Skip Problems
#6125 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/10 10:09:42
So, i've been using tyrann's skip tool recently, and it's worked fine, and suddenly in the most recent versions of my map (after merging in a couple new rooms from another .map) it stopped working correctly. Now what it does is remove hundreds of random non-skip surfaces from all over the level.
Has anyone else had similar problems?
#6126 posted by
JPL on 2007/07/10 11:20:31
Yes, it doesn't work very well on big maps actually... I experimented the same fucking behaviour on SRC when I tried to add glasses...
#6127 posted by
bal on 2007/07/10 11:32:16
I've had the same thing, Tyrann always said it really did that after a while. =\
... And A While...
#6128 posted by
JPL on 2007/07/10 11:38:00
... is not top priority actually... ;P
Skip Problems: Happy Ending...
#6129 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/11 12:32:15
I sat down tonight and wrote a new skip removal tool from scratch, which seems to work correctly with my problem map. Only thing it doesn't do right now is remove skip faces from brush entities (did the Tyrann's tool do that?)
Still got to give props to Tyrann for the proof of concept though; I wouldn't have been able to code this so fast if I didn't have a basic idea of how his tool worked.
Brush Entities
#6130 posted by
Preach on 2007/07/11 12:48:29
The Tyrann skip tool certainly removed faces from brush entities. I can't say for sure if it never caused problems, but I've certainly made a few maps and encountered no problems with this aspect of it. It's very good news that we've got a tool that works for the world model though.
Yes, It Does
#6131 posted by
negke on 2007/07/11 13:05:38
and it causes a HOM in GL engines. And I have plans for this feature.
#6132 posted by
HeadThump on 2007/07/11 16:43:21
and it causes a HOM in GL engines. And I have plans for this feature.
what makes neg|ke the awesome-est. I would never think of HOM as a feature.
#6133 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/11 20:26:48
well, i'll see about adding brush entity support tonight, and generally clean it up so other people can use it.
Oh, and I still have to test it in various engines, since the basis of the tool is a hack that works only because of the way quake renders bsp models.
#6135 posted by
negke on 2007/07/12 00:40:21
Going to beat off in front of those mirrors over and over again.
#6136 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/12 00:43:10
and it causes a HOM in GL engines. And I have plans for this feature.
Will these plans be ruined if I play with gl_clear 1?
#6137 posted by
than on 2007/07/12 06:45:22
PLEASE add support for liquid brush types! I need that for my basemap which is having a few problems with Tyrann's tool, but I can't have glass+water if I don't use a skip removal tool.
#6138 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/12 06:50:47
right, i forgot about that. So we want removal of *skip as well as skip, basically?
#6139 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/12 08:20:18
actually I guess i'd need:
for all three contents types, plus *skip when you don't want the water ambient sound.
#6140 posted by
JPL on 2007/07/12 09:06:36
To make ambient sounds disappear ingame, just use aguirRe's vis tool: there are -noambient<lava/water/slime/sky> option that allow to remove them, check
http://user.tninet.se/~xir870k/readmevis.txt .. It has been added since rvis 2.30 ;)
#6141 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/12 09:19:49
i meant removing ambient sound for certain brushfaces, not the entire map.
#6142 posted by
negke on 2007/07/12 19:14:03
Not necessarily. Since I use gl_clear myself, I will keep that in mind - some trigger_command trickery will probably do the job. Furthermore, software engines might be driven out by clever use of the limits.
Skip Progress...
#6143 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/12 19:59:07
I added entity support and liquid support last night.
#6144 posted by
than on 2007/07/13 02:03:14
you are a god.
Does it have options so that only skip on entities may be removed? I have a feeling it was the removal of skip from world brushes that was causing the problem with Tyrann's tool, so it might be sensible to at least have an option to disable it if it starts to cause problems with your tool too.
#6145 posted by
metlslime on 2007/07/13 03:20:32
no, but i'd rather try to actually fix the bug if we discover that my tool is buggy.
Of course if it turns out there's a bug I just can't figure out, adding that feature would be an option.
#6146 posted by
inertia on 2007/07/13 04:06:52
what is the method you settled on using to make glass?
Different Glass Solution
#6147 posted by
ijed on 2007/07/13 04:17:10
I'm using glass at the moment under a Warp Version of Nehahara made by AguirRe - I failed to do this for warp through oversight.
I was reading through the documentation again and realised alpha could still be applied to any entity - func_wall glass. I haven't made it shootable yet but thats just a case of a snfx and trigger_once. And you can't spawn glass gibs because that's from the progs.
#6148 posted by
Preach on 2007/07/13 04:27:06
I've got a few random thoughts for coding things in a simpler way, using wrappers on some of the built in functions, and before I forget them I figured I'd share. Putting it in mapping help because it doesn't belong anywhere else really.
The idea of putting wrappers comes from frikbot, at least that's where I saw it first. Entities that aren't players can't receive messages like centerprints. But instead of put exceptions for the bot in every weapon pickup, ammo pickup, etc, all the mod does is rename the function centerprint to centerprint_true, then make centerprint a function to check if the target entity is a bot, and send the message to centerprint_true if it's not. So the credit for the idea goes to Frikac.
The functions I'd put a wrapper on first are the precache functions, something like:
string(string s) precache_model_true = #20;
string(string s) precache_model =
return "";
return precache_model_true(s);
This very simple wrapper doesn't run the precache if you've past the initial window, frame 0. In one fell swoop you've protected yourself from the game ending error that occurs when you precache things late.
This sounds like it's not much use in itself, because if the model isn't precached you're still gonna have problems if you try to setmodel, and you surely shouldn't be writing code that tries to.
Suppose though, that you were trying to spawn a key at some point in the game(that feature is done btw). It would be really nice to use the regular key spawn function item_key1, as it already does all the stuff you want it to. Plus if you ever update the code for the normal item_key1, you'd probably want to have the same changes applied to your later spawned key, so copy-pasting the code isn't ideal. But if you try to re-use the spawn code, the precaches end the game with a console error.
The first way to fix this would be to just add exceptions
if(framecount == 0)
precache_model ("progs/keymed.mdl");
to each instance of a precache, but the wrapper saves you a lot of time and effort. It does add an extra if statement to each precache you call, but that's a negligible effect, as it's only an extra load in the pre-game stages, and isn't called all that often even then. So I think it's a winner really.
So that's not precaching when you don't need to, but we can also go the other way. There's no need to take the risk of setting a model that isn't precached during frame 0, because we can precache it then. Rename setmodel to setmodel_true, and then add
void(entity e, string m) setmodel =
if(framecount == 0)
below precache_model. This allows you to write more compact spawn functions, you can setmodel directly without bothering to precache. Of course, you still need to precache any other models that might be needed in the course of the game, and any sounds, it can't do all the work.
The really useful part of this one comes from brush entities. Once you've made this change, you can add a point entity with classname, for instance, func_wall. Then give it a model field of "maps/shelf.bsp". Then you instantly get the ability to load the external model shelf.bsp into your map. This would allow you to create prefab func_walls that are used many times in your map, but only use up one precache. You could do the same thing by adding a precache_model(self.model) line to the func_wall code, but this way it works for all your brush entities, for free!
The saving of a few precache slots or lines of code may not seem that helpful on it's own, you might never need such external bsps. There's an idea I've been playing around with that would suddenly make this a much more useful tool, but I'll have to save it for another day(once I've coded/tested it). Hope there was something useful in this long, rambling post, have fun now!