#6613 posted by
DaZ on 2010/03/06 14:00:43
That is the best thing I have ever played.
Yo Dawg
#6616 posted by kaz on 2010/03/12 22:20:03
Yo Dawg
#6617 posted by
Zwiffle on 2010/03/12 22:23:30
I heard you like beta testin' so I put a beta in yo beta so you can test while you test.
#6619 posted by
DaZ on 2010/03/14 23:55:08
I would seriously reconsider that green lighting / fog, it overpowers everything else in the map.
I've never played the mod, so no idea if the layout is good or not, sorry!
#6620 posted by
meTch on 2010/03/15 20:26:30
i suppose your right, ill get on it :o
Since It's All Silent Around Here...
#6621 posted by gb on 2010/03/23 12:02:04
Oh Yes,
#6623 posted by
Shambler on 2010/03/23 21:41:52
Wait a mo, that one was released already?
#6624 posted by
necros on 2010/03/23 21:43:24
that was rj's map that originally had q3 block10 textures.
#6625 posted by
rj on 2010/03/23 22:38:13
ijed emailed me a while back asking if i'd be up for donating it to the project. i obliged and duly became part of the team :) 4 & 6 are also heavily in progress, maybe 7 too at a later date..
Fullbright So You Can See
#6626 posted by
meTch on 2010/03/23 23:17:44
Pretty Cool Metch
#6627 posted by gb on 2010/03/24 11:01:20
put trim around those platforms and put in lots of spotlights?
#6628 posted by negke on 2010/03/25 12:27:16
Neat. The streched tile texture in the second shot could use improvement - mask the c/p transitions.
A Small Wip
#6629 posted by
AEnoch on 2010/04/03 01:29:02
Looks Great
#6630 posted by
ijed on 2010/04/03 01:44:29
Which engine?
Point of fact, which game?
The green tiles look a bit washed out... personally I'd go for a terracotta or something, to tie in with the other details / lighting.
If you're wanting the red/green contrast maybe a bit more saturation.
#6631 posted by
JneeraZ on 2010/04/03 02:10:22
Those are Unreal Tournament textures ... so maybe UT? Looks good though! I've always loved that set.
#6632 posted by
nitin on 2010/04/03 03:10:51
havent seen that used in a while.
Needs more saturation though like ijed said. DM or sp?
It's UT
#6633 posted by
AEnoch on 2010/04/10 14:03:24
It's DM.
Here's another 'wider' view of the area. The area on the immediate left hasn't been touched really so try to ignore that.
#6634 posted by
JneeraZ on 2010/04/10 14:07:44
Wow, UT 99? Awesome! Love that set... Definitely break that floor up with some tiling variation or something.
I Suggest
#6635 posted by
nitin on 2010/04/10 17:29:43
trying some of the converted WoT floor textures.
#6636 posted by
AEnoch on 2010/04/10 23:37:03
I've been looking for some tile variation textures so I can do patterns of some kind on the floors. Floor textures seemed to be over looked in past games.
Not sure where to find the WoT textures. Unless it's quake, finding things for older games is tough.
#6637 posted by
nitin on 2010/04/11 02:29:34
not sure either. I imagine if you grab a WoT themed UT map though, such as dm-baal, they would be in the unr?