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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Feel better, spy. Time is the greatest healer for this sorts of things. This will pass. 
Time is the greatest healer

Also Paladins 
Healer Paladins 
Are gay.

They should be smiting undead and burning heretics. 
In Left4Dead where they give each other a shoulder massage and a quick feel up after the zombies have attacked. 
"Are gay.
They should be smiting undead and burning heretics."

^ This 
MDLEd Works! 
No screenshots yet because I ran out of time but I'll post some this weekend. I got MDLEd to write out an MDL successfully and am now able to get custom models into Quake. It doesn't handle skin or frame groups on the writing end yet but I'll add that on the weekend as well. The basics are in place so I'm happy!!

Man, MDL stuff is WAY more complicated then it has any right to be. Sheesh! 
I dont believe in depression

Spoken like a person who has never been truly depressed. Don't be so ignorant, please.

Everything else you said in #5587 makes a lot of sense though... are you feeling ok? 

Willem, all we need now is a windows version - there seems to be alot of discrepansies in the versions of Qme - framegroups yes / no different model formats, uv formats etc. 
Spoken like a person who has never been truly depressed. Don't be so ignorant, please.

That's like telling someone who doesn't understand love because they've never fallen in love not to be ignorant. How odd. 
He's not saying he doesn't understand it - he's claiming it doesn't exist. It's a very different thing.

It's like saying you don't believe in Japan because you've never been there yourself. 
Will be released soon, adding a bit more onto the end as everyone said it finnished too sudden 
Mc Kri Szaree Alias Gyrizmanics Kula Edition 

The legend of continue:
gyrizmanics kula edition maps extended pharse continue 
Alternate Mc Kri Szaree 
I Dont Really Think I Understand What You Mean Mate? 
You want us to email you for information on what exactly? 
Viagra, Obviously. 
I think he has between 20 and 40 million in the name of a prince who needs someone in your country to transfer it for him. You'll get a cut, obviously. 
extended pharse

wins Shambler's Goatse Seal of Approval. 
Isn't the entire of func_ an extended farce? 
Level Is Finally Complete (again) 
level has been fixed with everything i was told about in the previous release and i added a bit at end of it.

feedback would be greatly appreciated thanks 
The end game though, could be more challenging. Easy to pass by monsters infighting.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

The shambler near the gold key is still easily killable from behind the bars.

Great improvement in layout and nicely implemented multiple routes...

Good job! 
if that is final release, post a news item (or just post a comment confirming and one of the mods will). 
It says beta in the file name and a textfile is missing. ;)

Can't wait for the release! I so want to play this. 
It wasnt a final release, will add a bit more and release it tonight. 
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