#6504 posted by Frib on 2007/10/04 17:05:20
I think I know where it is...
#6505 posted by Drew on 2007/10/04 17:08:39
that was easier than I thought!
#6506 posted by M. on 2007/10/06 12:50:20
I was looking for a mapping tricks as adding models to maps and other cool tricks but I have'nt found anything... anyone have something like that?
#6507 posted by ijed on 2007/10/06 16:58:12
The 'Teaching old progs new tricks' thread - there's a hack that lets you spawn models in a map, but it doesn't work too well because the model is offset. Aside from that Nehahra lets you spawn models in a map.
#6508 posted by M. on 2007/10/06 17:04:23
thanks a lot :)
#6509 posted by M. on 2007/10/06 17:32:52
I can't find it :(
#6510 posted by M., on 2007/10/06 18:25:12
ok, I got it :>
#6511 posted by wrath on 2007/10/08 20:56:28
Is there a reason why vertex editing in gtkradiant is like pulling teeth?
#6512 posted by bambuz on 2007/10/08 23:09:47
It's because pulling teeth is unpleasant.
There was this old lady from Karelia living in the same apartment complex area. She sometimes took care of kids etc, everyone knew her. I was playing at the yard, a nanny was looking after us. I was maybe four and had a tooth that was loose. I told this Karelian granny about it and she, being the vigorous person that she was, promptly ripped it out. I remember spitting blood for a long while after that. The snow turned red. Fascinating.
 That Was
#6513 posted by Lunaran on 2007/10/09 00:40:49
... nice of her?
 Now That Was Good Story
#6514 posted by HeadThump on 2007/10/09 04:35:48
I can see her yelling, 'get up and walk it off!'
#6515 posted by pjw on 2007/10/09 05:06:30
Use 2/3 point clipping instead. It actually works and doesn't shit the bed regularly like vertex pulling in radiant does.
#6516 posted by wrath on 2007/10/09 18:52:12
Use the what now?
#6517 posted by pjw on 2007/10/09 19:42:21
I'm at work now and don't have radiant installed here, but there should be a button/command to toggle clipping mode. Maybe a button at the top that looks like 3 points connected together?
Clipping mode allows you to define a clip plane (using either two or three points, so it can be tilted on whatever axes) and use it to clip brushes (as you would clip paper with a pair of scissors). You can discard either part or keep both.
This basically allows you to come up with whatever shape/angle you wish without resorting to vert manipulation, which is crap in radiant when it comes to brushes (as you well know).
#6518 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/09 20:24:49
Vis is not nice. Im running it with -numpercent, base went from 1 to 100, then it says Full. So far it just says Full. Dont like it! Will Full go from 1 - 100 in the same ways as Base did?
#6519 posted by wrath on 2007/10/09 20:39:18
Oh, that kind of clipping. The 2/3 thing threw me at first. Right. I'll try that. Thanks.
 Worldcraft 1.6
#6520 posted by Orl on 2007/10/09 22:02:14
While mapping yesterday, I did something and I don't know how to change it back. My mouse cursor became a hand within WC and all it does is scroll through the 2d views. I cant zoom in, nor add any brushes or entities. I'm stuck in this "scroll" mode. I have never had this happen to me before, and I don't know how to get rid of it. I've tried reinstalling WC to no avail. Anybody have a solution?
#6521 posted by Ankh on 2007/10/09 22:23:36
After checking in Hammer it seems that your space key is stuck somehow :P
#6522 posted by Orl on 2007/10/09 22:34:51
Well, that was weird. Right after I posted here, I loaded up WC and the problem was gone. I'm almost positive my space bar wasn't stuck in any way. But at least now I know what to do if it happens again. Thanks.
#6523 posted by necros on 2007/10/09 22:42:13
quake vising goes through 2 'passes'. the first, base vis is what you get when you do the -quick. the full is the actual vising... it'll go up to 100 *eventually*.
depending on the level, it can take anywhere from 10 minutes to uh...2 or 3 weeks.
 Yeah, Eventually...
#6524 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/09 23:02:30
When its done, I'll post my new level. Eventually. How long did it take to do the Warpspasm levels?
 I Ran Em
#6525 posted by ijed on 2007/10/09 23:08:13
Overnight. Some didn't take too long, a handful of hours (5-10). The worst was Sealed City, because the vis blocking was so bad.
#6526 posted by JPL on 2007/10/10 08:01:32
CDA took 1248 hours... I hope you do not have wide open area into your map ;)
 He He
#6527 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/10 17:43:57
Its one big wide open area with v. tall buildings!! Still going, hasnt said 1 percent yet...
 Make Sure
#6528 posted by aguirRe on 2007/10/10 19:48:24
you haven't blocked the vis console window with mouse or keyboard and verify that vis is still hogging the cpu.