RPS Article On The BF4 Preview...
#6433 posted by sikkpin on 2013/03/27 22:11:42
What A Load Of Rubbish, But Nice Looking Rubbish!
#6434 posted by sock on 2013/03/27 22:38:17
It's impossible to think anything other than: it's a multiplayer game! Why aren't you showing us that? What is this for?
When metlslime said BF4 has a SP campaign I laughed, no one really cares because it will just play like CoD, but with different graphics. The BF franchise has always been about the MP experience, EA certainly like to shoot themselves in the foot ... "Press E to proceed and cut leg off"
#6435 posted by [Kona] on 2013/03/28 05:32:23
that looks awesome, epic cinematic sequences.
so is it just bf 3 and 4 that have proper single player? i think i tried to play one of the original ones, bf1 maybe and the sp was shit. just felt like a bot game.
#6436 posted by JPL on 2013/03/28 09:31:15
BF4 looks indeed awesome: I am just wondering whether SP campaign will really be good or not... and I definitively need a new computer :P
Battlefield Single Player
#6437 posted by DaZ on 2013/03/28 09:57:38
has always been a bit of a joke. I don't know why DICE keep on doing it, it must take so many resources to get the game to look that good and it's all wasted on a single player campaign that no one really cares about. It's battlefield for fucks sake!
BF3 sp was utterly beautiful, and utterly shit. More scripted and on rails than call of duty (if thats actually possible).
At least from what I can tell from that footage there is at least some choice put into bf4 as you can order your squad to suppress the enemy while you flank around. Or tell the helicopter to attack etc.
But really, if they put all this crazy effort they are using for single player into making the multiplayer better then they could probably create something fantastic. Why can't I hold onto the side of buildings while a helicopter explodes below me in MP? Wouldn't experiences like that be worth 1000x more in a multiplayer environment where its totally unscripted?
#6438 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/28 10:46:45
Also has a decent single player campaign.
Romero And The FPS Label
#6439 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/28 11:32:20
Only Battlefield game I ever played was 2.
I bought it on Steam for 2 bucks but they gave me an invalid serial number making online play impossible ...
I also found out EA customer support is just as nonexistant as people told me -- classic case of the circular blame-it-on-the-next-guy. Maybe it's better now, at least I hope so.
I only liked the smaller maps anyway. Too much walking around 90% of the time and getting sniped from 10 miles away 10% of the time on the larger maps :'(
Actually I played the first one with some friends back in 2004 or so. But it's so slow. Most of the time spent moving around rather than fighting. I was into UT2004 Onslaught at the time, which is like a night and day difference in those regards.
Guess I prefer MP to be as chaotic and spammy as possible for whatever reason. I'm not even sure If I actually like FPS games as a genre, playing Quake with a good chasecam mod feels just as good to me. To me it's more about hurdling projectiles at each-other and dodging stuff. That's very different from pop and stop kind of games like Counterstrike. So I'm not even sure if the first person perspective is the defining factor here. The ability to dodge weapon fire makes a huge difference. It seems more as if FPS and 3PS should be split into 'projectile shooter' and 'hitscan shooter' or something among those lines. I kind of like to think of it as Romero-fps and post-Romero-fps in historical terms. Altough that might be giving a little too much credit :P
Not that this post should be yet another one of those 'the good old days' kind of things, but I feel like that difference is very fundamental and not recognized enough in mainstream reviews.
#6440 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/28 12:27:55
Looks very pretty outside. Destructible stuff looks cool.
Gameplay looked boring and skipped through most of it.
No sale.
Holy Fuck
#6441 posted by starbuck on 2013/03/28 15:44:09
I'm a few hours into Bioshock: Infinite, and have been creaming my pants to an infinite degree. I think... it's my favourite game..? Ever?
Weapons: yes. Powers, yes. Setting, yes. Artwork, yes. Soundtrack, yes. Yes.
Prance Of Pasha: Glands Of Shame
#6442 posted by Spirit on 2013/03/28 18:29:17
How to make Spirit quit a game and delete it after 5 minutes:
* Constantly change camera angles (skipping the axis)
* Have one cutscene animation after each fight
* Have one cutscene animation after for health refresh
* Change camera when the player does some special action (anything that is not just walking)
* Make all those camera changes not ignore/reset the mouse camera control
* Randomly change the angle after aforementioned animations and have the player run into a wall
#6443 posted by ijed on 2013/03/28 18:57:49
It is the business.
New UE4 Demo
#6444 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/30 02:24:21
#6445 posted by [Kona] on 2013/03/30 05:47:52
awesome. design and art looks incredible, but I suppose it doesn't really show much from the engine, apart from size and detail.
#6446 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/30 12:19:16
but I suppose it doesn't really show much from the engine
I dunno, it looks like it's prerendered. No jaggies in sight, great reflections. Motionblur is very convincing. UE4 has an amazing realtime lighting system (voxel cone tracing).
Yes But What Does It Mean For Gameplay?
#6447 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/30 12:32:30
(seriously tho, if anyone has evidence that the "next generation" of tentpole action games aren't just going to be even shorter, even dumber versions of what we have now, I'm all ears...)
#6448 posted by Spirit on 2013/03/30 12:38:29
Close-up quick time events where you see sweat running down the named protagonist's face, blood on his bulky armor and slow motion death cameras that rotate closely around models.
#6449 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/30 13:04:27
We can't sell engines based on gameplay videos. How would that work? Here's an innovative and amazing game idea! It ... comes with the engine?
#6450 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/30 13:05:16
That said, here's a video showing what you can do with the new Kismet system in UE4:
#6451 posted by quakis on 2013/03/30 13:06:11
Damn nice looking movie engine there, too bad Unreal Engine won't be used to make games anymore.
#6452 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/30 13:50:14
We can't sell engines based on gameplay videos. How would that work? Here's an innovative and amazing game idea! It ... comes with the engine?
Completely disagree. As a designer, I want to see what possibilities the new technology provides for player interaction with the world.
I want to see what sort of awesome physics is possible. I want to see new possibilities for dynamic environments and procedurally generated content, to name just a couple of things.
All that demo showed me is improvements in real-time rendering in a cinematic sequence.
That kismet system looked wicked cool tho, for non-programmers to make some game logic I guess.
#6453 posted by sock on 2013/03/30 14:49:43
Gameplay does not sell games, visuals and brand names sells games. People love pretty screenshots, full cinematic cut scenes. Obviously there are exceptions like retro/pixel art but they have to still look good (yes there is bad pixel art).
If you make a game which does not have the latest bling or a tried and tested brand name then it will be a huge mountain to climb to get anyone interested. People love shiny stuff!
#6454 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/30 15:08:11
"All that demo showed me is improvements in real-time rendering in a cinematic sequence."
Right, and that's what we're offering you. The potential for top end visuals with a great tools pipeline and a fantastic scripting system in the Kismet/Blueprint features.
The gameplay is up to you.
Fantastic Video
#6455 posted by starbuck on 2013/03/30 18:02:15
Spiney said it really. Lighting looks spectacular and everything looks super smooth, no jaggies, no sharp stencil shadows. Looks completely pre-rendered. It's achieving that weird x-factor where I can't work out how it's being rendered. Uncanny valley here we come! There are exciting times afoot with the next-gen consoles round the corner methinks.
Gameplay Does Not Sell Games
#6456 posted by megaman on 2013/03/30 20:42:25
yes it does. The game industry just lost all the customers that actually cared for it years ago?
#6457 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/30 20:43:55
His point is more that sex sells. You can't attract customers with gameplay. You can, however, attract them with great graphics. Then once you have their attention, you can show them your gameplay.