anyone wants a dota2 beta key? i don't care for it, but i got one.
i'll send you an email if you have it written on your account.
Black Snow
#6171 posted by DaZ on 2012/11/28 18:17:55
Is a high quality HL2-EP2 mod that you definitely want to have a look at if you like "The Thing".
Very much a horror puzzle/exploration game, only played about an hour of it and its excellent. Very creepy with tense moments. No combat so far but never say never.
Dota 2 Madafakaz
#6172 posted by nakasuhito on 2012/11/29 06:08:11
here's the key if anyone wants it. being dota2, you need steam to activate it.
#6173 posted by Shambler on 2012/12/04 17:53:08
The textures still suck asstacularly. But that's about it.....the rest rocks so far.
They've blended what Crysis etc did so well with making gameplay fun, with some of the stuff that worked in Deus Ex (but not so anally retentive) - dump you in a mission with a million paths through it, give you lots of toys to play with (including movement options on the fly) and let you get on with it. It's the polar opposite of the ghastly interactive turd hand-holding military-shouting bore-a-thons of COD - actually allowing a player to PLAY a game and making most of the options fairly natural to do so. Blink is bloody awesome and one of the most fun things in FPS gaming for a long time.
Aside from that it does exactly what it promises on the tin (of pickled hagfish). Just watch the Youtube videos and play the damn thing.
#6174 posted by anonymous user on 2012/12/05 10:31:42
A computer game, a side-scrolling roguelike-like
For Linux, Windows and MacOS.
Virus Free
#6175 posted by ijed on 2012/12/05 12:39:44
And quite nice.
#6176 posted by Killes on 2012/12/14 21:51:47
Seeing rogues mentionned just wanna bring to attention for anyone that missed it DoomRL is available with puuurdy tiles since Feb this year : http://doom.chaosforge.org/
/me Slaps Killes Around A Bit With The Doom Chainsaw!!
#6177 posted by - on 2012/12/15 11:28:27
#6178 posted by JPL on 2012/12/15 18:47:21
.. you are not on #tf, so stop this please !
Dig Up The Corpses
#6179 posted by Killes on 2012/12/19 22:09:48
Man this is some old shit :)
Oh man those logs are still around. Hilarious stuff indeed
On topic Hawken is cool, Blacklight Retribution is even better.
Cool stuff all this. No time to play much though.
#6180 posted by Killes on 2012/12/19 22:10:30
Meant Blacklight Retribution got even better since launch...
#6181 posted by Spirit on 2012/12/21 11:41:40
Anyone Playing World Of Tanks?
#6182 posted by Ankh on 2012/12/21 11:57:46
Bought Some Games During Christmas Sales
#6184 posted by nitin on 2013/01/01 05:08:12
although who knows when I'll play them.
Mark of the Ninja
Driver San Fransisco
Fallout New Vegas
Darksiders II
The Witcher II
Batman Arkham City
Da Gaems!
#6185 posted by DaZ on 2013/01/01 14:07:54
I just finished Darksiders 2 the other day. I preferred the original in just about every way. It's not a bad game but has a lot of excess baggage and takes forever to get going. It felt like the first 15 hours (!!!?) were the tutorial.
Arkham City is next. Started it the other day and I'm totally hooked. Fantastic so far. I have a few problems with the combat system, mainly because I suck at using gamepads and usually am not quick enough to press buttons (im looking at the pad to see where the buttons are lol) before getting hit :P
Also Picked Up Rage
#6186 posted by nitin on 2013/01/02 02:52:49
started Mark of the Ninja, quite cool and there is nothign really wrong with it but I have rediscovered that stealth games arent really my cup of tea (will be interesting to see how I find Sock's ITS mod).
Love the art style and atmospehere though.
Arkham City
#6187 posted by megaman on 2013/01/02 17:21:23
played it a bit on a friend's ps3. Didn't like it at all, because it's such a new-style xbox-kid game, with sequences, big boobs, no challenge gameplay, dumbed-down controls, etc. Win all fights by pressing just triangle (I heard it gets 'harder' later).
also, ham.
Damn Steam Sales
#6188 posted by jt_ on 2013/01/02 18:11:55
They will be the death of my newly acquired credit. So far, I've bought Hard Reset, Skyrim + DLC, Serious Sam Gold Pack, Serious Sam 3 BFE, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution + DLC. Hopefully nothing else that's good goes on sale.
Know How You Feel
#6189 posted by ijed on 2013/01/02 18:33:04
I've got a growing list of games I'll probably never play.
Like it's a service I'm paying for :(
Far Cry 3 Is Fricking Great!!!
#6190 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/01/03 03:04:50
But sometimes it crashes :(
Seriously great thought 8D
Time For Some Birthday Gamin'
#6191 posted by - on 2013/01/03 05:14:23
I just picked up FTL, Hotline Miami, Rage expansion, Home, Awesomenauts, and preordered Company of Heroes2. Got some gaming to do!
Only played FTL so far, I love roguelikes, and this also reminds me of another favorite Strange Adventures in Infinite Space (and it's followup Weird Worlds), which was designed by Iikka Keranen.
CoH2 is what I'm mostly looking forward to (when it comes out). The first was my favorite RTS game for a long time, because it made cover and supply lines relevant again like old turn based wargames. Also, cuz I like cool tank battles.
Far Cry 3, Far Cry 3 - Far Cry 3
#6192 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/01/03 06:41:12
Seriously this game is really well made, and looks beautiful. The combat is fun, the island is fun to explore. The guns feel good, the RPG elements are well executed. There are loads of different types of animals running around, and they feel like a good challenge to hunt. Flying around on hang gliders is wicked-awesome. I was tearing my hair out for ages because of the random crashing, but I found a great fix that works. So if anyone else is having the problem of CTDs, BSODs or hard-locks, here is a link to the fix (it's dead easy)(The first one):
Dark Souls DLC
#6193 posted by sock on 2013/01/03 12:04:20
A friend of mine told me about the DLC for DS and I bought it for the PS3. I think only this game could get away with hiding the DLC half way through the game and making it unlockable by doing unrelated tasks on opposite sides of the world! It took me ages to complete all of the prerequisites and then actually find the entrance!
The DLC is part of a patch (1.07) which you unlock which is a bit sneaky because I did not want to patch the game. As always the developer has nerfed items to try and balance the MP which is stupid because most MP players know all the tricks (low level runs, item swapping) already.
One interesting idea they have done is take an existing part of the world and create a reason (background story) to go back in time so they can re-use the existing assets! Most of the landscape is taken from the original game but they have added slightly modified new monsters.
The boss fights are crazy hard, especially the first one to even start the DLC content. Luckily the first boss is right next to a bonfire so when you die (20 million times) you don't have far to run back. Some of the later bosses are similar to Demons Souls which is nice because some boss formats do work really. They even allow existing items (Dragon Slumber ring) to work properly and do not mysteriously make them not work because it interferes with some of the boss mechanics.
As always DS really shines with the boss fights and how they set up all the different stages so that each boss feels different. (I know from personal experience that boss fights can often take the same amount of time to create as an actual level!) The way they visually defined all of the different moves so if you are observant you will know what move is coming next, makes the fight satisfying because it feels like you are learning new tricks.
One thing that is such a cool feature of DS is the ability to cut various parts of bosses off (during the fight) and claim them as new weapons. Working out how to do that is often tricky and actually coaxing the boss into certain move types to get access to body area can be frustrating and very difficult.
Overall a nice addition to the DS universe (especially the background story) and the extra items you find are very cool because they can be upgraded to a much higher standard than the original one's.
#6194 posted by ijed on 2013/01/03 14:12:06
Got both Weird Worlds and FTL... they're both like crack, and have stopped me playing other games.
FTL is slightly better than Weird Worlds - I think for the greater sense of purpose.
Both would benefit from expanded missions though.