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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Re:RMQ Engine 
Experiencing the same statusbar problem with that engine too.
I'm linking to a screen of the problem. Look to the right and left of the statusbar. I have fullscreen and my full resolution of 1440 x 900 set and also viewsize "100.000000". This appears in Fitzquake and it's derivatives. 
Re: Travail 
Which quakespasm version? I can't reproduce the clicks using the svn rev. 401. About demos not playing: It's Steven's design not to play demos automatically when the engine starts. Just enter "demos" on the game's console. About travail's soundtrack: You can use it using the latest svn (place them under travail/music/ and rename the tracks properly so they look like trackXX.mp3) 
quakespasm-0.85.3...the noise first starts stepping off the teleporter and stops when stepping on the stairs. (new game). It usually exhibits itself again on every level at the entry point like this. 
Re: Travail 
Ehmm... You are not referring to the sound from the broken light on your left which is the map's own design, are you??? 
Record, Vorbis, Upload. 
Re: Record, Vorbis, Upload. 
We already added support for ogg/vorbis, mp3 and wave music playback. Otherwise I can't understand. (this may not be my best day..) 
Electric Bill Too High 
@szo...How many broken lights do you figure are in the game? It's a hoot...but it could be possible you solved that mystery. 
Re: How Many Broken Lights Do You Figure Are In The Game 
Calm down.

I was trying to suggest that jtarin simply records the audio, encodes it in a suitable format and shares it since that would be the easiest way to hear his problem. 
Custodial Duties 
@Spirit...Excellent suggestion! I think we might have an answer now though...with the broken lights. It seems maintenance in Travail is not as as one would think.The Scrags are slackers. 
.. sorry. As I said, not a very good day for me ;)
As for the problem, as far as I can see there is no problem, just the annoying bzztt sound from the broken lamps in the map ;) 
Still Problem With Statusbar 
Experiencing the same statusbar problem with that engine too.
I'm linking to a screen of the problem. Look to the right and left of the statusbar. I have fullscreen and my full resolution of 1440 x 900 set and also viewsize "100.000000". This appears in Fitzquake and it's derivatives. 
Link's Broken 
Link Fixed 
Mouse Movement Is Broken With 0.85.3 On X86_64 Debian 5.0 
I compiled quakespasm 0.85.3 from source on my x86_64 Debian Linux 5.0 box. It works great except for the mouse; even with free look enabled and mouse speed set to the minimum possible slider setting, my mouse is unusable - any movement causes the player camera to point straight down and wildly spin in circles. I have to use the keyboard to move the player camera up and down.

My Debian install has libsdl version 1.2.13-2. 
I noticed that the RMQ engine has an widescreen fov option, yet Quakespasm does not. Can this be added in the next version? 
Quakespasm 0.85.4 
New version 0.85.4 is out. 
The "replacement" audio track support is incompatible with the existing Darkplaces implementation. It would be nice if you could either adjust to that or get in contact with LordHavoc to make DP support your way.

ericw's branch does this:
I've been using it every now and then and it worked well.

Minor nitpick about packaging: I really dislike generic filenames like README.txt. I know many use them. But imagine John Doe extracting straight into his Quake directory. For him, it should be quakespasm.txt or quakespasm.readme or something like that.

Great work! 
Awesome And Great Work = Honest, Might Look Ironic, Not Intended 
Spirit: Darkplaces Compatibility 
I believe what you're interested in is the music file directory which is <gamedir>/music in quakespasm, and darkplaces already supports that, so I'd like to understand your concern. OTOH, I am not interested in supporting multiple-alternative music file directories like dp which adds more complexity than it's actually worth. 
I've always thought that "sound/cdtracks" was a little bit of an odd choice, to be honest. "music" at least is standardised with Q3A and the like (so it's got a higher probability of being what players will expect to be able to use), plus it keeps background music tracks separated from in-game sounds in the directory tree. Which seems to me to make more sense.

I can understand the perspective of someone who may already have a bunch of files in the one and not wish to create a duplicate copy in the other (although you could just symlink one to the other). But overall I think the reasons for preferring "music" win out. 
I'm certainly not alone when I say I think most people paying attention to Quake engine development are really encouraged by what has been going on the last couple of years.

And Quakespasm has been a major force in making better engines and I love the sheer thought in the changelog.

Ironically, back in 2005 I did not at first see the beauty of FitzQuake but once I got into engine coding the impact first slowly and then as learned more *quickly* became uber-impressed.

And Metlslime really polishes up his work (maybe only Jozsef ... JoeQuake ... is in his league on the testing/polish thing ... btw JoeQuake is still in development).

This post is getting a bit wordy now, but the body of work that Metlslime, aguirRe, Tyrann and Sleepwalker produced has created a solid foundation for people like the Quakespasm team, MH, myself and others to play around with.

And the thing I think is particular neat about the Quakespasm team is the non-Quake centric experience of the team.

And it is important to not forget Spirit's public lobbying and encouragement of map community wants and the Remake Quake guys for the testing lab for experimental game play ideas.

Yeah, too wordy ... but needless to say, I prefer an engine modification environment of thriving ideas and implementation that RELATE TO REAL WORLD SINGLE PLAYER WANTS ... versus, say, the old days that focused on "neato" features.

I am not dismissing the importance or value of the wild and crazy days or their contribution as the backbone of some of the things we have today.

I'm just saying that important and relevant features that can be very hard work to address complex authentic multi-platform Quake user and mapper problems matter quite a bit and in the old days those appeared to be ignored.

Anyways, awesome release guys! 
OS X Builds 
Are forthcoming, still trying to iron out possible bugs in the PPC build. 
Didn't realise dp supports music/ too. Yeah, I like that directory better. Would be great if you would add support for any filenames to be supported and the "cd play" command.

Baker, you ought to prepare some random generator for that kind of recurring posts... ;) 
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