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Tyrutils-ericw V0.15.1
Hey, I got around to setting up a website for my branch of tyrutils: (complete with lots of screenshots of different settings of AO, sunlight, etc!)
and making an "official" release of it.

Nothing major changed compared with the last snapshot (may 1st), but a couple new things:

* .lux file support from Spike, for deluxemapping
* gamma control with -gamma flag and "_gamma" key
* rename -dirty flag to -dirt for consistency
* fence texture tracing is now opt-in only with the "-fence" flag.
* light should run a bit faster

This doesn't have lit2. Not sure what to do with that, tbh.

If there's a demand for it, I was thinking I could make a tool that upscales all textures in a wad by 2x or 4x, and adds a "-2x"/"-4x" suffix to the names. You could then manually get the higher-res lightmap on certain faces by applying the upscaled texture, and lowering the texture scale to 0.5 or 0.25 in your editor.

The only real disadvantage of this hacky method over lit2 is more face subdivision by qbsp. This isn't great, but it shouldn't be an issue if the hack is used sparingly (and bsp2 can be used if needed for higher face/vert limits.)

Anyway, enjoy, I hope this is pretty bug-free.
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Yeah I guess bouncing styles would have a similar problem to styles on lights with 1/x or 1/x^2 falloffs: you could propagate styles to tons of surfaces everywhere and it could get out of control.

I think for most styled lights, you won't really notice the lack of bounce, but if you start doing styled sunlight, then I think sunlight bounce would be noticeable and you'd expect it to change like the direct sunlight does. 
How is the "ambient lighting" determined in Makaqu?

Nearly the same as in MDL models, using R_LightPoint and the entity origin, offset by the relative model position.

As for a pure QC + assets workaround... How about this:

- Make one model on origin A (start), and another on origin B (end).

- Set the B model to non-solid, and enlarge it by 1 unit (not 1%) on each direction.

- In the QC code, make the B model follow the origin of the A model.

- Implement code to fade the .alpha of the B model according to how far it is from the end position.

Almost every custom engine supports .alpha, so this shouldn't be a problem unless someone really wants to target vanilla WinQuake/GLQuake. 
Bmodels With _shadow 1 Lighting Problem 
Does light do simplified calculations on bmodels with _shadow 1? I get weird squares of shadows on solids from complex bmodels (in places, not everywhere). Splitting a big bmodel into a few smaller ones doesn't change anything. Any suggessions? 
There have been problems with _shadow 1 bmodels intersecting/touching each other, or the world. The faces that are touching can have artifacts, either black fringes or solid black or other artifacts.

I forget what the current status is, because I've been swapping in and out hacks to try to combat that.. but I'm working on a more correct fix.

Other than that, there shouldn't be any problem with shadows from bmodels. Check your version is 0.15.9, or feel free to email me screenshot/map if it seems like a different bug. 
If the bmodel doesn't touch another solid, the problem should be gone? 
Yeah, if they're not touching the problem should not occur (at least a 2 unit gap. The light sample points are 1 unit above the face, having these sample points blocked is what causes issues) 
that was very helpful 
does "-bounce 1" bounce lights with negative values? 
Negative lights are ignored by bounce 
Hexen 2 Rotating Entities Broken 
The use of an origin brush for rotating entities doesn't work with -hexen2. The origin brush is visible ingame and the brush still rotates around the map origin 
Yeah, there is no origin brush support at the moment.

Current behaviour is (designed for Q1 hipnotic rotation):
If a brush entity classname starts with "rotate_", qbsp looks at the "target" key, and searches for the targetted (point) entity. That point entity's origin becomes the origin of the brush entity.

I'm not sure if that is compatible with Hexen 2 rotation? 
Probably Not 
Hexen 2's is more like half-life, though it uses the "flags" key for how many degrees it should rotate. I think you can manually enter the origin to specify where it should rotate but that doesn't seem to work right in trenchbroom 
Figured Out A Sort Of Workaround 
You can actually manually put the origin in, but you have to place the brush at the map origin or it ends up outside the map.

Kind of a pain to light it properly but it works otherwise. 
lmao that sounds like an editing nightmare 
Tried implementing it, download available on the github issue

It might be handy for Quake too.
Hope I did it right.. if there is a brush in a brush entity with the "origin" texture, the center of that brush is used as the model origin (qbsp translates the model so that point is at 0 0 0, and sets the "origin" key).

Also light no longer cares about the classname starting with "rotate_", if the brush entity has an "origin" key set to something other than "0 0 0", the faces will be translated to that position during lighting (hopefully doesn't break anything?) 
Im Wondering 
Is there a standard for final compile settings? I assume people leave BSP and VIS parameters alone, except maybe -bsp2 for BSP? Is that something everyone uses, or only if the map somehow doesn't compile as a regular BSP? Is there any reason not to use BSP2?

For light, judging by the doc page on Eric's site, I'd guess people use -extra4, -gate 1, -bounce 1, and maybe some -soft? 
Final Compiles 
Yeah, the main thing is to use -extra4 on light; the other tools can stay with the default settings.

-gate 1 is probably fine but it's actually a faster/lower quality option than the default. -bounce 1 is something you want to use from the beginning if you are going to use it, since it'll change the entire look of the map. -soft is personal taste, it will make the final lightmap softer.

Is there any reason not to use BSP2?
It's best not to use the -bsp2 flag unless it's needed so the map will run on the widest range of engines (including vanilla ones). qbsp will print an error if the map exceeds limits so that it requires -bsp2. 
-bouncescale .8 or so? What about sunlight and dirt settings in the worldspawn? 
Tougher to generalize as those are more artistic choices. The screenshots / settings on the website give some starting points, you can also check map sources for ideas. 
I did check out some of the AD maps and was surprised to find very little dirt is used. Judging by the 1000 Cuts screenies I'd expect a lot more dirt, but maybe that's because of the greyscale. Sock seems to use 96 dirt, I'd think an intermediate between 256-512 would look nice. 
Sock seems to use 96 dirt, I'd think an intermediate between 256-512 would look nice.

Sock's 96 dirtdepth is not a bad value actually. A dirtdepth of 256-512 is something that works when looking at a distant shot of an otherwise fullbright map, like in the preview image on ericw's page. For a normally lit map, it means surfaces 256-512 units away will be darkening your target surface, which can just suck all the light out of interior rooms quite easily. 
I know it's probably a good value; Sock chose it. I have no Quake experience so all I have to go on are Eric's pics and various worldspawns. I need to jump in and make myself a test map. 
I prefer to set things like bounce in worldspawn and keep my compilation configuration as "universal" as possible. I just use -extra4 and -soft on my light config, and I usually use bsp2 for qbsp because what current engine doesn't support it, anyway? 
Don't use bsp2 if you don't need it. 
You can use the bounce parameters in the worldspawn? It doesn't say that on Eric's site. 
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