#6454 posted by necros on 2007/09/27 01:29:13
yeah, i remember discussing that with you. :)
i forgot that the id1 folder was at the bottom of the barrel though. :P
and i totally agree it'd be bad form to name your map the same as a stock map.
#6455 posted by msd on 2007/09/27 13:22:38
thank you for gravity information. i'll look into quoth.
don't care about bad form, though. Prefer it, usually.
 Packet Overflow
#6456 posted by aguirRe on 2007/09/27 14:08:42
is just one of several different choking symptoms that indicate that the engine can't cope with the current situation.
AFAIK there's no simple formula that'll tell you if a particular engine's going to choke or not, you'll have to try to provoke it. Most engines will choke very easily, as your small map clearly demonstrates.
#6457 posted by Sielwolf on 2007/09/27 19:36:17
I wasn�t able to get your test map to overflow in aguirRe�s enhanced engine.
#6458 posted by madfox on 2007/09/27 21:53:00
Is here an easy way to recompile a Q3bsp back to a map file?
I remember there was a script for it, using it with blender and so. But I don't mean this.
I'm glad I finaly have my Qrediant nightly working on win98.
But winbsp can't handel q3. Q2toQ1map won't work either.
#6459 posted by metlslime on 2007/09/27 21:59:18
can BSPC do this? (the tool normally used to create bot files for quake3)
 Orphaned Textures
#6460 posted by grahf on 2007/09/28 00:30:40
Does anyone know where I could find the full than_industrial texture set? Than's planetquake page (pq/cesspit, right?) is gone.
#6461 posted by madfox on 2007/09/28 02:05:28
for your help, metlslime!
 Msd, AguirRe
#6462 posted by golden_boy on 2007/09/28 21:58:45
Most engines will choke very easily, as your small map clearly demonstrates.
To my surprise, I was not able to provoke any "Packet overflow" messages in Proquake 350 software (!) with Msd's map.
The map was fully playable, the lag was almost unnoticeable. And I have a stone-age system.
It answers my own question I asked earlier: it is very much possible to have lots of enemies onscreen at the same time. Enemy count alone seems to be no problem.
I myself intend to use about 100 Knights. That should be no problem because they only have a melee attack. Right? No particles or projectiles or dynamic lights.
What is the hard-coded limit for this? There must be one.
 You're Not Trying
#6463 posted by aguirRe on 2007/09/29 02:17:00
hard enough, try throwing a quad grenade in there and see what happens ...
Visible monster count is most definitely a problem, try out my lr/lrb maps that I posted earlier on shub-hub. Even if the monsters haven't seen you or do anything except standing idle, most engines will choke completely on that (if they can even load the map at all, try Easy skill on the smaller map).
Knights are easier as they don't produce new edicts like e.g. HKs or Ogres do.
There are many hardcoded engine limits, some of them don't translate very well to an easy explanation.
 Oh, Fuck You Aguire, I Didn't Say My Problem Was
#6464 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/29 03:25:43
specifically with the last combat, I said I stopped there. I saw the giant doom-style pile of ammo and was a little war-weary by then so I saved and quit.
thanks for the protip.
#6465 posted by metlslime on 2007/09/29 08:14:50
i think he was telling golden_boy that he wasn't trying hard enough to generate a packet overflow.
#6466 posted by golden_boy on 2007/09/29 23:54:41
I was being stupid, should have thought of explosives. Hm. There will be a way though. Who says the player will *fight* them.
#6467 posted by distrans on 2007/09/30 11:21:24
...I'm dabbling in Quoth at the moment, thought I'd better release at least one Quoth map before the update. Anyhoo, when I was placing ammunition and health whilst building Travail, it went/appeared where I damn well put it. This is far from the case with this level build. There is a huge difference between placement in editor and in game, this despite the size/entities definitions being the same for both the Travail and Quoth .fgd file.
 Blame Worldcraft
#6468 posted by negke on 2007/09/30 11:31:26
/*QUAKED item_cells (0.0 0.5 0.8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32)
/*QUAKED item_health (0.3 0.3 1.0) (0 0 0) (32 32 32
/*QUAKED item_rockets (0.0 0.5 0.8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32)
/*QUAKED item_shells (0.0 0.5 0.8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32)
/*QUAKED item_spikes (0.0 0.5 0.8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32)
#6469 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/30 22:20:32
sorry aguire, that was a totally different thread I thought I was posting in
hee! :(
 Worldcraft No More Please...
#6470 posted by Mikko on 2007/09/30 23:01:16
Did someone indicate a few weeks ago that it's possible to build Quake maps with Hammer if one happens to be sick and tired of Worldcraft? If so, are there any instructions available on how to set things up, and what possible downsides should I expect?
#6471 posted by Mike Woodham on 2007/09/30 23:26:38
Try BspEditor
#6472 posted by Orl on 2007/09/30 23:51:10
Everything you need is on this page: http://www.quakeone.com/qadapter/
#6473 posted by rudl on 2007/10/01 11:52:52
go to developer/Map Editors
I prefer QuArK
 Sorry --
#6474 posted by msd on 2007/10/01 14:43:10
I should have explained: my map was saved and compiled just at the point where the packet overflow was becoming acceptable. If you throw the grenades then the packet overflows start a bit because the backpacks drop, which push the poly count over its limits, I think, or it's the gibs. Anyway, I originally had a much taller tower with about four times as many enemies, heh. I just wanted to make a level that had a horrendous amount of gibs going on.
#6475 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/01 14:49:06
Are there any limits to what shape a func_door can be?
I have a door which is a 7 sided semi-circle, 8 units wide, (152*76*<128 vertical>) and its supposed to move up into another similar shaped slightly wider brush, but it behaves strangely in that it doesnt trigger even though theres no targetname.
Any clues?
#6476 posted by msd on 2007/10/01 14:50:20
I came to an even more dire problem with another map I was making -- I tried putting some enemies inside a box of explosive boxes (so that the explosive boxes surrounded in the enemies in a box-like shape, that is), which I thought would be fun to blow up, but Quake only handles about four or five of those boxes and a few enemies in the same room before it crashes -- you're just supposed to use one or two at a time. The barrels in Doom were definitely more fun!
#6477 posted by golden_boy on 2007/10/01 15:10:34
The exploding box idea is pretty weird =) There used to be this game "C-Dogs" (a top-down 2d shooter) which had some levels with explosives lined around all walls. The trick was to not die (there would be chain reactions etc). I remember it to be really, really funny. It's sad that this would not be possible in Quake then... it was one of the ideas on my mental list.
The mass enemy idea I have is to just spawn in something that looks like an army (Knights are fine) and having the player feel like he's getting totally swarmed. He would not have to fight them though, they would be some distance away. So no chance of gibs etc. occurring. Perhaps some hack to take away his weapons, to make sure... it would be just before the end of the level.
There is an older speedmap (Doom theme?) which has quite a lot of different enemies at the same time (like 30, and then another 30). It was fun and I don't remember packet overflows... although there were ogres , hellknights and vores involved... I'll see if I can find which it was, I'd like to play it again. You get a bunch of weapons at the start (Doom style) and then chaos...
 Approaching Army
#6478 posted by Spirit on 2007/10/01 15:21:29
You could put a transparent "glass" between the monsters and the player.