#6345 posted by megaman on 2013/03/12 23:42:53
crysis "1" was a bit step down from far cry already.
#6346 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/13 00:19:23
Have to agree with mega, wish they'dd just improved upon Far Cry -- which is also rather so-so at times.
Crysis universe feels really bland to me. Far Cry was outright silly but at least it was somewhat original in it's weird way... etc etc, blah ...
Maybe if you could use a suit power for more than 2 seconds it could be fun. Having to crouch behind a tree waiting for your battery to reload every 10 seconds gets boring fast. It's a bit like having to switch to the flashlight in Doom3 because you can't see shit 50% of the time.
Any more works of art to bash? :P
FC & Crysis.
#6347 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/13 00:27:05
Brilliant games. Rare combinations of looking damn cool and getting the gameplay to work and flow smoothly. Suit energy running low is all part of it.
The Problem With The Suit Powers
#6348 posted by megaman on 2013/03/13 10:11:47
is that it kind of feels like "oh, here, we consolified the game, but you can choose what we consolify!".
Or maybe i'm just really disgusted by the way modern games often make you ridiculously powerful in a shitty, super hero way. I think that's something that's commonly misunderstood: I don't want to be the hero of the game, i want that my decisions/actions make me the hero.
Just let my gameplay actions speak for themselves. In the same way a hardcore quake player rips you apart when you join the server.
And the suit gives you super hero status, for free, for a limited time. Everything i do with it is just because of the free super power. that just feels bad, and nothing like hitting triple air rockets (in q3, because rockets are fucking slow there).
And don't do it in the story, please. I can't stand that shit. That was probably the best thing about max payne, he wasn't the hero in the story. He just did ridiculous things during the gameplay. Of course they fucked it all up because they portrayed him in such a 16-year-old "wow that's a cool guy!" way, but yeah.
Crysis 'is Too' Linear
#6349 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/13 12:44:41
WTF are you talking about?!?! Smables?!?!!
Far Cry 2 and 3
Dead Island
Crysis 2
Crysis 3
Far Cry (1)
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but they are linear as fuck. Some of the areas are pretty big, but the game is certainly linear. You have to complete the objectives in a linear order, you cannot go back to areas you have already been to once you have left an area.
I mean Crysis is no less linear than CoD games for example.
#6350 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/13 14:56:10
I mean Crysis is no less linear than CoD games for example.
Balderdash. "Linearity" is not a binary property. You have to talk about the granularity-of-the-linearity'ity, and I think everyone can agree that in terms of mission/story-progressionity, Crysis is linear in the sense that CoD is linear, but when you look at lower levels of granular titty - e.g. consider a typical combat setpiece in either of those games - it's obvious that Crysis gives you more options, more space to navigate, just more ways of slicing that particular sausage than CoD does.
I Agree.
#6351 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/13 15:25:13
On some level.
But Crysis 2 has massive areas too, that you can approach the objective from multiple angles. I just don't see how Crysis 2 is more linear than Crysis 1.
#6352 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/13 21:13:32
I think the cityscape just throws more vertical walls at you. It compensates with z-axis up to a point. You also can't sneak through bushes all the time which give cover even in a fairly open environment.
Maybe I need to replay the games before being too judgemental. But they're just not my cup of tea I'm afraid. Pretty though, no denying that.
#6353 posted by nitin on 2013/03/14 02:55:42
lol. Linear Game is not the same as Linear Gameplay.
#6354 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/14 11:51:44
Nitin has a point, there's different levels of granularity. Having a long corridor with baddies jumping out at you is different from having a square with buildings you can clear in a different order. Likewise you can have linear levels but a non-linear overworld, etc...
What They All Said.
#6355 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/14 12:21:21
C1 you play through the levels in a linear order, but the levels themselves are relatively non-linear.
C2 you play through the levels in a linear order, and the levels themselves are fairly linear (due to small size and city landscape).
Maybe the "massive areas" appear later on in the game though...
Still Mostly Linear.
#6356 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/17 23:52:19
As in most levels have a couple of parallel paths that do pretty much the same thing...
...but also pretty cool too. Definitely ramps up throughout the game, both in the spectacle of the ruined city and the intensity of the gameplay. Some of the alien fights are pretty fucking the Central Station Walker boss fight I felt anything but a god-like superhuman. As Crysis Of Duty 2 on rails shooter it works pretty damn well indeed.
Also had a great moment when I nearly got jumped by a Seph on a rooftop and got alerted by his shadow from the evening sun and shot the fucker in the face before he buttraped me....don't thnk I've had such a good demonstration of the possible gameplay benefits of a pure graphical enhancement before...
#6357 posted by quakis on 2013/03/18 09:10:19
Some of the alien fights are pretty fucking the Central Station Walker boss fight I felt anything but a god-like superhuman.
Ugh, that was probably the most frustrating part for me too. Forgot how many times I died there...
#6348 Megaman
#6358 posted by Killes on 2013/03/18 10:33:58
That, exactly that.
There might be a challenge or 2 but I hate games where your super kinda overpowered superhero.
It just feels like a whole setup to offer cheap easy thrills - which are great and probably work well enough if your new to gamers / a young kid but it really makes it feel like a total waste of time playing the game.
No challenge, or artificial moments of simple challenge which boils down to a little timing. Hardly any skill input, just like following a formula to advance to the next "scene".
It has to be wrong if I don't feel like i got any better at the game. To me the fun of playing games is always somehow getting better at it personally - that is what allows to match the increased difficulty coming up, a failure to improve becomes a failure to progress without cheating.
And thats fine, thats what we call a GAME. Games are to be won or lost. Not just won and thats it. OMG that makes me think fuck Prey so hard for its death/respawn system. I puked a little at that.
If you want something else may I suggest a movie ?
And if you cant take the defeat then cheat. Please don't just make all games feel like they are on a constant cheat mode just to not irk some dysfunctional people...
/rant over
#6359 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/18 10:36:13
It was a bit too much IMO, compared to elsewhere. The second Walker you fight in a better arena with only 2-3 Seph appearing through the fight, compared to the "fuckloads" in the station. Switching from zoomed in RL to zoomed out machine gun at the same time as switching on and off armour mode to let it recharge enough and dodging while it recharges, jesus.
#6360 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/18 10:37:51
Just FYI this kinda negates Killes point above, not as an argument but the suit is not OP in the last half of the game.
Play Dark Souls You Fuckers
#6361 posted by czg on 2013/03/18 10:57:28
It's Seriously The Best Game Made In Fucking Ages
#6362 posted by czg on 2013/03/18 11:03:06
Dark Souls
#6363 posted by bal on 2013/03/18 11:09:28
Agreed, it's quite brilliant, but mgah is it hard.
Dark Souls
#6364 posted by sock on 2013/03/18 11:24:05
Its not really hard, try the previous title Demons Souls if you want to play a hard game that constantly punishes you! Dark Souls has lots of new mechanics to forgive mistakes. I still play Dark Souls, I rarely play games much after completing them, but the first half of the game is just so good and the boss battles are awesome.
#6365 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/18 12:10:20
i have both dark souls and demons souls for the PS3 still in their cellophane. Never did get around to playing them. :{
#6366 posted by sock on 2013/03/18 12:19:35
Play Demon Souls first, the second game Dark Souls is easier. You should hurry up because part of the enjoyment of the games is the co-op aspect for boss fights and the servers will not be around forever!
<- Grossly Incandescent
#6367 posted by czg on 2013/03/18 13:06:42
Dark Souls is hard, but it is hard in a way that is totally possible to master.
You'll probably get fucked up by a balder knight the first time you meet one, but after a while you handle them easily. Not because you're necessarily stronger, but because you know how they work. Because they'll still fuck you up if you make a mistake.
I haven't played it that much to be honest, just about to go to gaping dragon on my first playthrough, but so far there has been nothing that has been really unfair to me. I lost about 4000 souls right before gargoyles because I got invaded by some prick in a top hat, that's the most unfair thing so far.
I have been watching a Let's Play alongside, so I kinda know what I can expect. I know how the game goes and what I should be doing, and I don't really mind having that "spoiled" for me, because I'm mostly here for one thing:
The level/world design is just A M A Z I N G!
Just stop and look for a moment how Firelink Shrine goes into Undead Burg, how that loops back and forth on itself, how you get up on the ramparts, where the drake bridge connects to the burg (even just the tiny detour on the bridge with the rats is brilliant!) and then to the Parish, and then how the Parish is literally sitting on top of Firelink Shrine...
And how the lower Undead Burg is intertwined with upper, and where the Capra Demon and Depths entrance fits in, and how Darkroot Forest winds around the moonlight butterfly bridge, and the tower with the dead blacksmith butts up against the burg, going to Sen's Fortress and realizing where Anor Londo is and how the entire world is sort of terraced like that...
And all of this just flows together completely naturally and seamless, I could go on and on gushing about the Dark Souls world.
My biggest wish for my "career" is getting to work on something even half so grossly incandescent with excellence as Dark Souls!
#6368 posted by Killes on 2013/03/18 14:03:37
OK I really wanna try Dark Souls now.
Guess i must of passed a Steam sale or 2 for Dark Souls but still.
Hadnt payed too too much attention but the more I look...
Just Make Sure You Use DSFix
#6369 posted by czg on 2013/03/18 14:26:06