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then i will wait untill tonight :p 
Anyone feels for betatesting small Quake1 level? 
i'm glad you didn't abandon that map 
Interesting map. Very promising, a lot going for it, but needs a lot of refining too.

+ Strong theme
+ Consistent textures
+ Good and interesting layout
+ Interesting exploration
+ Backtracking is well covered
+ Some great scenes and some good architectural themes
+ Generally good, well balanced gameplay
+ Layout (water + backtracking) makes fighting more interesting

- Architecture is sometimes scruffy.
- Not always a strong link between different sections.
- Some sections e.g. underwater are pretty plain, also underground cave section looks plain
- Underwater section underused
- Could do with more monster variety, how about some lesser used ones e.g. spawn and dogs
- Item balance a bit funny, not always items in the most useful place.
- A few too many shotgun shells and not enough rockets

Needs fixing:
!! Many doors upon upwards when they should open sideways
!! Lots of trim textures are b0rked and don't match the section they're on
!! Stretched windows and textures need fixing
!! Skeleton is a decent model but needs improving: Looks too puny, weak animations, CC animation almost entirely lacking, shouldn't be firing lasers in a fantasy setting
!! Shouldn't be enforcers in a fantasy setting
!! Boss monster looks ridiculous, texture and idea is good but looks like a giant cookie monster, also pretty easy to defeat.
!! In underground section, switch, key, and doorway to bridge need more lighting up
!! Various sections where it feels a bit easy to get stuck on stuff
!! Skybox has obvious corner seams and crude ground sections

Keep tweaking and polishing this, it's a potentially excellent map, just in a crude form at the moment. 
Thanks for your commend shambler!

Architecture is a little rough because I spend most time on a few hom's that wouldn't get away. So I started from start and succeeded to construckt it again without a big box around it.

The way I transported Bones to Quake1 was a bit difficult, as the head had so many vertices I had to simplify it. And indeed it looks a bit thin, from a distance it is hard to hit. First I made its encraving touch on 4 units distance but than they glided away between the edges of bad polygons.
CC animations don't sound familiar, but wakes my interests.

As for the end boss. I know it looks stupid, yes. But I had this queer idea to make a thing coming out of nowhere breaking off space to escape along. So I ended up this way. My most concern was to make the textures right. They seemed to change from normal textures, as the lightning is supported otherwise.
I am changing its cube outfit more to distracted one.

So it all is in a half way state only to see if it's working.

Is there noone who can make a hom monster? 
Bones - needs to be beefier and ideally made more Quakier. Give him a Nailgun type thing maybe, and some brutal claw for CC. Maybe a slightly bestial skull, something like that.

End Boss - the idea is very good, something coming out of the walls, it's just the model looks silly for it, keep working at it. 
On Tarspleen was a version of Bones who had the claw attack, but I had to delete them. They made the model spawn away. I still have the animation frames of bones, but the transport to Qmle is so hard due to verticemeshes.

I still don't get the convertion idea to Max3D.
In some way the model always returns with an altered vertice count.
But I can make the End Boss more like a crunchy rock-type. 
Looking For Quoth Gameplay Beta Tester 
I look for a beta tester who likes quoth monsters and would like to test new gameplay on one of the id maps. Brushwork and textures remain in 99% unchanged but gameplay is teh rock :) 
I'm In. 
Love to betatest.

Address in profile... 
The Silent And Negke 
I have sent a mail with the map to you. thanks. 
sst13 release beta versions of Q3 map remixes in Quake style:
Damn nice, especially the "jumppads" on dm17. 
Bones Melee 
tried a melee attack for Bones with a sprite. 
Anyone know what the result was? 
which such name, this guy is for sure from India, or somewhere around... I guess it is an idiomatic expression from his country... Slumdog bastid :P 
I Think 
Bones scared him or something... 
Well... That's only mildly racist... 
It is not midly racist.... it is obvious this guy is a moron :P 
So from one individual's perceived idiocy it follows that you can call his entire (assumed) nation poverty stricken, semi-homeless illegitimates using a term that already has racist and caste connotations?

hatton down in 2nd 
Come Off It 
Racism is where you find it.

There's all the old standbys shouted by the real racists but at the same time alot of british are in a real blind spot.

The most racist people on the island are pakistani muslim. Indian pashto (?) hate thier fucking guts because they get painted with the same brush.

Cross the divide and you realise how little the difference is.

Then cross the equator and see brown nazis doing the same stupid shit and you realise an innocuos comment like JPL made in the grand scheme matters SFA.

Tob be honest the only bit of those posts that my peripheral thinking didn't filter was the result. I still want to know what it was. Gouranga? 
Calm Down 
What you name racism, must be named intolerance... Racism is much more considering that there are better races than others, hence the nazi concept of Arian superior race...

I'm not racist, and BTW I'm working with Indians all days in my company.. Also, using "slumdog" was much more a provocation (regarding the posts #5629 and #5630) than a racist act...

Sorry of some people think I am racist: it is not the case, else I would have chosen a French website, not an international one as it is here: think about it ;) 
its sensitive func at the moment! 
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