Yeah - OK Shambler. Because I've Never Played Unreal
And I've never listened to dance music, or 'real' dubstep.
First of all Gears of War is better than Unreal in many ways - it has better graphics (in real-time), better animation, better engine, bigger, badder maps - it's more immersive. IMO. Which is valid, because it's mine, and it's an opinion. I do not require your validation on that, and any attempts to in-validate my opinion will be ignored because I know who I am, and I know what my opinion is.
Secondly 'dub-step' is a beat, not a style of music. I never said Skrillex was dubstep (though he does have some songs which are dubstep). I like Skrillex's tunes. And so do a lot of other people, though that is irrelevant to me, I only listen to it because I like it. I have listened to most of his tunes, and really like almost all of them. The ironic thing is that Full-flex is probably the most commercial-sounding song he has, and is the one with the most air play AFAIK. It's also one of my least-favourite Skrillex tune.
I frankly couldn't give a flying fuck if Shambler likes Skrillex, I'll wager he hasn't listened to very much of it, because I think that technically and artistically it is superior to a lot of the crap that is going around.
The dude is like 25 years old or something, he has already produced so much [good] music! Started off in a metal band too, BTW. I haven't heard of anyone shake up the world music scene as much as he has since Cobain. I mean everyone has heard of him, or heard some of his tunes. And it seems that people either really like it, or really hate it. Which is a sure sign of amazing music, if I ever heard it.
I think that what he has done is really clever. He plays some very sophiticated-sounding or just generally off-the-wall 'verses' and then powerhouses into his choruses with utter, utter filth. Gets old grannys bopping to really hard music. Which is good. Skrillex is not cheesy, but has subtle humour. People who don't like the sound can atleast admit that it's well-done. I mean srsly - get a life. THAT, my friends, is all.