#6404 posted by metlslime on 2007/09/20 20:40:23
"I seriously think I might make a map using a tool that doesn't exist and that I don't know how to write, but I imagine someone else on func will write it for me."
 Removed The Five Malfunctioning Spawns
#6405 posted by Mikko on 2007/09/21 01:56:39
One last question: is it possible to make an elevator (func_door) so that when it goes down (activated by a button), it stays down, and has to be once again activated (by another button) to go back up? I tried the "Stays open" value but that prevented it from going back up altogether.
 The 'toggle' Spawnflag
#6406 posted by necros on 2007/09/21 02:12:24
it will do what you want. :)
#6407 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/21 05:35:28
Tyrlight 99c is crashing on a specific plane in my map, consistently, only in colored light mode. Is there any way I can trace that back to a brush, or whatever else might be causing it? I really don't have the patience to just start fucking with random brushes and 'jiggling the handle' until I maybe get a result.
 Aside From Divide-and-conquer Compiling, That Is
#6408 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/21 05:36:20
#6409 posted by Mikko on 2007/09/21 23:19:26
I asked previously (#6385) about how to take screenshots so that the weapon doesn't show and I received a reply in #6386. However, is there any way to fly/walk around the level in a spectator mode so that the monsters cannot see you? I'd like to snap a few shots with monsters posing in them but so that they're not trying to shoot me.
#6410 posted by gibbie on 2007/09/21 23:28:09
i think if you type 'notarget' they won't see you. also set crosshair 0, r_drawviewmodel 0, viewsize 120, and fov 105 or something. afterwards you'll probably need to brighten the shots up a bit in photoshop (play with curves).
#6411 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/22 01:36:51
shrinking the map down to smaller and smaller bits to isolate the cause of the error didn't help. tyrlite -lit crashes within the first few dozen faces no matter what map I compile with it, even maps with no lights.
trying other BSPers in advance doesn't help, so it's probably not a compatibility issue there. tyrlite 0.99c has in fact been confirmed to work when compiling a map with a .lit, right?
#6412 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/22 02:38:59
bamb is getting the same crash in a different map on a different computer. apparently it's tyrann's fault!
#6413 posted by distrans on 2007/09/22 07:16:41
...as am I. Thank goodness I'm not as stupid as I thought. It crashes out at 12-20 faces for me.
#6414 posted by sielwolf on 2007/09/22 19:38:12
look up the Quake cheat codes(noclip/notarget), and set sv_altnoclip 1 (works in Fitz and aguirRe�s engine), then you can fly around using the mouse like in Q2.
#6415 posted by Mikko on 2007/09/22 23:18:19
Well, the map is finally done and I no longer have to bug you with stupid questions! See the news section for details (well, in a moment at least).
Thank you all for help.
#6416 posted by Tyrann on 2007/09/23 04:31:48
Hey guys, I might not hang out here much anymore, but I still take bug reports. Someone email me a map which is killing my light util and I'll fix it.
 So Far All Of Them
#6417 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/23 06:39:05
are we using it wrong?
#6418 posted by ijed on 2007/09/23 08:56:00
Send an email
 My Point Is
#6419 posted by Lunaran on 2007/09/23 17:37:31
he can place a single brush and press 'hollow' and it'll crash his compiler. that's all we've had to do.
#6420 posted by msd on 2007/09/24 02:04:55
How do I change the gravity for a map in WorldCraft 3.33?
#6421 posted by ijed on 2007/09/24 02:54:30
Map, Map properties and then Gravity.
Default is 800, and I think Ziggurat of Vertigo is at 300.
 Takes A Custom Progs.dat Though
#6422 posted by HeadThump on 2007/09/24 05:15:17
and don't forget to use a towel.
#6423 posted by metlslime on 2007/09/24 06:07:16
custom gravity won't work without custom code...
unless preach knows one of his many secret map hacks :)
 Searching Textures
#6424 posted by rudl on 2007/09/24 15:14:42
I need a texture that looks similar to the clock texture in the rogue missionpack. Does anybody know ewere to find or if such a texture exists?
 Don't Recall
#6425 posted by HeadThump on 2007/09/24 16:56:09
the Rouge pack havung a clock texture, but there is one in the Scourge of Armagon pack. It may be worth checking out.
 Dark Artifacts
#6426 posted by Spirit on 2007/09/24 17:18:01
I compiled with light options -soft -extra4
If there is an easy way to get rid of those using compiler options I would love to do it. I won't change anything on the map because it is supposed to be finished. ;)
#6427 posted by czg on 2007/09/24 17:44:22
 I Mixed It Up
#6428 posted by rudl on 2007/09/24 20:08:36
Sorry I meant hipnotic not rogue