Spiney Fail
#6414 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/25 13:44:35
And in an ironic twist, it turns out that Shambler is a legit viagra salesman.
 Not Very Legit...
#6415 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/25 13:52:25
 Fair Enough. Besides...
#6416 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/25 14:28:02
Why would we need viagra when quake already makes our dicks harder than damascus steel?
 Dead Space 3
#6417 posted by Vondur on 2013/03/25 15:33:30
just finished this lengthy game (17 hrs). at first it was hard to get used to good old xenomorphs again, but after a while the game started to go smooth. very detailed and atmospheric levels, proper no less epic ending and of course curved corridors by metlslime.
recommending this game!
#6418 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/25 15:47:17
Apologies! I iz teh fail! :C
 Space Marine
#6419 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/25 16:07:23
+ Ruined forgeworld background is good
+ All weapons useful, satisfying and characterful (apart from GL)
+ Bomb squigs very cute, Bloodletters very cool
+ Violence is great- lots of blood and flying bodies
+ Very true to 40k universe
+ Intense gameplay, requiring a good mix of aggression and caution.
+ Progress and missions pretty smooth and natural.
- Very clunky controls and running screenshake annoying.
- Utterly on-rails progress (it's like a FPS side-scroller as far as lack of interaction with the cool backgrounds)
- No interaction with anything nearby either.
- Graphics strictly previous generation and quite bland.
- Checkpoints often before cutscenes / a long way before tough fights
- Save points at boss battle so bad I didn't complete the game
- Voices boring and Ork voices grating.
#6420 posted by DaZ on 2013/03/25 16:15:06
SHPAACE MURINE! spaaaaace marrrine! SPACE MARINE! SHPAACE MURINE! spaaaaace marrrine! SPACE MARINE! SHPAACE MURINE! spaaaaace marrrine! SPACE MARINE! SHPAACE MURINE! spaaaaace marrrine! SPACE MARINE! SHPAACE MURINE! spaaaaace marrrine! SPACE MARINE! SHPAACE MURINE! spaaaaace marrrine! SPACE MARINE! SHPAACE MURINE! spaaaaace marrrine! SPACE MARINE!
I agree though Shambler. Amazing melee combat all the way through, but aside from that and the 40k licence its a pretty bland 3PS.
 Someone Here Worked On It
#6421 posted by ijed on 2013/03/26 00:58:40
I think. The core mechanics look excellent, I saw people running through it at the office.
Tempted to grab a copy, but only just freed myself from Shad'o (indie tower defence, looks like viva pinata, good overall, but then again I have no defence against TD).
...and finished Hotline Miami. At least, saw the credits once and played motorcycle guy's story. Now I just have a load of achievements to grind through.
But for now going to sip my triple distilled jamesons and read.
What was I talking about again?
#6422 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/26 04:28:03
#6423 posted by Vondur on 2013/03/27 08:20:21
we got an argument here at work regarding dead space, what engine it uses? some people say it uses frostbyte, is it so? i always thought it uses its own. please clear this super important matter :)
#6424 posted by metlslime on 2013/03/27 08:31:52
it does not use frostbite. It uses its own engine which Visceral developed over the years, and goes back at least as far as the first Godfather game.
 Battlefield 4
#6425 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/27 11:59:47
#6426 posted by metlslime on 2013/03/27 20:04:06
sure does look good. I didn't like most of the gameplay in BF3 SP though... maybe i should write a full review here.
 Battlefield 4 Is Looking Pretty
#6427 posted by starbuck on 2013/03/27 20:34:03
like a pretty girl. What sort of engine tech is going on there?
#6428 posted by metlslime on 2013/03/27 20:53:30
engine is frostbite 2
#6429 posted by starbuck on 2013/03/27 20:57:09
The same engine as battlefield 3?? Surely they've added some features... lighting in particular looks really impressive.
#6430 posted by metlslime on 2013/03/27 21:03:03
yeah, I'm sure it's been evolved somewhat. Plus if you get more experienced with the same tech you can do better work with it.
#6431 posted by rebb on 2013/03/27 21:15:55
#6432 posted by metlslime on 2013/03/27 22:05:44
heh, i was about to come back here and say that wikipedia says it's actually frostbite 3 :)
 RPS Article On The BF4 Preview...
#6433 posted by sikkpin on 2013/03/27 22:11:42
 What A Load Of Rubbish, But Nice Looking Rubbish!
#6434 posted by sock on 2013/03/27 22:38:17
It's impossible to think anything other than: it's a multiplayer game! Why aren't you showing us that? What is this for?
When metlslime said BF4 has a SP campaign I laughed, no one really cares because it will just play like CoD, but with different graphics. The BF franchise has always been about the MP experience, EA certainly like to shoot themselves in the foot ... "Press E to proceed and cut leg off"
#6435 posted by [Kona] on 2013/03/28 05:32:23
that looks awesome, epic cinematic sequences.
so is it just bf 3 and 4 that have proper single player? i think i tried to play one of the original ones, bf1 maybe and the sp was shit. just felt like a bot game.
#6436 posted by JPL on 2013/03/28 09:31:15
BF4 looks indeed awesome: I am just wondering whether SP campaign will really be good or not... and I definitively need a new computer :P
 Battlefield Single Player
#6437 posted by DaZ on 2013/03/28 09:57:38
has always been a bit of a joke. I don't know why DICE keep on doing it, it must take so many resources to get the game to look that good and it's all wasted on a single player campaign that no one really cares about. It's battlefield for fucks sake!
BF3 sp was utterly beautiful, and utterly shit. More scripted and on rails than call of duty (if thats actually possible).
At least from what I can tell from that footage there is at least some choice put into bf4 as you can order your squad to suppress the enemy while you flank around. Or tell the helicopter to attack etc.
But really, if they put all this crazy effort they are using for single player into making the multiplayer better then they could probably create something fantastic. Why can't I hold onto the side of buildings while a helicopter explodes below me in MP? Wouldn't experiences like that be worth 1000x more in a multiplayer environment where its totally unscripted?