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Get onto it now!
Get onto the hotdog! 
Happy New Year 
From the central time zone. 
Call Of Cthulhu Game

This call of cthulhu game has been in development for forty billion years now, it's up there with DNForever. However, the CoC game has an approximate release date and their website is being updated fairly frequently with information. Anyone else really peeing their pants with excitement?

I'm not really familiar with Lovecraft's work to be honest, but I'm interested in it, and the CoC game looks like it's going to be the bees knees.

It sounds like it will be quite different from most other FPS type games being released around the same time too - more an adventure than an action game or pseudo-RPG. The team seem to be making the game quite slow paced and a little more realistic than most are used to and leaving the player fairly weak. I really like the idea of insanity effects, although Eternal Darkness on the GC had some rather irritating ones.

There are many video clips of the game in action around the net, most of them showing off a very dark, gloomy and frightening world. Sometimes the graphics look a little primitive (sometimes not) but who cares as long as it's not all polish and nothing underneath? 
Sounds good, gameplay and stuff. Sounds like they're making the effort to make something a bit different. Shots look nice and atmospheric but kinda need a top engine to do them justice. 
Not read any lovecraft stuff, but it sounds odd and interresting... hope the game is good, but the graphics do look a bit shit imo 
yeah, this game looks pretty hot. but as you mentioned, there are some screen shots that look kind of bad -- i guess i've been spoiled with all the new games coming out with supercrazy graphics. still, i love horror games that can scare the shit out of me, so am really looking forward to this game.
some of the insanity effects sound annoying,but it may work in the game, so i'm willing to wait and see. 
oh look at necros in his shiney new purple nickname! 
About The Vampire patch (not wanting to clutter up the other thread), which one should I install? The official 1.2 from Activision or the unofficial 1.2 from Dan_upgrade?? I tried the latter as it was the only one listed on planetvampire but it wouldn't work... 
I'm running the unofficial 1.2 at the moment, but I would suggest grabbing the official one at this point, as it (reportedly) fixes the same game-breaker shit that Dan's does, and also fixes code stuff that a fan-made patch can't touch.

What wouldn't work for the unofficial 1.2? The link? The install? 
I am quite looking forward to the Cthulhu game, and really hoping it's good and doesn't make me cry.

And the lemmings link caused Firefox to shit itself in a messy manner...maybe I'll try in IE. 
The Unofficial... 
Got an error: Can't find file Vampire\maps\sp_soc_3.bsp

...even when the patch was placed on the Vampire\maps folder right next to the sp_soc_3.bsp file. DOHWTF. 
um...that's quite odd. I ran omaVampPatch1.2.exe from the root Vampire directory (i.e. sitting parallel with the bin, docs, and Vampire folders) and it installed just fine. That *is* one of the maps it replaces (and backs up).

I did install the 1.1 version first; perhaps that has something to do with it?

I just hope the official patch works for you. I love this game, and the bugs wouldn't be so painful if the game wasn't so much fun.

If you're eating stew in a greasy dive in the worst slum in Calcutta, a rat turd thrown in the mix just kinda makes you shrug, but when you find the same dropping in one of the best meals you've had, it makes Baby Jesus cry. 
but when you find the same dropping in one of the best meals you've had, it makes Baby Jesus cry.

Ack. Pretty much had that happen one time. 
Doom 3 On Voodoo 2 
Im Off 
to backpack around egypt for a month, see you people then.

And hopefully some new maps too. 
yeah, ok. Some people definately have too much time on their hands! Honestly what a waste of time! 
Larva in my chili. I was quite enjoying it until that moment.

Thankfully the larva were dead. 
glad i've never had any really nasty experiences like that. Eaten a few worms I guess, but that's probably a hint i shouldnt eat fruit grown in my garden. 
Suck It Up 
bugs are healthy for you. i eat cockroaches all the time. sometimes i'll eat two or three cocks at a time. they're good for you. 
That Note Above 
Talk about anything in here.

Applies more now than ever. 
ther new nin album is finished! anyone exited?

Egypt Eh! 
Have a good one nitin! 
Carmack Blog And Q3 Source 
.plan files are so passe these days!

I intended to release the Q3 source under the GPL by the end of 2004, but we had another large technology licensing deal go through, and it would be poor form to make the source public a few months after a company paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for full rights to it. True, being public under the GPL isn�t the same as having a royalty free license without the need to disclose the source, but I�m pretty sure there would be some hard feelings.

Previous source code releases were held up until the last commercial license of the technology shipped, but with the evolving nature of game engines today, it is a lot less clear. There are still bits of early Quake code in Half Life 2, and the remaining licensees of Q3 technology intend to continue their internal developments along similar lines, so there probably won�t be nearly as sharp a cutoff as before. I am still committed to making as much source public as I can, and I won�t wait until the titles from the latest deal have actually shipped, but it is still going to be a little while before I feel comfortable doing the release.

Doh :[. Site has been slashdotted btw, not working atm. 
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