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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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"Now for a func_rotate_entity, you must give it a "rotate" key and set its value to three integers,
"0 -90 0" for example, which will make it roatate clockwise along the Z axis at 90 degrees/second. You
can set it to rotate around all the axis too, and to make it rotate the other way, just add/remove a -." 
It's Only Wrong If... 
... you say "x,y,z". If you say "x,z,y", it's fine.

Again, from czg's tutorial, "...and 'angles' '0 90 -180' will make a door that rotates 90 degrees counterclockwise on the Z axis, and 180 degrees clockwise on the Y axis. Of course set it to whatever suits your needs." 
Yup. I thought it meant "x,y z axis."

My head hurts. I guess I'm more the trial-and-error type. I have a good idea how to make it behave like I want now.

Sadly a rotate_entity seems not to get lit by dynamic lights. Makes it look a bit funny. Oh well, just don't give the player rockets then... but then you have deathmatch, where people are going to want rockets... right now, my cool fan looks stupid when hit by a dynamic light (flashlight.) i.e. nothing happens... I'll just tell player to not ever point it upwards... :/

would a func_movewall (or whatever the collison detection thing was) fix the dynamic light issue? 
No Dynamic Lighting 
The movewall works pretty crappy as well - and feels messy to use since you're making a bunch of clip brushes linked to the rotatable.

Having said that I doubt anyone will notice that the lighting is off if you set it up right.

The way I'd do it is to put a pointlight with delay 4 in the centre of the fan with a very low light factor, just higher than your minlight - assuming the fan isn't in a vertical shaft with sunlight coming down.

Delay 4 changes the attenuation of the light to be a local minlight - a delay of 2 could work as well since it increases the range of the light whilst making if fade more softly as well.

I'm not sure about this but you could also move the model away from the point entities and put it in it own little room (somewhere the player will never get to to) and light it there. Then, in theory, it will snap back to its target point (info_rotate) on map startup . . . I have no idea if that will work - maybe its asking too much (ie, a bone).

Just a case of messing with it until it works - even more trial and error ;) 
Forgot to mention that you'll also need compilers that can handle specialised lighting - AguirRe's for example. 
"assuming it isn't in a vertical shaft with sunlight coming down"

muahahah :)of course it is. I sent you the beta btw so you can see for yourself.

The idea with a separate room for the model might be worth checking out. otherwise I'll just very slightly light it from below, although that is illogical because sunlight comes from above. The underside _should_ be dark, but hey, if it's for the greater good...

^^ play the beta! Uuh yeah! :) 
Building the radar tower tonight! Mapping is fun!!! Blowing up things is fun!

Thanks world!!! Thanks Quoth!!!

Quakes Not Dead! 
Hi i have a fairly noob question but it can be difficult to find tutorials for modding old games with so many sequels...
how can i import md1 models into worldcraft 1.6 so i can place them in a map? 
Short Answer - 
You can't, at least not directly. You can do a hack that allows you to spawn .mdl via an info notnull - but it doesn't work too well since the model is offset from its origin and cannot be rotated. This means its annoying to place and also needs geometry outside the world so that it doesn't cause a leak, if in an even remotely enclosed space since the offset is pretty big.

QuArK can load .mdls into a map but I don't know if it can convert them to world geometry - probably not.

Some mods have included a way to spawn models / mapobjects into the game - Nehahra had such an entity, which gave us the monster head on spikes in the realm of the ancients as well as alot of other stuff.

A very hacy way to do it is to replace a static model entity that the game knows exists with the model that you want - which is how I did it in warp, replacing the Shub teleport train model with a sleeping soldier (one of the death poses). But that means modifying your root directory; making a mod folder.

Another way to do it would be to open qme, export the model to .max (or whatever 3d software you can get your hands on) then export again as some kind of prefab for, probably, QuArK again. 
I built a map with Radiant 1.5, in Quake 1 mode, in hopes of compiling it in the original quake but every time I try to build I get "hqbsp" not found. Any ideas where I could get it? I've googled it but no go. Any ideas? 
I'd guess that hqbsp is a map compiler.

Find the batch file that is used for compiling Q1 maps. It should have a line like "hqbsp *.map", followed by "vis" and "light" entries.

Load that file in a text editor and correct those entries so they call the compiling tools that you have.

It might just be a path error; in that case, find out where the hqbsp.exe is located and put the complete path in that batch file. Like "C:\blah\blah\hqbsp.exe" instead of "hqbsp.exe." 
Getting Into Quake Mapping 
I've been mapping for Doom2 for the last year and managed to get quite good at it, but ended up getting frustrated by limitations in the engine.

Quake1 is the only other game I would want to map for... but as usual, the thing that always puts me off it is just the cumbersome nature of moving around brushes.

I mean, there are 3 windows, and four brushes per empty room. If you want to do something as simple as resize the room then you have an awful lots of clicking to do and make sure the brushes are not overlapping.

Doombuilder was an amazing editor in that you really did not have to keep clicking different icons to do a function, and in fact you could do a large amount of the editing in 3d mode anyway.

I don't know if it's just that the editor I use is crap or if I'm missing out a lot of shortcuts or if this is just the way it is for editing more 3d games like Quake... but could someone give tips that will speed up the constant resizing a brush in 10 different windows?

What is the best editor for Q1? I'm using Worldcraft 3.3 for now. One thing that annoys me is that if I want to zoom in or out I can't just do it with the mouse wheel, but I have to actually click on fucking zoom icon, then do it, then click back on the selection icon. 
I think you'll find most people here either use Radiant, or Worldcraft. That doesn't mean they're the best but they're obviously good enough for most people to keep using, release a lot of good maps, and not switch to a different editor. There are a few others that also have a few followers each, like Quark, and BSP.

But no matter what editor you use, you will also probably have to accept the different way of building compared to doom, and after some time getting use to it, it won't bother you as much.

There are a lot of very nice things about the quake style of building with brushes. The rooms are harder to adjust, true, but all the stuff you put INTO rooms (crates, light fixtures, etc) are much easier to move around, copy and paste, and delete. 
there are indeed a number of hidden shortcuts..

i'm not familiar with WC 3.3, but in 1.6 the D & C keys will zoom in and out on whichever window the cursor is hovering over. you can also move around easier by holding the spacebar whilst clicking & dragging (with either mouse button if in the 3d window)

a few others i discovered by playing around include the *extremely* useful cloning function, where you hold shift + drag a brush, entity or just about any object to create a duplicate. there's also holding shift whilst selecting a face in texture application mode, which will allow you to select the whole brush, and obviously, ctrl + clicking to select multiple faces (or multiple objects in general)

vertex manipulation can make resizing things easier too. say, if you select all the wall brushes in your room, go into VM mode, then select all the vertices at the top edge and drag them all upwards, you'll have a raised ceiling without messing up the proportion of any doorways etc

like i say.. i haven't given 3.3 a try so not sure if those shortcuts work, but give them a try 
Bsp Editor 
I think that BSP Editor is very interesting.
I was trying to learn it during last few days. You can do many things in the 3D window and the mouse buttons have many usefull functions. You can customize any shortcut you want anyway using the cfg files.
Check out the tutorials on the page if you want to see what is possible. 
those shortcuts helped a lot... plus I also discovered the WASD movement in 3d mode much like Doombuilder.

I'm just gonna stick with Worldcraft for now... although I haven't yet checked if it builds Quake maps properly yet... 
Sometimes It Does ;) 
mouse wheel = zoom
right click = pan
spacebar = clone selected brush(s)
click and dragging is context sensitive (outside a brush stretches, inside a brush moves)
ctrl+click+drag = skew

v = toggle vertex selection on and off
e = edge selection toggle

etc etc. it all comes down to rememebering shortcuts. doom's map building didn't need them because they were much simpler maps. you'll see-- once you start to get used to shortcuts, it'll be second nature to you.

i've since remapped most of 3ds max to gtkr defaults because it's just that ingrained. �_� 
I Wondered 
is there really a prog called bsp2mdl?

I'm searching this because I need to relight a model I've made. I don't know if there are other solutions. For now I'm working on a new quake1 model what seems to be somewhat too bright.

I'm checking all my archive disks, so far I didn't found anything, also qpub doesn't seem to give an answer. Now I'm at the point thinking I had the prog on a crashed disk. Or does it only excist in my imagination? 
... Or Better 
what is a good method to make a new model change its brightness?
Is this just a skino.bmp adjustment in Wally?
Or is there a prog that could fix this? 
can't you just open the mdl in qME?

Brightness of a model is based on the skin, and of course the engine will brighten/darken a model based on where it is located in a level. 
I created the model in am2000 and altered it in QMLE. I experienced in Fitzquake it is just too bright, in Aguires engine it is just too hazy. Point is it isn't a usual model.
It's a reversion of a textured cube, but as it being a model it appends different lightment then the usual textures.
So I can change the skino.bmp but then it will look different in all excisting engines. I'll send you the file, it's easier to understand.

Therefore my question of the bsp2model prog.
I thought it could be used to relight the model's brightness. 
well... you can edit the texture simply by using qME -- qME can export pcx files, you can edit the pcx file, then import the pcx file.

Also, be careful not to have any accidental fullbright pixels in your texture, that will make it look bad in fitzquake/dosquake/winquake becuase they support the fullbright colors of the quake palette.

Also, fitzquake, dosquake, and winquake will look brighter than in glquake and aquirre's engine, becuase fitzquake/dosquake/winquake have overbright lighting which glquake and many glquake ports lack.

I don't know what causes the haziness, could you describe it? Or post screenshots to compare hazy vs. non-hazy? 
Oh... I just got your email and looked at it myself.

Your texture is fine, the problem is the lighting in your level. Since fitzquake can go up to 200% brightness, you see the actual differences between the walls and the monster. Maybe the model is 170% bright, but the ground lightmaps are only 160% bright. In glquake these would both be flattened down to 100% and therefore match perfectly.

So the solution is, you need to carefully adjust the lighting. You want the lighting on the wall to match the model. The model gets its light from the floor under its feet. So, make sure the floor under the feet matches the walls. If the model is too dark, add light on the floor under its feet. If the walls are too dark, add lights to brighten the walls but not the floor. 
thanks for your answer.

I had a hard job making the model fit excactly.
The alignment with the walls didn't fit in pixels,everytime it made a pixel more or less, so I had to change it to 0.25
I'm not really sure if it is excact on ground as models stand +1 on ground. Maybe it is only a case of lightning.

But I still wonder, where is the prog bsp2mdl? 
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