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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Wow, That Duke Stuff Is Impressive 
More High Res Quake Textures 
Some of you may remember I released a pack of high-res idbase textures a while back (thread here).

I've been messing around with textures again... my plan right now is to get E1M2 done. Early early days, but in the recent spirit of the thread, I thought I'd show my progress.

The plan, as always, is to stay as close to the style of the original textures as possible! 
Hey Starbuck 
sex meh! 
And Err, Shambler 
You scare me sometimes!

very cool, good job on preserving the original look! :) 
Looks Pretty Damn Impressive 
Its Like 
the original.....but clearer .... :O! 
OMG YES! Now THERE'S a man after my own heart. Those are awesome replacements, man, nice work! Totally true to the original feel but rezzed up nicely. Beautiful! 
Well Done Starbuck. 
In remaining so faithful and respectful to the original game you've done for Quake texturing what Metl did for enhanced engines and Kell & Necros did for enhanced features.

Your Base set was the only retex project I allowed to stay on my HDD and these new ones look set to do the same! 
Nice Work 
Nearing Public Beta.... 
I have alot of crap I still want to do to this map but soon I'll have finished replacing the textures I need to to be able to release a public beta...

Looking forward to those textures!
They look really fantastic! 
Enhanced Textures 
You make me feel like having a carwash! 
aww shucks, many thanks for the kind words for those textures. Text_Fish especially - I agree that metl/kell/necros have done a ridiculously good job keeping true to the quake spirit in their work, and it's warm and fuzzy to be mentioned in the same breath.

Will keep some screenies coming! 
Omg, Rubicon2 Leaked 
DM only??!?!
Actually looks pretty neat! 
Those make me want to ... grab them and apply them to e1m2rq, and ... put a Starbuck's logo next to the ferrari one. Awesome, awesome. Motivation++ (much needed)

Keep doing that... 
DM1RQ, too.

More UT3 screens, though those will probably be the last I post for a bit as I'm getting close to finishing what I'm working on 
lol Blitz I still don't get the point of the cars, but at least the lighting around the highway-tunnel bit is fuckin sweet. Everything else looks top notch, maybe a bit sparse in the first shot (lots of open space it seems.)

Is this just a DM level you're working on? 
is there a way you can reduce the light hitting the hedges at the bottom in shot1 (the hedges are also visible to the left in shot2). they seem to be positively glowing, brighter than every other leaf.
i guess that's the just the texture that's bright, except that it draws your eyes away.

i like all the vegetation in shot3 as well as the uneven interlocking bricks. could you maybe take 1 or 2 bricks out of the floor in the center and just leave a hole? or maybe break a couple? you've got the sides covered in dirt which is good, but it seems to me the center is where everyone's walking which is where it would be broken and worn down.

still don't know why the windows on the rear building in shot1 are a different shade of orange from the other two.

overall, very sweet looking map. :) 
I know its my view but I just finished Daikantana and I can't help feeling somewhere deep in that pagode Heroshima still contemplates the parting of Mekiko and Superfly Johnson.
In that view I can fit in a broken prisonwall with cars around Alcatraz. 
Shots look very good ! Good job ! 
Really slick:
Hardware-Accelerated Global Illumination
by Image Space Photon Mapping 
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