#5848 posted by Mike Woodham on 2007/02/03 00:38:12
I think that I am glad that I don't understand American too well!
#5849 posted by Spirit on 2007/02/03 00:47:19
the plural
#5850 posted by metlslime on 2007/02/03 02:38:17
yeah, but generally it only takes one to fill 'er up.
Silent Push
#5851 posted by negke on 2007/02/04 12:01:33
is there a way (hack) to have a trigger_push that does not play the wind sound?
Silent Push
#5852 posted by Mike Woodham on 2007/02/04 13:30:15
As far as I can tell, the windfly.wav is only used by the trigger_push. Therefore if you are doing a mod you could get away with supplying ambience/windfly.wav in your mod directory where you have a copy of null.wav (from the sound/misc folder in pak0) and renamed windfly.wav. That's a hack.
If you play with Qc it's straightforward to create a flag for noise or no noise.
But Preach will probably come up with some wizard way of doing it :)
'Fraid Not
#5853 posted by Preach on 2007/02/04 14:13:43
The function that causes the push of the trigger also specifically plays ambience/windfly.wav - unlike doors which play whatever wav file is in self.noise1 for instance. So there's no possibility that the sound could be changed to null.wav by entity field editing. The only possible line of attack would be to make sure that the player's .fly_sound is set to a time far in the future, but I doubt there is any function in the QC that will perform this.
#5854 posted by negke on 2007/02/04 14:48:53
i already expected it to be impossible. thanks for clarifying.
#5855 posted by inertia on 2007/02/14 20:59:31
Are there extent AI mods that would give monsters (I'm thinking an enemy human-type thing) the ability and logic to duck-and-cover and work as teams and stuff like that?
Can I
#5856 posted by golden_boy on 2007/02/14 22:37:53
make spikeshooters fire diagonally in Q1?
If so, how?
Diagonally In Which Direction?
#5857 posted by R.P.G. on 2007/02/14 22:56:13
Do you mean 45 degrees down, for example? Then no, AFAIK. Otherwise, yes.
#5858 posted by golden_boy on 2007/02/14 23:18:45
I want two shooters mounted on the ceiling firing in an "X" pattern. Both downward and 45 degrees inward.
Nothing can be easy :-(
anyway, straight downward will do. I figured out how to do that at least.
Diagonal Spikeshooters And AI
#5859 posted by Preach on 2007/02/15 01:55:25
Diagonal shooters are easy to do. Info_notnull with these fields
use spikeshooter_use
targetname blah
wait -1
spawnflags as for desired spikeshooter
movedir vec
Where vec is a vector in the direction you want the spikes to fire. The velocity the spikes are fired at is 500* vec, so to match standard quake behaviour this should be a vector of unit length. Of course, the advantage of this method is you can actually control how fast the spike fires by varying vec - I hadn't thought of that before.
This sets up a triggered spikeshooter, if you want a constantly firing one the setup is a little different:
think shooter_think
wait n
nextthink 3
spawnflags as for desired spikeshooter
movedir vec
Be warned you need something else in the level to precache the required entities, like a regular shooter of the required type.
inertia: AI_Cafe is a good place to start looking, there's certainly an example of making enforcers duck there
Working in teams is a bit more vague though, as the quake AI atttacks are basically relentless and crude. There's only so much teamwork you can put into constantly spamming grenades until you die. If you had something more specific in mind, like say navigating more sensibly in packs rather than the current all rush straight at the player and collide, then maybe...
#5860 posted by inertia on 2007/02/15 02:43:36
I want to have really intelligent packs of enemies, so that the whole "assault a base" thing could be done in a more tactical style.
#5861 posted by golden_boy on 2007/02/15 02:47:18
I hope I understood that. Thank you Preach!
TROUBLE: Building E1M2
I need help. I am trying to build e1m2.map, straight from Romero's zip file.
QBSP gives me a warning about texture +1SLIPBOT not found. Of course, there is no such texture in wizard.wad! Is the map file faulty? I went the extra mile and downloaded wizard.wad from quaddicted. Problem remains. I changed that face to wiz1_4 or something, warning is gone, but:
QBSP then doesn't write a .prt file for no apparent reason. Sorry, I have no idea of the details involved, just trying to build the map. The wad is in a dir named gfx in the same folder as QBSP, the map wants gfx/wizard.wad. That should be OK.
Following that, vis says "no prt file found" and exits :-(
I have built an original and a modified e1m1.map without problems with the same setup. Got a .prt file without problems.
Qbsp does NOT give any error messages, just no .prt file.
Aguire ?
#5862 posted by distrans on 2007/02/15 03:12:17
...I've spike shooters firing at all sorts of angles in qte2m2? I'll check tonight, but I pretty sure all I did was add an "angles" field to the shooters then plug in pitch and yaw.
#5863 posted by metlslime on 2007/02/15 04:02:02
so you're thinking like, sneak into the storage shed, unscrew a light bulb so that someone from across the couryard notices it and comes over to investigate, kill him, but then hide the body so that nobody notices it and sounds the alarm, then throw a pine cone over behind the trucks so that they guards hear it and go investigate, leaving the front gate unguared when approaching from the west, then sneak up and garrote the other guard, then take his keycard and use it to recode the security locks...
#5864 posted by golden_boy on 2007/02/15 04:31:10
All is fine. I have a prt file.
I fixed two leaks in e1m2. One was two parts of a slanted roof not lining up, the other involved some seriously twisted brushes (like, really deformed.)
qbsp had silently (grrr) produced point files, which contained leaks that quest didn't see.
#5865 posted by inertia on 2007/02/15 20:53:33
yeah except the player would have a sneaking suit.
and a box.
or a few boxes.
#5866 posted by distrans on 2007/02/16 04:38:50
...adding the "angles" field with value "pitch, yaw, roll" to the shooter was how I got them to fire at angles.
#5867 posted by golden_boy on 2007/02/16 13:38:33
That sounds way easier. thanks distrans :-)
#5868 posted by madfox on 2007/02/22 23:04:25
I'm still missing the fishcount correction for my progs.dat of the proxsys mod.
Where can I find a good fish.qc ? Or was it qstats?
Also still searching for the angle error of the newboss.
#5869 posted by metlslime on 2007/02/23 00:06:50
it's a one-line fix. Just look at the swimmonster_start and swimmonster_start_go and related fish functions; you should notice that there's two copies of the line that increments the monster count, and you just delete one of those copies.
(this is from memory so the details may be wrong, but I know that if you look at the source, it becomes ovbvious.)
#5870 posted by madfox on 2007/02/23 02:21:44
but I'm a madcap when it's concerning qc.
even changing a line and correct it makes the compiler peak to errors.
I'm using fricdos, others won't even compile.
and I see two times swimmonsters_start but I can't delay them. If I delete the first one the fishcount still is double.
Maybe A Stupid Question
#5871 posted by Drew on 2007/02/26 23:05:02
Hopefully an obvious one.
I was sitting around with some free time today so I decided to try and make a little speedmap. However I've encountered a frustrating problem along the way...
I have three doors, all with different names. They all go down. They are all within a close proximity to eachother. I have a trigger_counter that causes one set of doors to go down. When this happens the other two doors that do not yet have triggers also go down. Any ideas as to why?
I tried copying and pasting, then changing the name of one door. No doors moved at all, even when triggered... Can someone help with this?
#5872 posted by metlslime on 2007/02/27 00:18:16
if the doors' bounding boxes overlap or touch, they might be automatically linked by the func_door logic. To prevent this, you can use the spawnflag "DONT_LINK" or whatever it's called on each door.