#40 posted by aguirRe on 2007/12/20 15:00:37
Newlines in centerprints; probably, I don't know, try it.
Longer centerprints; scr_centertime I think, but in Fitz and my engines they can be logged to console, so you never have to worry about this again. See readmes for details.
Btw, I noticed the unusual and neat trick with the lava pool in the arena being slime in Normal/Easy, I don't think I've seen that before :)
Yeah - Slime And Lava
#41 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/12/20 15:11:55
Doesnt hurt!!!
Fucking func_walled lava/slime doesnt hurt! If I had realised I would have put a trigger hurt in!
Its in spirits demo - quite funny but a SHAME :(
Oh well...
I Think It's
#42 posted by aguirRe on 2007/12/20 15:26:00
perfect as it is; it's for decoration. This arena doesn't need any more damage than there already is. Also, with a trigger_hurt on the floor, the monsters would probably kill themselves soon enough ...
And if you haven't noticed already, JoeQ doesn't support the fog command. It uses the Nehahra syntax and only when the -nehahra option is enabled.
Some other engines (e.g. Tomaz) don't even have the same fog concept, which would render the parameters meaningless.
Oh Yeah - Almost Forgot;
#43 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/12/20 16:34:39
This map has l00ts of scope for speed-demos. With the early GL + bridges holding back progression to GK + possibility of Grenade Jumping to a pentegram => shave off l00ts of time!
Also has anyone beat my skill 2 time of 33 mins or even post a skill 3 demo?
(I love watching peoples demo's :P)
#44 posted by Spirit on 2007/12/20 19:06:51
I forgot to mention:
Damn you are progressing nice and fast!
I just hope you will do non-base maps too. ;P
Very Nice Map
#45 posted by negke on 2007/12/20 19:08:15
Yes, this was more enjoyable than the last one, though I shouldn't have played on hard. Some of the ambushes were just wtf with vores and fiends silently spawning in my back. Fairly frequent Vore + Voreling gang and similar nasty encounters were a bit questionable too. A few times I almost ran out of ammo and health but it always somehow worked out in the last moment. The secrets (found all of them right away, nice) really came in handy, except for the Pentagram, which I wasted because I got lost in search of one of the key doors. Some signs/arrows would have been good. DBS against Gugs is tricky..
Nice architeture and texture work. I'm surprised you got all the details in without exceeding the limits. The Wolf3D-grade lava texture sucked though. The shattered muh_bad was nice, fog and polyps = awesome. The dogs were cool too. Some of the door triggers made beep sounds. Boring intermission persective - next time add several showing some cool parts of the map.
@ Vigil
#46 posted by Baker on 2007/12/20 22:18:24
I don't see how adding a few words to a command line makes running the map a pain in any way.
I understand your perspective. It is not difficult.
#47 posted by Trinca on 2007/12/20 23:36:45
I beta tested!!! but didn�t play the final release becouse i got my eyes fuckedup :\ hope to play as soon as i�m perfectly ok! but from what i�ve saw during beta... this one is real fucking good real nice brushwork and gameplay fun and balance enjoy it a lot on hard :)
As other people said u�ve realy improved a lot... real LOT!!! i�m already a noob at your maps :) maby i should give more time in mapping :\ but life eat me!!!
hope to see more from you my friend!!! and i will post a proper hard demo when my eyes are better to play :\ becouse now i�m realy fuckedup...
#48 posted by inertia on 2007/12/21 02:45:46
This was great! Also, I had fun playing it. Although I apparently missed 3 secrets and 30 monsters.
Nice base texturing, I appreciate a nice clean base.
Unlike The Last One...
#49 posted by distrans on 2007/12/21 02:51:49
...this one is worth commenting on.
1. Loved the solid architecture, nice angles on supports of all kind, grand in places but tight in others...as one would expect in a base. Excellent sense of place (the skybox and fairly consistent texture use really helped with this too).
2. Progression was well thought out until I had to return to the previously contained button in the SK room. Luckily I had triggered the message earlier so it eventually came back to me. otherwise I would've quit out at that stage.
3. The underground section with the rock work and then Kell's texture set was magnificent.
4. Quake started to judder when approaching the GK area. With my machine, the only time this has happened in the past was in certain places on Hrimfaxi's woefully vis-blocked first release. You may have taken qbsp/vis out for dinner and a drink since your last effort, but you have yet to consumate the union. Keep at it though!
5. I played on "normal" and enjoyed most of the gameplay, you really do understand the Quoth baddies on this skill level...far better than I do. Regardless, gameplay became increasingly unbalanced in the final stages.
6. Yeah, this is a base level worth playing/exploring. Grand, fresh, unbalanced but mostly just solid fun.
Oh Yeah
#50 posted by inertia on 2007/12/21 03:11:27
Took me 10 minutes to find the gold key door.
Re: Monster Counts
#51 posted by AladdinSane on 2007/12/21 08:49:32
I also experienced inflated monster counts - 358 on my first run through, and 328 on my second. After some investigating, it seems that whenever I save a game, then load it, the count goes up. Until that point, the total monster count displayed is correct.
However, opening the .sav in Wordpad reveals that the total_monsters global was already at the increased value when I saved, even though the count in the status bar was still 306.
I was able to easily reproduce this in aguirRe's engine (neh v3.08) - just killed ~25 monsters, saved, then loaded: total_monsters jumped to 311. Probably a bug in the spawning code of Quoth?
#52 posted by aguirRe on 2007/12/21 10:21:07
I did all testing in my own bug-fixed Quoth progs, I'll test using the original also. It might be the horde-spawning that causes the killcount errors, I think I've fixed several of those.
#53 posted by Shambler on 2007/12/21 11:07:52
I get the impression (from a brief look) that this is rather different in Quoth.
Oh Yes
#54 posted by aguirRe on 2007/12/21 11:13:02
plenty of killcount errors here, already in the 2nd room where some dogs are horde_spawned.
This explains Spirit's demo issues. If you feel it's a problem, use the Warp progs instead.
Thanks People!!
#55 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/12/21 12:55:33
Its really nice to hear some good comments for a change - also some very usefull constructive criticism, tips and pointers! Thanks for the feedback!
Still waiting for a NH uber-quick demo! >;-)
Trinca - What happened to your eyes?
#56 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/12/21 17:11:09
why doesnt "bind 9 impulse 250" work in fitz?
To select the Plasmagun I mean, by pressing "9" on keyboard. The console just quotes me usage instructions when I type this...
Oh - So The Signon Buffer Dem00n Then :P?
#57 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/12/21 17:35:29
Would you say that the sign00n buffer thingy is killing the correct killcount?
Predicted - Level wouldnt load if too close to limit
Actual - Killcount f@cked when using savegames :-/
Signon buffer - predicted SOLUTION ?
Darkplaces engine - a wonder if using DP will fix killcount/savegames bug?
#58 posted by Preach on 2007/12/21 17:49:36
You need to type it as
bind 9 "impulse 250"
including the quotes. Otherwise you end up binding the key to impulse without the number. Probably worth added to the config.cfg file. Do people feel that a more natural, single word console command for selecting the plasma gun, something like weapon_plasma, would be worth adding to quoth2?
Thats 2 Words
#59 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/12/21 18:01:39
How about
I like it - like:
Or: How about
#60 posted by ijed on 2007/12/21 18:37:49
I don't think that's so necessary, tbh. You only add it to your config once.
#61 posted by aguirRe on 2007/12/21 19:45:59
No engine can correct this progs bug, it doesn't even care what's dead or not. And the engine signon buffer limitation has nothing to do with it either, you can't load the map if that's exceeded.
#62 posted by Trinca on 2007/12/21 19:48:52
no idear RickyT23 they are all red :\ going to doctor tonight... to see what it is! the pharmacy gave me some stuff but since is not working properly will go to doctor today
Great Map!
#63 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2007/12/21 20:24:03
This is really a improvement over your last map.
Architecture was good and strong, really nice brushwork. Very good use of textures and good ligtning.
Played it on hard and found it a bit unballanced, had to godmode near the end. 8-)
Had some wrong monstercount as well, but now we know why! 8-)
Hope to see some maps from you that isn't a base map but medieval or runic.
Keep them coming!
#64 posted by Lizard on 2007/12/22 03:49:52
I dunno guys, I'm not much on readme's but it was pretty plain - put the maps in your quoth directory and use fitzquake.
Great map. Damm it oozed with eye candy. Everything was neat and tidy. Even the boxes looked good. I guess I didn't play your first map or don't remember it but I try to play them all.
When I saw big map, 350 monsters, I didn't think I would like it. I was wrong. Congrats