I'm Not Denying
that I'm being an elitist in this instance.
There's added value in the achievement if you have managed to complete something that someone else has not. Now I understand you're saying "well you just put up the difficulty if you want it to be harder", but conversely if you buy a game and you can't do it you just bump it down to easy mode and win. You can't do this in Dark Souls and thus the value of completing the game is higher because there is no easy-mode option as a crutch.
Because of the notorious difficulty of the game, that is not simply an option to change at your whim, the game is less forgettable.
I don't need to justify the game, it's perfectly fine if you disagree with me. I'm happy to be labelled as an elitist, I don't want noobs in mah game ;)
Also, Maor Maps
you probably wont see me making a map for a while since with my new job and the fact that I'm buggering off to turkey in a weeks time (for 2 weeks) I wont even be near a pc :P
That and I spent so long making that base map that I have mappers block with my blue map (that was already started)...
#6665 posted by Shambler on 2013/05/29 21:58:48
Well I thought FESP1 sucked because obviously Hard/Nightmare skill is the only mode to play it on and it's st0000pid that n00bs can cheese through the map on Easy "skill" and ruin the experience for themselves AND me!
(sorry, bored of going round in circles, just gonna take the piss now ;))
#6666 posted by Shambler on 2013/05/29 21:59:40
Enjoy Turkey, hope you get blue map motivation back, and post 6666, bitches!
does indeed suck... worst map ever. I actually made the new revision easier on normal and easy. I should have made the hard version spawn like 30 shamblers in the final room.
Save The Date
#6668 posted by bal on 2013/06/01 01:42:29
This game is pretty cool, it's about going on a date with your girlfriend, quite experimental, you should seriously all give it a try :
#6669 posted by Spirit on 2013/06/02 11:48:33
Hotline Miami
What a disappointing game. At first I thought it would be ace, but then it turned out to be just 4 or 5 music tracks, boring story, extremely frustrating "try 1000 times" boss fights. Aiming is hard. A good game I guess but fuck it.
Hotline Miami is one of the best games I've played. I enjoyed the hell out of it, and there are like 20-30 tracks (I know, I bought the soundtrack).
The games difficulty is one of the best aspects, also I love the twitch gameplay.
Though I do think the bosses are bullshit.
#6672 posted by Spirit on 2013/06/02 15:17:51
I am stuck at the car boss and it is zero fun because I simply die after seconds if I am not immediately crushed by the car.
Maybe there is more music later? So far I had very few songs (great ones though).
#6673 posted by Rick on 2013/06/02 16:02:36
is on Steam special for $6, I'm wondering if it's worth getting even though it's pretty old.
I've already played Fallout3, Oblivion, Skyrim and New Vegas. I played FO3 all the way to the end, but in general have never really enjoyed the main quest line of these games and pretty much just ignore it. I basically just like exploring the world and doing quests.
#6674 posted by necros on 2013/06/02 16:11:46
There's the morrowind graphics extender which gives you a modern far view distance like oblivion.
Morrowind Overhaul
#6675 posted by negke on 2013/06/02 16:38:59
There's a plethora of mods, a real mess if you're not familiar with the nooks and crannies. An excellent (automated) mod package I can recommend is Morrowind Overhaul. I re-played the game with version 2 some time ago. It looks gorgeous, although it also puts quite a bit of strain on the machine the more you max out the visuals. It's not only graphical, I think, but also includes some script fixes.
Spirit: aw, you're like a little puppy. As soons as the level starts, run to the room on the left for cover. You can pick off the enemies from there.
Negke, You Dog
#6676 posted by Spirit on 2013/06/02 18:07:36
I did that and always ran out of ammo. And since I could not hit the molotov guy from there I thought it was a wrong approach.
The Car Boss...
piece of piss. took me a single go.
Neg is right, you jump to the left and just blast away. The game does have a couple of difficulty spikes, I love the helmet parts.
#6678 posted by Spirit on 2013/06/02 19:45:54
wtf did I buy..
Artsy-fartsy critic thing. r_drawflat, cl_*speed 50, sensitivity 0.01 and acceleration. Does not seem to have any gameplay elements. Accessing the menu requires you to hold esc for several seconds to see a "YOUR EYES ARE CLOSING YOU ARE SO IMMERSED" animation but not too long because then it quits right away.
Car Boss
#6679 posted by Drew on 2013/06/02 20:44:12
isn't piece of piss, exactly. Like I seriously doubt most people survive that 1st go.
But far from unbeatable. Just keep at it!
Hotline Miami SPOILERS
#6680 posted by Spirit on 2013/06/02 20:54:19
I did beat it earlier and was pretty pissed that the objective was not killing the molotov guy but just two groups of enemies.
Then I got to the capital sin of gaming, the hospital section where the view spins around and the player character randomly shambles and stops moving. Fuck that. Reminds me of that rmq demo poison(?) part where I got nauseous from the distortion. Blargh...
On the upside, finally new music.
Killing helmet proved the hardest fight for me, I didn't enjoy it at all (and it took me like a million go's to do).
Everything after that wasn't bad though, thoroughly loved it.
Just To Be Contrarian
#6682 posted by Drew on 2013/06/03 19:52:33
All in how it's utilized, I'd say - and there are of course a lot of ways to go wrong. Poison effect shit *can*be done well though - eg Yoshi's Island.
Gunpoint Is Out
#6683 posted by ijed on 2013/06/03 20:52:38
#6684 posted by madfox on 2013/06/06 03:09:33
I know it's sounds weird from a call in the dark from someone who's lost in DeusEx in the Canal-Road and can't pass the automobile accident.
It breaks me up to loose all JCDenton's code and cheat for the next level.
#6685 posted by DaZ on 2013/06/06 09:08:59
It depends where you are in the story, at a certain point the story will progress and the automobile accident will clear by itself and you can get past it.
What is your current objective?
Very Cool:
#6686 posted by Shambler on 2013/06/06 10:57:48
#6687 posted by Spiney on 2013/06/06 11:02:50
There's 2 Versalife missions; in the first you need to obtain a employee pass and go through the main entrance elevator (near the market and lucky money iirc). Once you done that and talked to Tong, etc... the road blocks should be lifted and you can plummet into the sewer entrance in the back of the tunnel.
Been a while since I played so my memory is kinda hazy :P
Oh, and if you finish the game you can always try The Nameless Mod: http://thenamelessmod.com/real/
It's pretty awesome haha.