#6429 posted by ijed on 2007/09/24 21:20:10
Just open the .bsp with Texmex and it'll extract all the textures.
#6430 posted by aguirRe on 2007/09/25 01:23:30
If you're using some sort of ETP map format (e.g. QuArK etp or Valve 220), try the -etp option and see if that helps.
#6431 posted by rudl on 2007/09/25 08:58:32
Thanks, but I already have the clock texture, but I need a second one that looks similar.
QuArK can also extract textures
#6432 posted by rudl on 2007/09/25 09:13:50
 That Shot Looks Interesting
#6433 posted by negke on 2007/09/25 09:51:34
There are two clock textures in the kingpin wad, although they might not be exactly what you are looking for.
 Fix For The .lit Issue
#6434 posted by Tyrann on 2007/09/25 10:11:33
New version of my utils with a fix for the (again, silly and obvious) bug when running light with "-lit" is now up.
#6435 posted by Spirit on 2007/09/25 10:51:13
That looks nice indeed. I bet there are some wicked clock textures in American McGee'S Alice. There is a wad somewhere if I recall right.
 I'm Mapping Tonight So...
#6436 posted by distrans on 2007/09/25 10:51:21
...hugs and beer to you Tyrann!
#6437 posted by distrans on 2007/09/25 10:56:30
...what is the relationship between fog and minlight?
 American McGee's Alice Wad
#6438 posted by negke on 2007/09/25 12:11:30
I've never seen an alice.wad so I quickly compiled one. Many textures look horrible in the Quake palette but there are also many nice ones.
Spirit: please mirror it at quaddicted.com/wads
 Fog / Minlight
#6439 posted by Tyrann on 2007/09/25 13:34:13
Fog and minlight have nothing to do with each other. Unless I don't understand the question...
#6440 posted by Spirit on 2007/09/25 15:11:12
neg|ke: done
aguirRe: Thanks, didn't help in this case though. The map is done now. :)
#6441 posted by rudl on 2007/09/25 20:37:18
Thanks cool textures, but I need something more Quake like.
I already try to modify the texture of the missionpack a bit.
#6442 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/26 01:47:24
thanks tyrann! works a peach.
 Is There Any
#6443 posted by golden_boy on 2007/09/26 05:43:58
limit to how many monsters I can have visible on screen at the same time? I need something that looks like an army.
What would happen if it's too many? What breaks first?
 Re: Gravity
#6444 posted by msd on 2007/09/26 06:56:22
so there's no way to change the gravity for a player (without him using sv_gravity)? that sucks
#6445 posted by distrans on 2007/09/26 07:29:30
...that answers the question, thankyou! Oh, and thanks for the bug fix, now Ruined Nation looks even more D3 than before.
 Packet Overflow?
#6446 posted by msd on 2007/09/26 12:33:33
(I don't mean to interrupt anyone's conversation here, but I was trying to determine what are the "packet overflow" limits for Quake 1 in this test map:
I'm using WinQuake and prefer to design for DOS / WinQuake rather than the more powerful ports. (I'm guessing packet overflow is related to that). I guess the main thing is just to avoid rockets/grenades if you're trying to put a lot of enemies onscreen. I'm still interested in the limits of the Quake 1 engine if anyone has made a chart or document of some kind. Thanks!
 IKBase Wad?
#6447 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/09/26 15:07:07
Does anybody know where I can download the legenday IKBase wad, cause I wanna check it out, but all of the links I find on google or whatever dont seem to work. If only I'd been up to this sort of shinnannegans 3 or f4 years ago!
#6448 posted by Spirit on 2007/09/26 17:20:59
#6449 posted by necros on 2007/09/26 19:17:57
i think if you name your bsp file e1m8.bsp, you may be able to trick the engine into using the 100 gravity from that map.
basically, when the map loads up, if the filename is called "e1m8.bsp" it sets it to 100, otherwise, it sets to 800.
#6450 posted by negke on 2007/09/26 20:49:11
Renaming the bsp is the worst way to do it (besides, it won't even work just like that because the file in the pak has a higher priority than stuff in the maps directory and would therefore be loaded instead). Either make your map require a mod which has a trigger_gravity (e.g. SOA) or trigger_command (e.g. Quoth), or simply add a centerprint in the beginning telling the player to change sv_gravity manually.
#6451 posted by necros on 2007/09/26 21:02:31
files in paks have to be lower priority, otherwise, how would progs.dat files in mod dirs do anything?
 Re: Gravity
#6452 posted by Kell on 2007/09/26 21:10:50
Quoth allows you to set the gravity in the map's worldspawn.
Using trigger_setgravity only changes gravity for the player who triggers it ( not monsters or coop teammates ).
#6453 posted by Kell on 2007/09/26 21:14:43
files in paks have to be lower priority, otherwise, how would progs.dat files in mod dirs do anything?
I'm sure we've had this argument before :P
priority runs thus:
mod pak file -> mod folder -> id1 pak file -> id1 folder
so if someone made a map and named it e1m8.bsp and placed it in the id1/maps folder, it would not be loaded: e1m8 in the id1 pak0.pak would supercede it.
If, however, their version of e1m8 was placed in a mod folder e.g. quoth/maps it would be loaded instead of ziggurat vertigo while playing Quoth.
As neg|ke says, this would generally be bad form for a mapper to do.