Try Quaddicted
#6554 posted by ijed on 2007/10/12 17:59:07
And for reference Google some of the ancient vis explanations on good blocking and how to have big open areas without murdering vis time.
There's a load of material out there, but it'll take some searching.
#6555 posted by JPL on 2007/10/12 18:02:24
Visit my website ;) You'll get all my maps then.
#6556 posted by Lunaran on 2007/10/14 17:59:44
Yes, it took exactly 1218 hours = 50 days and 18 hours of full vising...
isn't that the one where you took some buildings and took some trisouped terrain and put them together by carving one out of the other, or was that someone else?
I still get the night sweats about that story.
#6557 posted by Kell on 2007/10/14 18:37:53
iirc that was Mike Woodham, who used someone else's map as a carving tool.
#6558 posted by JPL on 2007/10/14 19:04:24
#6559 posted by necros on 2007/10/14 20:26:10
you know what could have been interesting in that map would be to actually just use a custom quake farclip setting and fog without any vis (or just fast vis).
would that work?
#6560 posted by necros on 2007/10/14 20:26:11
you know what could have been interesting in that map would be to actually just use a custom quake farclip setting and fog without any vis (or just fast vis).
would that work?
#6561 posted by necros on 2007/10/14 20:26:21
god damn. :(
 He He He
#6562 posted by HeadThump on 2007/10/14 20:29:27
is that my Halloween themed lava in those shots JPL? It's been awhile, I've forgotten about that texture.
#6563 posted by ijed on 2007/10/14 20:36:47
Close farclip and fog - like Turok.
#6564 posted by necros on 2007/10/14 20:39:25
the reason i ask is because i don't know if quake stops paying attention to objects outside of the farclip or only stops drawing them. you might get packet overflow even if the objects aren't being drawn on screen.
 Necros / HT
#6565 posted by JPL on 2007/10/14 20:53:01
necros: I don't know about farclip / fog use in Quake.. maybe some custom engine is using this feature.
HT: No, all textures are from DKT3, it is not your lava texture for sure ;)
#6566 posted by necros on 2007/10/14 22:30:54
in fitzquake:
fog 0.5 0.326 0.326 0.326
gl_farclip 768
for example. the fog blends almost seemlessly with the void colour. in engines like aguires where you can set the void colour, you could then set whatever fog colour you want to match the void colour.
 Void Color?
#6567 posted by Kell on 2007/10/15 00:05:10
is "r_clearcolor #" in fitzquake, where # corresponds to the palette index
#6568 posted by necros on 2007/10/15 01:07:01
oh can you do it in fitz too? cause aguire's engine doesn't have gl_farclip (i think metl added that himself?)
so you could do exactly what i said in fitzquake then. ^_^
#6569 posted by metlslime on 2007/10/15 01:37:41
Note: fitzquake doesn't use the farclip plane to do any visibility culling, so you probably won't get much of a speedup from it. Unless the video card itself discards the polygons more quickly, in which case you might get a speedup on the hardware side.
#6570 posted by necros on 2007/10/15 07:20:41
aww, oh well. :)
 Sky Values
#6571 posted by drew on 2007/10/16 03:09:49
what is a good (yaw pitch roll) value for skylight?
#6572 posted by JPL on 2007/10/16 08:07:25
Depends on skybox's sun position, but generally yaw is an angle in 0-360 degree range, pitch is a negative value in -90 0 range and roll is null
Just test it, as example by default I use 45, -45, 0 is make the sun rising at 45 degrees on xy plan, with a incidence angle of 45 degree... It can be tuned if you want more/less shadows, more/less angles, etc...
#6573 posted by Spirit on 2007/10/19 19:50:48
What's that site again where there are lots of textures ripped from games like Kingpin, Jedi Knight etc? I forgot the link.
 Ah Bloody Hell
#6574 posted by Spirit on 2007/10/19 19:55:56
#6575 posted by ijed on 2007/10/19 23:20:12
I've already got the Kingpin set, and was pretty sure I got it from Qauddicted . . .
 Even Though The Url Says Kingpin
#6576 posted by negke on 2007/10/19 23:46:26
there are texture sets from several other games as well. No wads but images (tgas and so on).
#6577 posted by Spirit on 2007/10/20 09:35:28
but I found out they are rather ugly quality. Apparently all downscaled to 256x256 and somehow the colors look bad too. :(
#6578 posted by negke on 2007/10/20 11:21:44
I don't know if textures are missing from it as the overall count is fairly low (~200). Most of them look good though. Unusual scale, yeah. Many 256*256 or 128*256 ones.