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does this channel still exist I connected to and joined channel and nuthing was there. 
It's now 
Well, QFusion 
is an exceptional alternative to the Q3 source if anyone is sorely dissapointed. 
I'm The Lamest Spammer Ever:\ 
Please, tell me if it's annoying!

I just redesigned
Maybe you'd take a look.
Riddick GDK Out 
if anyone is interested, seems like there's a new version of ogier available too: 
For The Love Of God No Why 
Well, a rather spectacular hard drive failure just toasted the sources to every map I've ever made with the exception of Lun3dm4 and set Byzantine back by a month.

Happy fuckin' new year. 
That kinda sucks totally. Bad luck man. 
Which motherfucker is changing my thread icons then?? Own up, bitch! 
Fuck Me, Lun 
No backup? :/ 
Sorry to hear, man. I rather similar thing happened to me on Christmas day.

P.S. I'll be in the Quad Cities (*ahem* villages) Jan 4 through 8 wanna get drunk together and drown in each other's tears like a couple of drunk retards*?

*Note that that simile may not be a simile and may in fact be the truth. 
Yes but I'm back in Savannah again and nowhere near the Quad Hovels.

Also I got drunk on the 31st and concluded that it didn't stay fun long enough before the regurgitation begins.

I do have a backup, blackdog, but it's from december 4th or so. I was actually sitting at the machine thinking "Finish reading this website and then run the backup" when it all went to hell. :( 
Sad To Hear, Lun 
Savannah, eh? A hiking/canoe trip around Cumberland Island would be a better remedy for malaise than drinking it up anyway. 
Shambler, I did. note icon is boring as the only thread icon. 
I liked the idea Peej had going for whatever Qmap version was going to come after the one he did before spending a year in Australia and letting the server explode. Instead of little UBB faces there were little icons of famous pictures of people with different expressions. The :P was that Einstein picture, for example, where he's waggling his tongue.

Note that I stole this idea and made it babies. 
Most Effective GIS Ever 
Most Effective GIS Ever


(Check out the random dog in a sea of einsteins on page 3). 
Oh Dear Gods 
I haven't laughed so much in ages

thx Lun :) 
Scampie, You Are A Disgrace. 
But actually fair enough. Apart from the p1mp icon, I never use that. 
Chronicles Of Riddick. 
Anyone played this and know how to disable headbob / the general crazy wobbling movement?? It's like playing through a slow-mo washing machine and doing my tits in a bit...

Help plz! 
you cant, and yes, that sucks. 
just wanted to check if i was reading this right:
STALKER = Post Apocalyptic Morrowind, pretty much, as in, you have complete freedom to move around and get missions from npcs in the gameworld which you can but don't need to follow. 
Asian Tsunami Relief - FACE OF FRIENDSHIP.ORG

Anyway, this might be regarded as spam, but obviously this is all towards helping out the recent victims of the tsunami. A bunch of us at a music forum - have collaborated on a track that is downloadable, with your donation. I was merely responsible for the website. Donations can be made via PayPal, or directly to the Disasters Emergency Committee where all of the PP money is being sent to. I've heard we've already got hundreds of dollars of donations in. Several people on those forums have connections in the music industry and media outlets, and are trying to get this more widespread.

There are downloadable flyers you can print as well, and link banners. We have plans on releasing a couple more MP3's, and eventually a compilation CD, but we wanted to get 1 song out ASAP. It took about a week of collaborative, songwriting, editing, mixing, file-swapping effort and the track is sounding great.

So if you haven't already helped, or want to help again, check out the operation and thanks much for your consideration. 
Sorry To Hear Lun 
That suriously bites man. I'm sure you'll move on, but it'll be rough. Not a back up in sight I take it by your post. It makes me think of redunancy for myself, but I'm sure I'll never bother with it. 
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