#6285 posted by ijed on 2013/02/14 21:16:22
By the way; http://www.indieroyale.com/
SS3 for $6 and a few other indie games thrown in.
#6286 posted by megaman on 2013/02/14 22:20:01
#6287 posted by sock on 2013/02/14 22:57:11
I still can't believe that a developer did this, it looks like all the dynamic lights and lots of the decals were removed from the final game. Maybe it was some performance pass because it was a multi-platform release. The demo looks amazing, the final game is worse!
#6288 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/02/14 23:21:44
Now there's talk of an 8GB patch. That's crazy - the game is only 6.8GB or something. Still - maybe it will put a bunch of things back in that have apparently been stripped.
I must admit that Sock's video shocked me a little. You don't really notice that stuff but when you see it side by side you realise what you're missing.
It's like they accidentally gave everybody else the WiiU version, and just canned the PC version completely. And now they apparently are cannign the Wii version completely.
#6289 posted by [Kona] on 2013/02/15 04:58:56
maybe they decided to not to risk falling into the doom3 trap where everyone hated how dark it was. the demo was much darker.
hadley's hope was completely ruined though.
#6290 posted by sock on 2013/02/15 11:54:29
Interesting Video
#6291 posted by starbuck on 2013/02/15 12:28:09
I would guess it's performance / multi-platform woes. I think it's common to run your tradeshow demos on a beast of a PC and sort out the performance later. The art looks damn good, bring on the next console generation and hopefully the rendering / post-processing will stop letting the side down.
#6292 posted by starbuck on 2013/02/15 12:28:49
that was in response to the comparison video, obvs
Serious Sam 3
#6293 posted by ijed on 2013/02/15 12:33:39
So I don't play any modern shooters; here's some firsrt impressions.
Too many mechanics, some good most not, diluting each other.
Sprint buttons suck.
The bullet storm style melee insta-kill button is meh. Especially when there's a satisfying weapon (hammer) that does the same job.
Iron sights make it harder to aim.
Enemy design is varied, some are great... but again they threw in a generic shotgun trooper who could be from any game for no particular reason.
The bigger an enemy is the better it's AI needs to be - not the case here :[
Where are the hordes?
Spiders are cool, although the larger version is made pointless by the melee instakill.
Despite all the niggles the game isn't broken, just has rough edges and seems to have lost some of its soul (hordes). Still the core mechanics feel good, and there's plenty of variety in the things to shoot at.
#6294 posted by ijed on 2013/02/15 18:10:58
Hordes are back, all is forgiven.
The melee mechanic now makes sense although sprint is still meh.
Dystopian Space Ship Porn
#6295 posted by DaZ on 2013/02/17 07:06:00
aka Dead Space 3.
Only about 2 hours in so far but daaaaamn son dis shit is off da hook yo. Etc etc.
The weapon system is just fucking awesome. Seriously whoever designed that needs to be given the videogame equivalent of an oscar. So many hilarious combinations and I'm sure I'll unlock more as I get further in.
Gameplay wise it's pretty much standard DS so far. Don't think I've seen anything particularly new added there, aside from the weapon system.
It's the constant tense atmosphere that really makes the game shine, it's done so brilliantly just like the other two titles in the series. There are moments of horror but mostly it's a slow burning dread that permeates just about activity in the game. Pressing a button in this game is scary, haha.
So far things seem super easy on normal difficulty. I've got health kits, ammo and stasis packs coming out of my arse and can craft 300x more if needed at the work benches. I think I really should have picked hard! I decided against it as I'm quite slow playing with a 360 pad, but in hindsight I think I would have been just fine. Tip for you lot! :)
Now go map Quake metl :)
Oh Shit
#6296 posted by DaZ on 2013/02/17 12:35:04
Visceral Games just need to make an Aliens 3rd person survival horror game and I'll be in heaven.
#6297 posted by sock on 2013/02/18 02:43:09
studio�s co-founder Jason Jones reasoned that the PC would not be a suitable platform for the first person shooter simply because nobody plays shooters with a mouse and keyboard.
Is the PC FPS market really a thing of the past?
#6298 posted by necros on 2013/02/18 03:06:25
even if it is, that's still a flimsy reason not to develop for the pc since you can plug any usb controller into one.
What BS
#6299 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/02/18 03:50:32
Online shooters are evolving, even for the PC.
Look at Blacklight, Planetside and Natural Selection 2. All better than Halo, all modern shooters, all on the PC, all played by skilled players with keyboards and mice. The dude is obviously high on glue. He probably owns an iPhone.....
#6300 posted by Shambler on 2013/02/18 10:36:16
...a fucking bellend. It's demeaning to even consider replying to someone who is so self-evidently wrong, but Far Cry 3, Crysis 2, Rage, Dishonoured, Deus Ex, MW3, BLOPS2, BF3, TF2, Quakelive, etc etc DAFUCK.
So they made Halo shit and dumbed down and consolised, well done. Fucking choads. Mouse and kb is still the proper control system.
#6301 posted by Spirit on 2013/02/18 14:34:44
rage and quakelive are commercial failures. and the others are consolised games anyways.
Subtext: Piracy Kills Revenues In The PC FPS Market
#6302 posted by Spiney on 2013/02/18 17:10:20
Snake Oil Salesman
#6303 posted by ijed on 2013/02/18 18:11:52
As Spiney suggests, what he's really saying is "we lose money on PC".
But crediting your customers with intelligence is a no-no; they only care about teh awesome, not facts.
Considering he's pitching the comment to XBLA trolls, I spose that's fair enough. Just makes him sound like a high on glue ... self-evidently wrong ... bellend to anyone with even half a brain cell.
Honest Version:
#6304 posted by ijed on 2013/02/18 18:15:10
Jason Jones: "We can't compete in the PC FPS market."
CEO: "You're fired."
Look At Blacklight, Planetside 2 And Natural Selection 2 Y'all
#6305 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/02/18 21:31:00
Last time I looked those games we're doing pretty well. Fuck controllers!
More Like
#6306 posted by Bungie on 2013/02/19 02:03:09
"no one bought our Halos on PC"
#6307 posted by jt_ on 2013/02/19 06:59:39
you're totally right, tf2, fc3, dishonored, bf3, etc are totally consolised.
Battlefield BC2, BF3
#6308 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/02/19 15:50:53
Have console versions, but if you play with a controller on the PC version, you're gonna die.