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Cats Etc. 
you know, we have a thing called an Xray machine nowadays, and they're advanced enough to tell if the damn cat is alive or not.

But of course, that's the whole point; as soon as you make the measurement, the cat's wavefunction collapses and the cat assumes one of it's discrete possible states of existence. 
Cats Etc. 
you know, we have a thing called an Xray machine nowadays, and they're advanced enough to tell if the damn cat is alive or not.

But of course, that's the whole point; as soon as you make the measurement, the cat's wavefunction collapses and the cat assumes one of it's discrete possible states of existence. 
Looks like there's even a quantum-duality thing going on with the double-post above o_O 
Never Mind The Bloody Cat 
How many licks does it take to get to the center of Hitler's brain?

*walks off, occasionally slamming head against passing walls* 
Right, so there's this guy called Odin, and he lives in Valhalla, you know, that hugely old Norse mythic place up in the clouds where dead warriors are, taken there by them valkyries.

Anyway, so in this Valhalla place there's, like, this really huge hall, a mess hall really, and there's, like, this huge banquet that just never stops and just, you know, keeps going forever.

So, we got the warriors, the hall and the banquet and everything, but then there's this table in the middle, and on this very table, because I'm getting to the point, is this pig, well, boar really. Then there are all these dead warriors, except that they aren't really dead, because they're in Valhalla, and they just eat and eat eat. And the boar is all happy and stuff, even though it's being cut up all the time, but it just won't die, and just grows back the missing parts over and over again.

What is the pig's name? 
Obvious Answer 
P� taket til Valhall g�r geiten L�rand og hjorten Eiktryme. De spiser av grenene p� det store treet Yggdrasil. Fra melken deres lager kokken Andrimner mj�d. Kokken har ogs� en gris som het S�rrimne. Den er slik at den kan spises igjen og igjen! Med en gang den er ferdigspist, blir den hel igjen, og kan tilberedes p� nytt. 
Ei Saa Peittaa 
M�ste inte! 
Interesting auto-translation of your text but I got the pig's name from it:

"At roof at Valhall goes the goats L�rand and hjorten Eiktryme. They am dining at bough at that big the tree Yggdrasil. At milk their makes a kokken Andrimner mj�d. Kokken has also a pig as called S�rrimne. That is so that it able canteen afresh and afresh! Immediate that is ferdigspist , becomes it clear afresh , and able prepare anew."

Now, where does that get us? 
F�r Interesting Taste, J�st Add Moose 
bork, bork, b�rk 
Where did you find auto-translation of Norwegian into English?

Although as usual, there's a lot of gibberish ... 
Well, I got out my Collins English/Norwegian dictionary... and tried this link instead:-) 
More options than Babelfish, but gibberish seems to be the only target language ... 
That � Looks So Kewl 
we need to replace all English 'o's with it. 
C�r�f�l, that's how ��� ��d �p w�th l33t sp��k. 
I Rescind My Request 
pushplay is all too painfully correct. I will now go play the Anarki bot and blow the holy hell out of him in hope of a little redemption. 
The Worst Thing In The World 
So the cat who didn't read Orwell played a game of Chesshire, never asked O'Briens dictionary, blew away on Sleipnir's breath,
screwed through the strings of low and mid culture, and was furnished into Poe's shovel,
so it could finish its quantum leap of dubbeldunk, and never could catch babelfish's

Holy Shit! 
what cows cry out in the night?!! 
What it national "Talk Like MadFox Day" or something?

/to be expected from an egoist.

ROFLMAO @ Kinn... 
I think for Headthump at least, every day is a Talk Like MadFox Day. Still haven't worked out which is his first language... 
7:40 AM -- Can't Sleep 
It's 7:40 AM and I can't I'll take this time to just kinda thank all the cool people who are still around.

I hope I can count on you guys to stick around for a while, I think we have a pretty nice thing going around here...sometimes people drop off the face of the earth, but I hope you all stay as long as you possibly can. Ignore me when I'm being stupid (as I'm sure you do anyway) and take this as being the genuine Blitz.

Much love to those who have been around since I've been here (in no particular order)

metl, pope, inertia, RPG, Shamb, scampie, Spog, Auhsan, nano, czg, Friction, biff, Vondur, speedy, monsto, CardO, Daz, Fatty, Dietz, Aard, pjw, distrans, Kell, Kinn, necros, push, and anyone else I am forgetting in this sleep deprived state. 
you left me out, BUT THAT'S OK I JUST MADE YOU A FUCKING MAP. now get some sleep. 
Lol Omg 
Zwiffle, Lun, Jago,

Zwiffle I don't think you've been around since I joined though...not that I don't like the new people, it's just that the older members put up with alot of my crap and general lameness from back in the day. So <3 to the new people who never knew anyone but the awesome me. 
blitz is in the good mood....

/me hugs blitz and injects some soporific into his left eyesocket 
Fuck Off! 
leave me out of your insomniac fantasys 
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