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Yes, even if these screenies look good, they remind me a lot Doom3 screenshots... Concerning "future war" style, I've read (I don't remember exactly where...) that "cooperative team" battle style will be much more used in Q4 than in other games... This battle style have been already used in Red Faction 2: I can just say I prefer to fight alone instead of fighting with a team against horde of monsters... I have often the bad idea to kill by mistake my partners... 8P...
BTW, is there any informations about PC requirements to run correctly the game ?? 
And Award Goes To 
I can just say I prefer to fight alone instead of fighting with a team against horde of monsters...

Tribes 3 Demo. 
Nearly 400 meg for one fucking poxy arena level. GG games developers.

As a demonstration to persuade you of the merits of a single player game, it is SHIT. Random deathmatch style UT clone arena nonsense.

As a demonstration of how the game looks and feels, it's okay actually. It does the job, you can move around, fire weapons, and look at stuff. Fine by me - for a 50 meg demo. But yeah it feels okay. Good controls. Jetpack is fun. Shooting bots (for this is botmatch without respawning) is funner. It all sort of works. However it is very UT and I would have to see evidence of a strong story/mission driven single player game (which Tribes games often hint at early in development and then abandon) to convince me it has any merit over UT2kX, jumppacks aside. 

Errrrr... could you explain it a lot please ?? I'm not sure to understand correctly what you mean... due to my poor english.... sorry... 
I mean, you are a weirdo. 
One Man Army 
I'm with you jpl, I prefer to do it on my own, fighting against a horde of monsters that is. Unless of course it was to fight with other people as apposed to computer controlled allies. But I'm sure, at least I hope, Quake4 will be a good ride. 
Oh.. that's it... well perhaps I'm a weirdo, perhaps not... but considering that I'm badly used to kill and destroy all I found in a game, it's better for my partner to go away before I made some "terrible mistakes"... OTOH, I love "snipping" with precision rifle like the one you have in UT, or RTCW... and it's really an "individual" game I love...
So IMHO, I'm not as weirdo as you think it "Shamy"...;) 
Best Industrial Site Evah 
Quake IV 
Yeah, I've seen the PCZone scans for a while now (PCGamer?) and, I can't say it got me too excited. Since Heretic II, Raven have been banging out competant, but extremely forgettable shooters at an alarming rate really. They're more of an FPS production line than a really innovative developer (like say, id or Epic).

Anyway - the funny part is, this will probably come out before I've even upgraded to play Doom3. Which means I'll have a choice of titles with which to experience the Doom3 engine for the first time. I probably get scared easier than most in games, so the idea of this being an action-fest, rather than Doom3's shit-your-pants-fest, appeals to the wuss in me.

I was a bit disappointed that Quake IV went the sci-fi route, because that's a bit too close to Doom3 really - I'd have preferred a true sequal to Quake1, with a return to that creepy medieval netherworld. At least it would have given Raven a chance to create a game that looks visually distinct to Doom3. 
Kinn, I agree with you whole-heartedly. I was actually disappointed when I saw the screenshots, it didn't look like anything I was expecting. 
that's hilarious 
Although I was disappointed from the screenshots I saw, the story that PCGamer reported made Quake 4 look pretty good. I'm not really excited about it like I was for doom3, but a bio-mechanical factory that's being run by a huge-ass heart is just fucking cool. I don't think I'll like it as much as Doom3, judging from what I've read, but it does look entertaining.

The monster design looks kind of bad artwise, but of course they promise "better ai with monsters using cover and coordinating attacks." I've heard it before, never seen it implemented well, but we'll see I suppose. 
Since Doom3 was basically Quake2 with per-pixel lighting, and Quake4 is basically Quake2 with the Doom3 engine, there's a danger that Quake4 won't be very distinguishable. 
I'd Hazard A Guess... 
that Quake IV will have a better monopoly on crates than Doom 3 though.

"bio-mechanical factory" + "monsters using cover" = CRATES 
Yes, crates and exploding barrels. But at least Doom3 has the 'scary corridors'. Mind you, the Doom3 sound effects are the best I have heard in a game.

Nevertheless, as good as the graphics and sounds are, Doom3 is very single themed so far (I am only at the monorail)

And that is what Quake1 was not, and why it was so good. And why I want a sequal 
Quake 1 was a complete accident of design, brought about by id really having no clue where they wanted to take the game, up until the very last minute, when they just slapped what they had done all together and hoped for the best.

And it was. 
Doom 3 Fortress

I'm curious what you guys think of the potential of this mod. I'm not interested in playing it, the model/tex shots they have up look alright but I'd need to see more. I'm wondering because they are hosting a music contest, which I'm kind of interested in, but hesitant. 
I think pretty much all D3 mods based in multiplayer will fail miserably until the networking code gets a major fixing, regardless of quality of overall design. D3 simply cannot support a quality multiplayer. If it's a simulation with bots, however, that may be a different story. 
FPS Multiplayer Modes.. 
.. can be cool only if "real" players are fighting against/with you... simulation bots suck... 
I found out to run Quake on my Mac (OSX Powerbook 15" widescreen) is to copy the ID1 folder and use the GL Quake Mac port (it's just the executable). Checkout these shots... mmm widescreen. Too bad I can't adjust the gamma - it's kinda washed out. But it runs damn fine at 1280x854 on 867 Mhz, 256MB RAM, and a 32MB ATi card (not that I'd expect any less). 
about the ID1 folder, I'd assumed everyone knew that :)

Quake's portability is just another testament to its utter supremeness. 
Now if GTK Radiant (which is apparently aboutto be ported)(or Worldcraft if ever) was ported to OSX I might map more often. 
Q1 -> Doom 3 
I think somebody mentioned that they would have preferred q1 to q2 in the doom 3 engine. Personally, although I would be interested to see an update to Q1, I think that anyone making it today would just make a fuck up of it and lose most of what made Quake great in the first place. As Kinn said, id didn't really design Q1, it just happened to turn out well. If someone were to remake it today, I can tell they would spend hours in focus groups and thinking of a detailed plot to add a reason for the action. Come to think about it, it would probably just turn out like Doom 3*.

I'd especially hate to see what Raven might do to the monster design after witnessing some of the designs of the QIV monsters.

Q2 isn't so sacred :)

*which I enjoyed, but quake.enjoyment = doom3.enjoyment*500; or something 
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