#553 posted by necros on 2015/08/19 03:20:11
fuck. if i had seen this: http://wildweasel339.deviantart.com/art/Lava-Loops-264628032 and this: http://matchack.deviantart.com/art/Forgotten-ruins-343527909 my map would have been totally different.
anyway, jam6_necros_v2 is a good map name, but if it bothers you, feel free to name it.
#554 posted by - on 2015/08/19 03:33:02
I honestly do not care if Tronyn and EricW collaborated and used old scraps. The point of jams is to make maps get made, nothing else.
And What's Wrong With Capitals Anyway?
#555 posted by Rick on 2015/08/19 03:51:08
I actually tried making a rock bridge in my jam 6 map, a lot like those lava loops it the first picture necros linked. But time was running out and the rocks and cave type terrain I'd already made had been a big headache, so I gave up on the idea.
#556 posted by necros on 2015/08/19 05:37:54
quake has trouble with capital letters. it is case sensitive, but only when it reads from .pak files.
Just Emailed DaZ.
#557 posted by adib on 2015/08/19 05:58:58
It's up to EricTronyn turret now.
There is still a to-do list: few gameplay glitches, working some looks a little further, optimization...
A question about DLC: along with fixes and improvements, may I send a brand new level? Like Necros, I had this epiphany two weeks ago.
#558 posted by - on 2015/08/19 07:51:58
There's no real rules to DLC. RetroJam3DLC is the first mappack anyone did, and it was just 3 new maps.
#559 posted by - on 2015/08/19 07:52:30
*...anyone did DLC for* I mean.
#560 posted by negke on 2015/08/19 08:08:07
RJ3DLC was more of a joke based on a troll post in the RJ3 thread; it's not supposed to be "the way to go" for all jam events.
Neither Is A Start Map Btw
#561 posted by negke on 2015/08/19 08:10:27
Looks like Daz fell victim to his own hyping...
#562 posted by Spirit on 2015/08/19 08:22:25
Quake is also case sensitive if you are on a case sensitive filesystem.
Long names are totally fine I think? No need to truncate unless Quake has limits. Good engines have tab completion.
#563 posted by metlslime on 2015/08/19 09:05:12
inside pak files, quake can't handle more than 8.3 filenames. Outside pak files longer names are fine.
#564 posted by Rick on 2015/08/19 10:13:21
Good to know about the naming limitations because that other map I work on will probably be a pak.
Start Maps
#565 posted by ptoing on 2015/08/19 11:10:40
Are super cool though. And jam5 had one too.
It's not like it is hard to make a quick start map for a jam. And it gives the package a more together feel.
Another Problem On My Map
#566 posted by Daya on 2015/08/19 11:25:02
So about that lava rising, I didnt knew func_door forced its brushes to be solid...
I hope there's a workaround for this, like func_elevator or func_plat?
Also I did as I was told to separate each actions with a trigger_relay, with the key taken to sink the pillar and rise a block and when the pillars action is done, to cllose the gate, rise the lava and spawn the monsters, instead everything happens at once (the key has its set of triggers and the pillar has its own as well)
#567 posted by Spirit on 2015/08/19 11:55:33
I wonder how many "hidden behind the lava fall" secrets there are in this pack.
I'm not sure how to work around the solid moving lava issue, I'd really like an answer to that too.
With your relays, I don't know if having each entity target the next one in the sequence will fire that target when the current one is finished or instead when it's started, so you should be able to just tweak the delay on each relay until things happen at the times you want.
#569 posted by ptoing on 2015/08/19 12:23:06
I don't think there is a way to make water rise/fall in vanilla Quake. If there is it would be super hacky (Preach might know), func_elevator is not a thing, and all the other funcs make stuff solid as well, apart from illusionary, which will not have any properties of liquid, and func_detail, which you can not do stuff with really. At least not without any custom qc stuff.
#570 posted by DaZ on 2015/08/19 12:31:19
Sorry to say that liquids cannot move in Quake afaik. It needs engine support which Quake doesn't have. The only real work around is to have the liquid stationary and move the level around it down/upwards. Hacky as hell and not ideal :(
#571 posted by ptoing on 2015/08/19 12:47:59
and it's not like you can make the whole level func_door or something, right?
#572 posted by DaZ on 2015/08/19 13:20:50
I think there are face limits to single func_ entities but unsure off the top of my head.
You would have to design a very specific area that the player couldn't escape from and also wasn't very complex. Meh.
#573 posted by DaZ on 2015/08/19 13:22:03
I have everyone's map updates and the pack is shipped out for testing. As long as no one reports their pc's exploding from running the jam then I can release it later on today (H Y P E !)
Shitting Fuckballs.
#574 posted by Shambler on 2015/08/19 13:23:59
What Is that twitter shot!?!!
#575 posted by Hyped on 2015/08/19 14:36:51
I'll be checking for updates.
Got An Alternate Way To Do The Area
#576 posted by Daya on 2015/08/19 14:57:19
You'll see what I mean ;)
#577 posted by adib on 2015/08/19 15:02:45
Damn! That would be my big surprise for a final fight, for DLC.
If it's too complex, you can split the room into several func_doors.