#5388 posted by [Kona] on 2011/10/25 23:10:53
I liked GOW1, pity they went cuntsoles only for the sequels. Didn't like the cover system bullshit and concrete blocks everywhere, but the game looked great for 2006, despite grey and brown everywhere.
That titan or whatever it's called boss is a CUNT.
#5389 posted by Shambler on 2011/10/25 23:20:36
- Both your squad and the enemy models have irritatingly juvenile proportions.
- Picking up items is slow and tedious.
- The blood is daft cartoonised nonsense.
#5390 posted by nitin on 2011/10/26 02:03:07
havent played it yet but isnt one of the lighting options really important to how it looks? Ie without it, the game looks monotonal and drab and very different if you turn it on?
Also, finally finished Episode One, more of the same really, not as epic as the original game but very enjoyable nonetheless.
#5391 posted by [Kona] on 2011/10/26 08:06:59
I just played Portal for the 1st time. First 18 levels I felt were a bit uninspired... left me wondering why this game is one of the most popular of all time, but the last level is awesome and makes it a great mini-game - although the puzzles are never really that difficult throughout. Pretty cool though.
#5392 posted by Shambler on 2011/10/26 10:55:51
I've tried Vivid and Intense post-processing, it still looks monotonal.
#5393 posted by nitin on 2011/10/26 14:25:01
that's the one, I wonder what you would say if you turned it off :)
I Turned It Off.
#5394 posted by Shambler on 2011/10/26 21:26:06
I.e. I turned the whole game off, uninstalled it and binned the CD. Not out of frustration or anger, just the simple purging of shit :D
#5395 posted by sikkpin on 2011/10/27 00:25:40
It's too bad you uninstalled it as I was going to recommend you open a map in the editor and see how bad GoW really looks without color correction.
Steam Sale
#5396 posted by Drew on 2011/10/28 06:25:12
what should I get? I'm thinking 2 5 dollar games. Not sure I can actually handle Amnesia. Thinking Bioshock 2... is it embarassing to consider Terraria? seems like it would be an INCREDIBLE time waster.
#5397 posted by Zwiffle on 2011/10/28 06:32:18
Bioshock 2 is great, I bought a 4 pack for like $15 and just gave them out to people because it was a great game imo.
I only ended up with Dead Island because it was the only game I wanted that I didn't have.
#5398 posted by necros on 2011/10/28 06:39:09
i'm trying to play amnesia right now.
a couple of hours in so far, but had to stop after a pretty close run in with a monster. sound effects in this game are really really well done. unbelievably atmospheric game.
So Its Just A Horror Survival Game Only
#5399 posted by nitin on 2011/10/28 08:03:46
not an action horror?
TF2 Update
#5400 posted by bal on 2011/10/28 08:05:48
Unfortunatly I won't be here this weekend to play it. :(
#5402 posted by negke on 2011/10/28 11:27:19
Horror adventure seems more fitting. There's no action or survival gameplay except for occasional fleeing or hiding from monters. The rest is puzzles and exploration.
#5403 posted by nitin on 2011/10/28 14:25:15
doesnt really sound like my thing.
#5404 posted by DaZ on 2011/10/28 15:31:43
is great fun, cant go wrong for less cost than a pint of beer :)
Dead Island
is not available in Germany. Can someone buy it and gift it to me? I'd paypal the money right away.
#5406 posted by Zwiffle on 2011/10/28 16:13:26
Yeah I can when I get home unless someone does before then.
Thanks. Do you need a steam id or can you just look me up in the func group?
You Need A Steam ID
#5408 posted by RickyT33 on 2011/10/28 17:27:51
To buy or sell games, on steam. :S
Ok Then
From Duske Till Dawne
#5410 posted by negke on 2011/10/28 18:51:01
I hated the lifeguard guy, annoying voice/acting. Make sure not to let your weapons degrade below 50%.
Gemini Rue
#5411 posted by quakis on 2011/10/28 23:07:18
Completed this today. Anyone who likes adventure games should take a look at this. I recommend it.