Finally! Someone has had the vision to do a futuristic war game. I certainly can't recall any first person shooters in recent memory with sci-fi suits and gadgets, or indeed vehicles!
#5871 posted by
metlslime on 2012/05/15 19:55:15
I do like the idea of riding a horse and being strafed by the starship enterprise.
#5872 posted by
[Kona] on 2012/05/15 23:51:10
Yeah at least they're trying a slightly different setting, and putting horse riding in.
But... "what happens when someone steals the keys?" Seriously? That trailer is pretty fuckin cheesy.
Oh and it shouldn't be called Black Ops. That's just a cash-in.
COD In Cash In Shocker!
#5873 posted by
Shambler on 2012/05/16 00:07:53
I just thought the near future thing was a fair bit cooler than modern....warfare.
Guild Wars 2
#5874 posted by
DaZ on 2012/05/16 03:44:52
Edited down a bunch of video I captured during the recent stress test for GW2.
The video is pve gameplay using the Guardian class.
The game in short : Fucking amazing :)
#5875 posted by
starbuck on 2012/05/17 18:18:39
You can currently get Duke Nukem for free on your iPhone. Controls are pretty much impossible to use it seems though. Try switching to dual-stick mode if you want half a chance though.
Planetside 2
#5877 posted by
DaZ on 2012/05/17 21:00:29
I played a little bit of the original PS back in the day, this sequel looks like it going to blow everything out of the water, wow :)
#5879 posted by
Spirit on 2012/05/17 22:03:19
Torchlight 2 - Beta Update: Upcoming Weekend Stress Test
Path of Exile is doing regular open beta weekends apparently. I missed them all so far... :(
Deus Ex Human Revolution.
#5880 posted by
Shambler on 2012/05/18 12:06:44
I'm in the Chinese city and while the sky above is very cool I seem to be wondering around a lot of small streets and box rooms, and my kill count is approx 1 pwnage per half hour of playing. Endless talking and getting lost otherwise.
Does the fun and excitement happen soon??
#5881 posted by
JneeraZ on 2012/05/18 12:33:21
Deus Ex isn't an action game.
Yeah Of Course.
#5882 posted by
Shambler on 2012/05/18 17:49:35
I've managed to collect 7 different guns (with modifications) and 3 types of grenade because it isn't an action game.
#5883 posted by
JneeraZ on 2012/05/18 18:00:09
What leads you to believe that Deus Ex is an action game? The presence of guns? Guns are one path through the game but that's the not the point - you have other choices and options. Talking is part of it, sneaking another, hacking another.
If you're expecting thrill-a-second gun play, you made a poor decision.
#5884 posted by
Spirit on 2012/05/18 18:22:33
reinstalling Deus Ex to make a lethal playthrough.
The main character in Taxi Driver carries three different guns. Clearly an action film.
Speaking Of Deus Ex
#5886 posted by
DaZ on 2012/05/18 22:26:03
It's current on sale at for �3.99 and the key they send you can be used on Steam.
#5887 posted by
Shambler on 2012/05/21 13:49:23
Really. I never knew that about Deus Ex.
#5888 posted by
JneeraZ on 2012/05/21 15:45:20
That's either sarcasm or an honest admission ... based on your posting history, I'll go with sarcasm and reply : Then quit bitching about it. :)
#5889 posted by
Spirit on 2012/05/21 19:38:53
Free russian "2D arcade platformer" to keep an eye on and play as soon as it has been translated:
With An Awesome Chiptune Soundtrack
#5890 posted by
Spirit on 2012/05/21 19:44:36
#5892 posted by
[Kona] on 2012/05/22 00:31:44
But it's still in the action RPG genre right? 1 kill per half hour isn't action.
Dues Ex
#5893 posted by
RickyT33 on 2012/05/22 01:14:19
Is an action a game.
It says so right here:
TBF it has guns and bad guys, and you can run and jump and shoot stuff. Sounds like an action game to me. Just saying.
I mean Crysis is an action game, but you can play through a lot of that using stealth and stealth alone....
Shambler - Did You Find Any Action Yet?
#5894 posted by
RickyT33 on 2012/05/22 02:00:19
I haven't played it yet either :D
So as per usual, I'm talking about shit which I know nothing about r. o. f. l.