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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Hah! That looks cool as hell. Nice work! 
small movie of my QuakeDoom map on modB. 
Cool video but, man, learn to aim. :) 
Madfox Its Excellent! 
You really captured the feel of the doom monsters.

It would be very cool if you could do the music and the sound effects for the guns too.

Maybe some ambient sounds? 
The divx codec made playing a hell because the framerate doubled while recording. I played it on double speed.
So I can imagine it looks cramped.

I'm trying to find the sounds but doom exports things rather snappy.
Sofar I'm glad I have all monsters walking and attacking. Only the texturing is so hard.

Like the DoomGuy, I really would like to see it crouching in qc. 
Maybe the textures are temporary but judging from how it looks now I'd suggest not having that marbly/noisy look in all the textures. 
Anyone Else Wanna Test A Map? 
Doing a full vis now, so you can use whatever engine you prefer (hopefully) 
I'll test it, email address is on profile...

Probably on the lower difficulty settings tho ;p 
I'll Test It Too 
If you want one more tester. :) (email address in profile as well) 
It seems like you've still got Quake shotguns - there's a few weapon patches that change them to their doom versions - just for damage / spread / fire rate.

Everyone is so used to the Quake shotguns that they don't realise how crap they are.

Looking good, by the way. 
Vis took 8 and a half hours, but light is finishing now, and I have to go to work already.

Will send the beta in a couple of hours, when I get a break.... :) 
Not Quake, But Whatever...

really trying to finish it this time. :x that's lunaran's strombine textures btw. 
So What Are You Gonna Have 
running around down there?

Looks very Half-Lifey, prob the textures help..... 

Very cool scene. One of the things that I remember reading awhile back was something from Levelord on level design. He said that one of the things that helps a level really feel 3D in nature is to have long vistas with tall structures in the visual path to provide visual parallax.

You have that there with that column and the curved half of the hallway chunk attached to it. As you come down that hall, that piece of geometry will partially obscure what is behind it and give that parallax effect.

Looks cool! 
They're not actually that crap... 
Is It F.E.A.R? 
Does anybody use the SG once they have the SSG, apart from sniping monsters from miles away - which doesn't make much sense and isn't very fun.

They made the SG a pistol type weapon, which meant the SSG became the real shotgun.

Just me 2 cents. 
looks like q3 to me. where do the monsters go necros? :( nice lighting though, very doom3-esque. 
Thanks Guys :) 
that shot is early in the level (about a minute in or so). this is actually a "spiritual successor" to the venice HL2 map i tried doing before. doom3 meant a change in setting, but the original concept of a very lonely atmosphere is what this is going to be.

there is fps gameplay planned though, but i'm hoping to keep the player moving along without combat for at least a few minutes with puzzles and cool looking areas as rewards. i plan this to be a mod, with my doom3 'tweaks' included so it'll feel pretty much like quake, most likely, just with doom3 monsters.

anyway, that shot was mostly me breathing a sigh of relief as i was able to use 3ds max to model that area. i have some way cooler areas in progress. :) 
Screenshots &

Well my modelling skills are driven to their aces, but sofar I got the ZDoomGl models. And as always at the last moment one of the monsters doesn't behave as in my testmaps, lostsoul has gone lost bouncing.

It's more a pak to show my results than a real attemmpt for a level. I hope to come to a good confinement of how to handle these monsters.
Textutres look awfull in FirtzQuake. Aguire's engine is better. Glad to have them running!

Spy, Grahf 
check your mail! ;) 
I Got It Ricky 
OK Here's Some Shots 
Meanwhile, Back In The Quake Engine... 
...and in a world where finding and using freeware image manipulation progams isn't rocket science...

Errrr yeah, looks pretty good, looks meaty. 
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