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Wtf Is A Router Modem? 
Eh? Explain that, MOR�N! 
I thought your nick read 'BlackPope'.
Sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh, and yeah I know what you mean by "Router Modem".
soz, kthx

P.S. BlackPope; die! 

ps. die pope! 
Crazy Japs 
Oh Those Inventive Japanese

Why don't they just go out with each other ffs. 
It's Sad Really 
They're just NOW getting to the inflatable doll, while us advanced Americans have had it for generations.

Poor underdeveloped backwards people. :( 
why are you surprised? because it looks worse or sameish? It was designed to be an xbox game from the begining , was out before d3 and had a much shorter development cycle... anyway I think the good reviews have something to do with that the game is actually good although it might be a bit short and without any mp it might not last long unless people start making custom maps for it. 
Friendly Lot Around Here, Eh? 
PS: <3 
I quite like the look of the lap pillow. Looks comfy. 
My Generous Contribution To This Message Board 
There are 10 registered users online right now: aguirRe, czg, HeadThump, Kay Berntsen, Kinn, metlslime, R.P.G., Sinala, Spirit of 85 and Vondur.

There weren't any new posts for you all to read, so I thought I'd make one for you! 
#1 on my Virtual Christmas Gift List. 
my good man, are you alive!?!

I sent you another email 3or4 days ago... 
In Custom Engines, 
how do you get fog to appear?

will a 'fog' key (with the settings) work in worldspawn? 
in the worldspawn

key: fog
value: <density> <red> <green> <blue> ( values from 0 -> 1 ) 
Oh Shit. 
and all this time i've been loading it up via config files. O_o

thanks :) 
I'd Be Offended... But 
I know that in fact both Vondur and Czg are unequaled in their amazing quantity of love that they have for me.

soon ... soon my pretties I will organize a fight to the death between you both. Czg will be, true to Norway, wielding an Ice Pick and sporting a fur parka.

Vondur the defending champion will be dressed in a marxist red full body bathing suit with matching boots and carrying a crude homemade bat.

Tickets start at 50 euro 
and i'll brandish with giant rubber dildo to slap you, mr pope! 
Dualbooted With XP & Mandrake Now...

BTW, the reason I'm surprised Riddick got good reviews is because it's obvious most FPS on consoles fail or blow, and definitely most movie adaptions blow. 
Quake Dieties 
Black Pope,
To annoy just one of them is a grave risk; I have been stuck pushing a boulder up a hill and then back up again ever since the last time I gave Vondur some backtalk.

But to annoy both? Aie, I hope your Nikes can outrun the hounds of hell. 
Pope is barely more annoying than a dead rabbit under an outhouse three-hundred-thousand miles away. 
i'd rather live in the well or somewhere in the oil tanks far north...

ps blackpope die
pps headthump go map bastard 
Yeah, And You Thought Americans Were Dumb 
He He He 
tea cosies. You should have saved that one for the inevitable next round of US bashing on the func_msgboard.

I'll give 'em a pass on trouser accidents. I understand how those happen all too well. 
Bloody Hell 
I have to raise the final brush count estimate in apinaraivo.bsp to 6000+. This new area I am working on is turning to be very nice and detailed. I am 4918 brushes right now and there's lots to be done to the map still. To some of you this might not sound as a whole lot, but it is to me. IIRC my biggest ever Unreal SP was about 2500 or so brushes. 
watch out. it is like cancer. it grows and grows. ;) 
Winter Map Pack Released! 
Hi everybody.

The "1000 Brush/Winter/Norway" Quake SP map pack has just been released. Grab it while it's hot!!

The file can be grabbed here:

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