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Manke's Quake Stuff 
Manke's Quake stuff is dated now, especially his early work. His later Quake level/mods weren't bad at all. Go play Star Ship again - that was cool :)
(at the bottom)

I can't see why anybody would knock Neil. I've had a couple of chats with him over the years, and he always come across as a nice guy. Never went pro despite offers from the industry. If he has produced loads of free playable mods that extend the life of people's games, that's a good thing right?

Anyhoo, looks like he might be doing something for HL2 next year according to his website. 
Strangely Addictive 
Good Find, Lun 
Though it isn't brilliant. Frank Miller is brilliant. That guy just talks too much, and he is obviously gunning for some kind of tax subsidized grant with all of those neo-s and Marxoid phrases he uses. 

This one is the daddy.
I can get to the psycho slime (level 4) but ive never beaten that guy. If you can, kudos! 
FitzQuake And Sound Limitations 
Whilst adding custom ambient sounds to my Q1SP, I've noticed how ridicuously limited is FitzQuake when it comes to sound files. I had a 71kb 11kz 8bit mono .WAV file and it worked just fine in Darkplaces. I tried loading the map in FitzQuake and the .WAV refused to load. I cut it down to 49kb and it STILL refused to load in FitzQuake whilst working in Darkplaces. C'mon? What is this? 
That Is Indeed Quite A Find, Lun... 
I just skimmed most of it. The guy has some interesting ideas, but, yeah, he's masturbating furiously (and looking for great significance in every random pattern of splattering sperm).

The price Half Life pays for this narrative advance is, to be sure, the extinction of the categories of Cold War allegory. This is most evident in the final Xen levels, which lack the soldier-versus-alien firefights of the Black Mesa sequences, and temporarily regresses back to the mainstream videogame culture of the mid-1990s. Valve�s designers tried heroically to compensate for this deficiency with extravagant alien worlds and memorable boss-level opponents, with mixed results. The first, Gonarch, is a giant spider-like creature whose rotund body quivers beneath an armored carapace � the postmodern update of J.R.R. Tolkien�s lurid Shelob. The last is Nihilanth, whose resemblance to a giant, mummified infant earned it the unofficial sobriquet of �the big baby.� �For even Baal/feared children,� wrote Brecht in his Expressionist classic, and the contrast between the Nihilanth�s mechanical intestines, a combination of steel girders and rusty machinery, and the fleshy, womb-like enclosure of the Nihilanth�s lair, does recall the Expressionist science fiction thriller. When the creature is finally defeated, however, its head peels open to reveal a giant, malevolent brain, a conventional reference to the mad computers and ruthless cyborgs of 1970s science fiction.

How much you wanna bet that a couple of jerk-offs were sitting around trying to come up with a final boss, and some commercial about baby wipes or something came on, and one of them said, "Hay how about a big-ass baby? That would be cool."

I think that line is probably much closer to reality than, "Gee, how can we combine Brecht's expressionistic classicism with subtle references to some of the themes from our much-beloved '70s science fiction? If we could manage that, we just might have something!" 
lol. nail. head. hit. 
according to the sampling rate and bitrate, the sound should load. something else is the problem. do you get any messages about the sound in quake? have you tried loading the sound in glquake? 
For Those Interested 
2 shots of quake IV overe here:
Not sure what to make of it. Very doom3. (which i guess is to be expected) 
first shot is old, second is new.

those raven guys sure are doing a bangup job, eh? ;D 
I'm more interested in XMen 2 personally... to compare the suck-levels of both games!!!!! :D 
it looks just like doom3... 
On the Nihilanth, from my article 'Lovecraft In Quake':

A last creature, not one of Lovecrafts, but worthy to be ranked alongside them. The Nihilanth from Half-Life. When H. R. Giger was first approached to work on 'Alien' back in the late 70's, he was sent a letter by someone from Fox, saying of the adult creature:
"Someone has suggested that it should look like a huge, deformed baby. But in any case, you should feel free to design whatever you wish."

That was the first, last and only thing I thought of when I confronted the Nihilanth. 
I Kept Reading 
So I'm reading the chapter on Max Payne. This is full of totally amazing garbage.

Max Payne marks the point at which the objective contradictions of thirty years of marketization, austerity and privatization recoil into a subjective political and cultural resistance � or put more concretely still, the moment when the global proletariat spawned by three decades of brutish neoliberalism begins to forge its own institutions and modes of class struggle.

Such corporealities are far more than just the objective reaction-formation to the emergence of the electronic commons, that is to say, informatic bodies which represent a certain class fraction or profession within the electronic body politic. Rather, they are unimaginably powerful engines of a multinational class praxis, with no real precedent in the historical record.

Lake�s storyline is structured into three parts, each of which corresponds to a stratum of the global economy. The first section, The American Dream, takes place in subways, sewer tunnels, and squalid hotels, or the realm of primitive global accumulation. The second, A Cold Day in Hell, features dockside warehouses, tanker ships and Mafia mansions, or spaces of global distribution. The third, A Bit Closer to Heaven, takes place in research labs, manufacturing plants and corporate offices � that is to say, spaces of global production.

While Vladimir is identified with his signature black Mercedes, that premier Central European export-commodity and favored transport vehicle of Eastern Europe�s commercial elites, the trope of the Russian gangster is displaced elsewhere, onto the bit character of Boris Dime. This is a subtle but unmistakable reference to the geopolitical transition from Boris Yeltsin�s financial oligarchs to Vladimir Putin�s petro-developmental state.

In retrospect, the entire second section of Max Payne overflows with references to Second World border-regions, where state-of-the-art technology co-exists with the violence of primitive global accumulation. This suggests that Vladimir is something like the Second World mirror image or structural double of Max Payne, whose presence allows Finland to catch a fleeting glimpse of its own mid-20th century prehistory as a Second World exporter of raw materials and basic manufactured goods in the mirror of post-autarkic Russia�s shotgun integration into the EU. But instead of seeking to displace or neutralize this mirror image via a compensatory neo-nationalism � the limit-point, in retrospect, of Half Life�s Xen levels, which allude to a post-American cultural space the narrative never quite crosses over into � Lake will follow Manke�s lead, and transform a non-American identity-politics into the springboard of the multinational.

I had no idea you could make a living writing this stuff. This is comedy gold.

This is the moment when the national juridical system of the prototypical global city touches base with its multinational successor. Where Nicole Horne is clearly the name of a previously nameless neoliberalism, and where the Aesir tower is the embodiment of a hitherto bodiless multinational capitalism, Alfred Woden is clearly the representative of a multinational authority somehow complicit with globalization, and yet antagonistic to Wall Street neoliberalism. This can be nothing else than the world�s first multinational democracy and newest superpower, namely the European Union, and there is a sense in which Woden�s role in the storyline is reminiscent of the EU�s mushrooming array of economic, political, cultural and regulatory agencies. These latter covertly aided Eastern Europe in its life-and-death struggle with neoliberalism in the 1990s, and did not openly intervene on their behalf until their formal accession into the EU in the 2000-2004 period.

I mean, come on! Does anyone else find the fact that this guy is trying to interpret fucking video games in terms of a global struggle with liberal economic theory, and seriously believing what he's saying, a total scream? 
What Bullshit 
everything I've read longer than 2 paragraphs in this entire page is bullshit from bullshitting attention-whores! You don't realize how much money people like that can get from Universities to work on bullshit like that too. HOW THE HELL IS LOADING A SAVED GAME A DELIBERATE PARODY OF DEATH SIMILAR TO JAMES WHALE'S 1931 FRANKENSTEIN!! That film was shit too, but as it's famous and European, and from the 1930's, mentioning it makes the article seem more respectable (pukes). 
Yes...'s a scream. I've laughed a fair bit at the last dozen or so posts. However, it's also very sad. What have we come too?

Are you sure this isn't one of those essays auto-generated at one of those uni sites? Like this one
...and what Tronyn said. 
Game Developers 
must all be wise philosophers with long beards that they stroke when they are filling their games with these subtle parallels. 
Well, Daaaah 
I read the first line of "Chapter 5 - Half Life" found about 4 things wrong with it, concluded the man was insane, scanned the rest of the article for images, found none and moved on.

I don't know, maybe it's my age, but the older I get, the less I'm willing to throw away my 1,150,661,315 seconds of life on nutters.

Oh damn, I've just wasted another 60 writing this crap.

Starbuck: That game is just evil hard. Can't beat the first guy. ;) 
70,000 people dead. Most of them children. I hate this fucking shit-hole world. 
Over at the forums a bunch of us are working on a collaboration CD and such that's going to raise funds. Several of the people there are in the music industry and have connections and we're all trying to get this thing worthwhile and going. Mostly I'm responsible for the website, it'll probably be hosted their... if anyone is interested in this I'll keep posting updates here in GA. 
...timelines for submission? 
Not quite sure... here's the threads:;f=11

If you're interested I'd post there with any questions, I'm not really in charge of it, just the site. 
Thanx Phait... 
...looks like they've got it under control though. 
HAPPY NEW YEAR folks, mappers and all

u know Iv been away from all this q1 stuff and func_msg_borked banter
but anyway, its like school, where I learnt
and it really helped me in life...

have fun, make games and maps

not really yours, Speedy aka 
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