#5362 posted by ijed on 2008/12/22 16:32:16
They just never finish anything.
#5363 posted by Spirit on 2008/12/22 16:40:29
Back then Quake was the dark brown ugly duckling and Duke the colourful pop chewing gum glee. It's weird to see such a dark and colourless picture. Made me realised how I much rather like comical games instead of that "next-gen realism".
 I Think That Its Gonna Be Good
#5364 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/12/22 16:45:11
but we'll find out quite soon I predict....
#5365 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/12/22 16:48:48
I don't think they're ever going to release it at this point, honestly. They can't. It'll be insta-shredded the second it hits the reviewers hands as people have been waiting for over a decade in a Daikatana-esque fever waiting to tear it a new one.
It would have to be so over the top awesome to overcome all of that negative inertia that I just don't think it's possible. For any company, I mean, not just 3D Realms. You just can't successfully deliver on 11 years of promises.
It's gone from eagerly anticipated to vapor ware jokes to tired joke and soon to move on to obscure fact featured in a future edition of Trivial Pursuit. It's dead, Jim.
#5366 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/12/22 16:50:21
Or an alternate theory I have is that it will come out, people will shrug, and it'll slide into the history books as a foot note.
I really don't see it lighting up the gaming world at this point.
 Like Chinese Democracy
#5367 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/12/22 16:50:38
(the GnR album, not the actual thing, that is)
#5368 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/12/22 16:52:13
Yes, exactly like that, actually. It's here and nobody cares.
 Thats Guns N Roses BTW
#5369 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/12/22 16:52:40
for those who instantly thought Galaxy News Radio.
Incidentally yesterday I found the Wazer Wifle, which I didnt realise was a real gun even though I had read about it on Fo3 forums, I just thought people were being silly....
Bethesda are geniouses IMHO!
#5370 posted by DaZ on 2008/12/22 18:45:07
if its as good as prey then I will be very happy :)
#5371 posted by starbuck on 2008/12/22 18:53:24
I don't think expectations are all THAT high. 11 years of promises, maybe, but were we really listening? The fact that they've taken this long makes me think they don't really know what they're doing, and if the game isn't a bit of a mess, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
So I think I disagree with theory #1 and agree with proposed alternate theory : the damp squib. It's not going to set the world on fire and do body shots of success off the cleavage of games reviewers worldwide, it's probably going to have to sleep with PC Gamer's ugly sister to break 80%.
Hope they prove me wrong though...
#5372 posted by [Kona] on 2008/12/23 08:17:10
I think we'll see it released, maybe late 2009 or 2010 I hope, and indeed it won't light the world on fire. What I think is that the original game on Unreal engine, which was probably 95% done, they should have fkn released back 2002 or 2003, and then started a sequel, which is where they would be now anyway. Instead they scrapped basically everything. George Broussard is an idiot who appears to want perfection for the game and won't release otherwise. But he won't get it, he's already using an outdated engine. I would be surprised if they switched to a more modern Unreal engine again.
It's not a good sign when in 2008 they're advertising for mappers and programmers to work on the game. Who knows... maybe the reason for it never being finished is because they have no money.
#5373 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/12/23 11:25:29
I think the opposite, actually. I think the reason it isn't being released is because they HAVE money. They sold the Max Payne IP and a few other things so they are flush with cash for years to come. Scott and George are already rich from years past so there's no pressure to release the game. This allows them to tinker endlessly, throw stuff away and start over, etc. All of those things are good to a point - but without pressure to ship you can slip into a state where you are perpetually building and never finishing. It's dangerous and I think that's where they are stuck at the moment. Not sure how to knock them out of that groove and get them back on the shipping path though...
#5374 posted by nonentity on 2008/12/23 13:42:06
back on the shipping path
lane surely?
 Merry Christmas
#5375 posted by DaZ on 2008/12/25 17:45:25
...and I found this little gem in the svencoop 4.0 for half-life.
#5376 posted by necros on 2008/12/25 18:00:20
the flying HL monster actually doesn't look all that out of place in there.
#5377 posted by megaman on 2008/12/27 15:41:25
is sven coop still the abomination that took existing levels and made them into stinking piles of shit it was for hl1? Looks like it still is ;)
 New Level That Might See The Light Of Day Eventually...
#5378 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/01/02 19:31:19
#5379 posted by necros on 2009/01/02 19:50:10
very clean and ordered
 Thank God
#5380 posted by Zwiffle on 2009/01/02 20:03:07
Not a base map!
#5381 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/01/02 20:06:58
Or IS it?!
 You PRODUCTIVE Bastard!
#5382 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/01/02 20:28:51
nice work! :P
 Don't See
#5383 posted by ijed on 2009/01/02 20:33:58
That pale wood set much - looks good.
 Yeah Nice,
#5384 posted by Shambler on 2009/01/02 23:23:28
Good shots.
One thing though, the texture under the curved arch doesn't match up with the bricks surrounding it - a pet peeve.
#5385 posted by [Kona] on 2009/01/03 01:54:21
yeah looks nice. maybe a diff texture under those arches or doorways? archway on the right of the second shot is a bit plain... maybe add some decals/lights, or give the step that metal trim. then again, i'm a bit of a detailist.
#5386 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/01/03 03:24:30
It's still early stuff, but thanks for the feedback! I was considering doing something custom inside of the arches. Your feedback kinda confirms what I was thinking in the back of my mind ... thanks!