PS3 right now, but posting here since supposedly the PC version is even better. DO GET THIS GAME. It's stupidly good. Some very amazing level design. Also the first Tomb Raider game in over a decade that actually got me interested.
#6703 posted by mfx on 2013/06/23 01:37:54
the ld in this One is quite amazing, if Not to say briliant. yes!
evryone should at least live it a try.
#6704 posted by DaZ on 2013/06/25 15:35:43
Indie dev Lunar Software just released a new trailer for Routine, a SS2 style space exploration/horror game. LOOKS SICK! Permadeath btw :)))
New Lara
#6705 posted by gb on 2013/06/25 17:19:09
is too "ouch, I'm so emotional and helpless" for my taste.
Old Lara was a kickass rich British sexually confident adventurer. Apparently that is not a role that's accepted for women in Western society anymore. We have become too touch feely for that.
All Crystal Dynamics TRs have great level design, btw. I'd almost go so far as to say, "all TRs have good level design".
#6706 posted by Rick on 2013/06/25 18:33:04
"ouch, I'm so emotional and helpless"
Keep playing, that doesn't last very long at all.
Looks awesome. They seem to be fans of Dark Souls at that developer so they definitely have good taste in games.
I didn't think you liked hard games DaZ?
#6708 posted by Spirit on 2013/06/25 21:41:35
#6709 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/06/25 22:22:51
#6710 posted by erc on 2013/06/25 23:53:13
Thanks for posting that. As you've stated, it looks (and sounds) sick - definitely one to look forward to.
#6711 posted by Spiney on 2013/06/26 09:35:25
reminds me of a UT2K4 mod called Hollow Moon
#6712 posted by Jago on 2013/06/26 12:21:48
New Lara is too "ouch, I'm so emotional and helpless" for my taste.
That's kinda the point, this game is a prequel/reboot which is timeline-wise Lara's first actual expedition ever, so she is very green. That being said, Lara gradually stops being so afraid and emotional about 1/4 into the game as she gets accustomed with the situation she has to deal with.