#6328 posted by HeadThump on 2004/12/03 22:33:01
Your money
Half-Life With High-Definition Pack (from BlueShift)
#6329 posted by Megazoid on 2004/12/04 02:33:27
Jago: Here's a better link to the same page -
This pic is just wrong... so very wrong.
Phait : Macs = stable, stylish, garbage.
#6330 posted by Vondur on 2004/12/04 03:22:27
hmm, well hl1src is useful for those who didn't play original hl, for veterans it's just a bit of retouched nostalgia
#6331 posted by . on 2004/12/04 05:10:58
I have a Powerbook, it's my dedicated music computer, and the occasional SNES/NES/GEN game. Since I don't really play games much anymore (PC), I don't have much a reason to have a PC. It's just I know one day I'll reaaaaaally want to play this or that game, so I'm still contemplating having one in addition.
Oh Well
#6332 posted by . on 2004/12/04 05:12:04
Considering I can just build a PC for much much cheaper, it wouldn't really be too much to put one together, dedicate it to gaming and that's that. I probably will.
Oh Hey
#6333 posted by . on 2004/12/04 07:29:03
I'm starting to get intrigued by Linux, I'm gonna get Mandrake running on my system and a friend's after some more research... I can't wait.
#6334 posted by Jago on 2004/12/04 07:48:34
Mandrake is far from being the best distribution of Linux, no matter the CPU architecture. I'd rather get myself Ubuntu/PPC, Debian/PPC or Gentoo/PPC. If you want a UNIX (not Linux) on your Mac, I'd give OpenBSD and NetBSD a whirl.
Not For Mac...
#6335 posted by . on 2004/12/04 17:10:33
For PC ;) -- The general impression I'm getting of Mandrake, from reading, is it's best for new users who are used to Windows/Mac? I did take a look at Gentoo though, and a friend is suggesting Mepis ( ) but I dunno.
#6336 posted by wrath on 2004/12/04 17:11:05
Linux is only free if your time is worth nothing.
#6337 posted by Maj on 2004/12/04 17:56:15
Wrath, 2002 called, they want their joke ba.... ooh, irony!
#6338 posted by Jago on 2004/12/04 18:12:53
Tried Linux
#6339 posted by . on 2004/12/05 06:20:15
The 10 Least Successful Holiday Specials Of All Time
#6340 posted by HeadThump on 2004/12/05 16:08:03
#6341 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/12/05 16:24:10
The most illogical holiday.
Is this shit for real?
Oh No,
#6342 posted by HeadThump on 2004/12/05 16:47:38
it is all made up -- my fave is the Nuge Christmas.
Wtf Deus Ex
#6343 posted by Jago on 2004/12/05 19:12:41
#6344 posted by Jago on 2004/12/05 19:16:44
#6345 posted by Jago on 2004/12/05 19:43:27
Why don't we move #terrafusion to a big and "proven" network like QuakeNet or IRCNet? GameSurge seems to be having a lot of problems as of late and so did GamesNet.
#6346 posted by Kell on 2004/12/05 21:24:02
#6347 posted by - on 2004/12/05 21:43:00
if everyone agrees to a network, i will move it. but not unless there is 100% agreement. alot of people are in #tf and I don't want to alienate them.
#6348 posted by Blitz on 2004/12/05 22:49:33
My vote is to move it to EFnet if you move it at all...but I'd prefer to keep it on Gamesurge.
#6349 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/12/05 22:59:07
I'll follow scampie to the ends of the earth. But no farther than that.
PS: Is it Game Surge or Game's Urge?
Phait, LOL
#6350 posted by VoreLord on 2004/12/06 01:29:15
Tonight I installed Vector Linux on one of a friend's computer
lol, that's the best way to try something out, I like your style :)
Haven't read past that yet
#6351 posted by . on 2004/12/06 01:47:22
Actually I hadn't thought of that idea... it's just I'm getting Mandrake, Red Hat/Fedora and some others in the mail soon, so I'm going to put one of them on my PC instead of VL.
#6352 posted by - on 2004/12/06 02:00:35
i refuse to move it to efnet, that's my only condition. we'll stay at a game centric network, not a warez network