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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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I think I know where it is... 
that was easier than I thought! 
I was looking for a mapping tricks as adding models to maps and other cool tricks but I have'nt found anything... anyone have something like that? 
The 'Teaching old progs new tricks' thread - there's a hack that lets you spawn models in a map, but it doesn't work too well because the model is offset. Aside from that Nehahra lets you spawn models in a map. 
thanks a lot :) 
I can't find it :( 
ok, I got it :> 
Is there a reason why vertex editing in gtkradiant is like pulling teeth? 
It's because pulling teeth is unpleasant.
There was this old lady from Karelia living in the same apartment complex area. She sometimes took care of kids etc, everyone knew her. I was playing at the yard, a nanny was looking after us. I was maybe four and had a tooth that was loose. I told this Karelian granny about it and she, being the vigorous person that she was, promptly ripped it out. I remember spitting blood for a long while after that. The snow turned red. Fascinating. 
That Was 
... nice of her? 
Now That Was Good Story 
I can see her yelling, 'get up and walk it off!' 
Use 2/3 point clipping instead. It actually works and doesn't shit the bed regularly like vertex pulling in radiant does. 

Use the what now? 
I'm at work now and don't have radiant installed here, but there should be a button/command to toggle clipping mode. Maybe a button at the top that looks like 3 points connected together?

Clipping mode allows you to define a clip plane (using either two or three points, so it can be tilted on whatever axes) and use it to clip brushes (as you would clip paper with a pair of scissors). You can discard either part or keep both.

This basically allows you to come up with whatever shape/angle you wish without resorting to vert manipulation, which is crap in radiant when it comes to brushes (as you well know). 
Vis is not nice. Im running it with -numpercent, base went from 1 to 100, then it says Full. So far it just says Full. Dont like it! Will Full go from 1 - 100 in the same ways as Base did? 

Oh, that kind of clipping. The 2/3 thing threw me at first. Right. I'll try that. Thanks. 
Worldcraft 1.6 
While mapping yesterday, I did something and I don't know how to change it back. My mouse cursor became a hand within WC and all it does is scroll through the 2d views. I cant zoom in, nor add any brushes or entities. I'm stuck in this "scroll" mode. I have never had this happen to me before, and I don't know how to get rid of it. I've tried reinstalling WC to no avail. Anybody have a solution? 
After checking in Hammer it seems that your space key is stuck somehow :P 
Well, that was weird. Right after I posted here, I loaded up WC and the problem was gone. I'm almost positive my space bar wasn't stuck in any way. But at least now I know what to do if it happens again. Thanks. 
quake vising goes through 2 'passes'. the first, base vis is what you get when you do the -quick. the full is the actual vising... it'll go up to 100 *eventually*.

depending on the level, it can take anywhere from 10 minutes to uh...2 or 3 weeks. 
Yeah, Eventually... 
When its done, I'll post my new level. Eventually. How long did it take to do the Warpspasm levels? 
I Ran Em 
Overnight. Some didn't take too long, a handful of hours (5-10). The worst was Sealed City, because the vis blocking was so bad. 
CDA took 1248 hours... I hope you do not have wide open area into your map ;) 
He He 
Its one big wide open area with v. tall buildings!! Still going, hasnt said 1 percent yet... 
Make Sure 
you haven't blocked the vis console window with mouse or keyboard and verify that vis is still hogging the cpu. 
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