#6579 posted by madfox on 2007/10/21 03:10:16
#6580 posted by rudl on 2007/10/22 17:42:33
Well just wanted to say that my problem in HexenII (post #6177) is fixed.
Just in the rare case that someone will start a hexen2 map, It is necessary to add a -watervis command to qbsp.exe.
Hexen2 tools are really the worst documented tools, there is NO satisfying documentation avilable
 Does Anybody
#6581 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/23 11:43:56
Know how to make the textures and 3D views a little brighter in WC 3.3?
BTW I changed to WC 3.3 yesterday and it is great, I was reluctant to change but its just as easy to use (if not easier) and the texture alignment bugs I was experiencing with 1.6 are all fixed!
 Blood Splats
#6582 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/26 17:06:11
I used to have a 'mod' a long time ago, when I was about 15 years old and all it was was a progs file. All it did was produce zombie gibs (the ones they hurl I think) which would follow the trajectory of bullets fired into enemies and stick to walls behind, then slowly slide down to the ground, producing good old quake blood particles the whole time. I think it was really cool, but I cant find it anywhere and I wouldnt know where to start in programming it. Does anyone know where I could find such a file, or have the time to 'knock one together'?
#6583 posted by Drew on 2007/10/28 17:07:56
When did The Forge go down?
 It Has Not
#6584 posted by Mikko on 2007/10/29 14:50:50
It just does that sometimes. A pain in the butt when you need to consult the site but can't.
#6585 posted by Mikko on 2007/10/29 17:32:28
I downloaded The Reckoning - the Q2 mission pack - textures (from Quaddicted) but they can't seem to work (wrong format or something) with WC 3.3.
It'd be even easier if I were able to rip the exact set of textures Lunaran used in Lunsp1.
 I Think
#6586 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/29 18:08:43
WC 3.3 has to convert WADs to HLWads in order to use them. If you are using the Quakeadapter package, theres some sort of program with it that automatically converts them for you, located in the program files\worldcraft folder.
Maybe this helps?
Alternatively get a program that rips mips from bsps and converts them into WADs, although WC 3.3 may still have to convert to HLwad to use them. Are you using the Quakeadapter package with 3.3?
#6587 posted by ijed on 2007/10/29 21:43:17
Will only work for Q1 with the Quakeadapter, unless you make your own version. To rip a wad from a bsp use TexMex, though you'll still have to convert it to use with 3.3, and if its bigger than 1024 textures then it won't load at all; you'll have to split it up.
The wads that TexMex creates are automatically usable for any Q1 specific editor - 3.3 was locked for HL1, which is why you need the adapter.
#6588 posted by Mikko on 2007/10/29 21:57:45
Yeah, Q1 is the game I was talking about and yeah, Ricky, I found the texture converter and converted them to hlwads.
#6589 posted by drew on 2007/10/30 06:22:23
Does anyone have scrolling rock/grass textures?
#6590 posted by Drew on 2007/10/30 06:33:12
Does anyone know where I can find Biffs new improved IDbase textures?
#6591 posted by ijed on 2007/10/30 14:03:22
You mean tiling? All should be if they're made for games. In both cases try Quaddicted;
Not sure if it has what you want, but its hard to imagine it not being there.
#6592 posted by Drew on 2007/10/30 17:44:43
I meant textures that give the illusion they're scrolling, like the waterfall textures (+1_fall etc).
#6593 posted by gibbie on 2007/10/30 18:18:01
i dont think those exist. but you can easily make them yourself using, e.g., using offset in photoshop.
#6594 posted by negke on 2007/10/30 21:01:19
Too much Doom? Linedef tag 48!
 BspEditor Update
#6595 posted by Mike Woodham on 2007/10/30 23:08:42
Support for high-res textures and sky_boxes.
Dropped support for BspBuild (boo... ) so I won't be upgrading.
 Speaking Of Hi-Res Textures...
#6596 posted by generic on 2007/10/30 23:57:56
Are there any tutorials on using 24-bit TGA's in Quake? It seems like some refuse to tile correctly.
If not, how do disable/override using 24-bit textures in FitzQuake?
#6597 posted by necros on 2007/10/31 00:00:50
3 point clipper looks cooler in bsp than radiant. :(
 Origin Brushes
#6598 posted by Preach on 2007/10/31 19:42:06
Anyone know of a compiler for Quake 1 that supports origin brushes? There's talk on the inside3d forums of one existing, so it'd be great to have a copy.
#6599 posted by metlslime on 2007/11/01 00:18:44
that would be great to have if it exists, and I think it is at least possible that origin brushes could be supported, but I don't know offhand whether the quakec func_rotate_* code would have to modified to work correctly with it.
#6600 posted by Preach on 2007/11/01 01:22:39
At the moment a rotate_object with a target uses the matching target entity as it's origin vector. Then all the brushes are moved that distance in the opposite direction so that they line up again. That's the same effect as the origin brush would have, so the hipnotic code would work straight away. Still might be worth revisiting that code though...
#6601 posted by metlslime on 2007/11/01 02:13:49
That's the same effect as the origin brush would have
Well it's not just the actual pivot point that is important. It's also the default placement of the brushmodel in the world, which affects things like texture alignment and dynamic lights -- both of which are incorrect the way we currently do rotating brushes.
 If Someone
#6602 posted by ijed on 2007/11/01 02:28:51
Could find the time to streamline / rebuild from scratch the shitty rotating code it'd be nice.
It doesn't have to be easy to build a rotating object, but it should be possible in, say, a speedmapping session.
I suppose AguirRe is the one to ask about compiler compatibility.
#6603 posted by Preach on 2007/11/01 11:09:57
I see what you mean now. In terms of default placement when you load the map, it'll load in the right place, you wouldn't have to fiddle with the origin any. In terms of whether the texture alignment/lighting would be correct, that would really depend on how it was written. The most straightforward way of doing it would just use the hipnotic code straight away, except it would calculate the origin value based on the origin brush instead of the targeted entity. So it'd have the same problems. You could rewrite the whole thing - and if you were bothered to do that you might as well add origin brush support at the same time. But I wouldn't want to...