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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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I will test base maps. E-mail address is listed in my profle here. 
Combat Layer looks very interesting. Is it based on Quake? Any (working) link to it? :) 
Everything's looking good there, APSP3 especially. 
Boner Shorts. 
Thanks + Info 
ok, I will send out the first beta to everyone who said they will test once it's ready. I'm just doing gameplay stuff and tweaks at the moment, so it should be sometime this weekend or next week. What I might do, however, is select a couple of people for the first beta and then once feedback from that is taken into account the subsequent beta will be sent to fresh testers too. Oh, and since it's way too late to be in the basepak, it will become APSP2.

APSP3 will probably be early next year. However, lot of it needs overhauling so it might take longer than expected.

Cocot: combat layer is a crappy game I made at university. It doesn't use the Quake engine - just a really basic engine I made myself. However, it does use a .map compiler to generate its level format, though it's not exactly intuitive once you've made the basic level, since you need to add collision detection data in a text editor then compile that with the .map to get the proper level data. Doesn't have sound either.

I guess there is no working link at the moment :) 
Oh, ok, I see :)
It looked good from the screenshots ;) 
Cold Times 
thought pain would be harder to convert than cacodemon, but it went otherwise.
the blobby thing just crashes verticemeshes. 
Might Just Be Me 
But they look a bit washed out, skin-wise.

Maybe up the contrast and darken (burn) a bit? 
I think Ijed is right - just a "little bit" darker.

Also - totally ace! Really cool. Keep it coming.

Will we be able to map for it eventually? 
Pain Elemental And Cacodemon 
i dunno if anyone mentioned this, but the death animations for all those converted doom/doom2 models have more faces/verts. it was so they could reproduce the death animations on the sprites which often had stuff like an arm ripping off or an eyeball leaking out (like the cacodemon) or like the mancubus where it just collapses and the rib cage sticks out.

come to think of it, i miss the old days where the death animations were very elaborate. i think we've lost something in this age of ragdolls where they just pop the limbs a bit to give a little bit of initial movement. 
Chainsaw someone in Gears of War. :P

I do agree though. The move towards realism has sacrificed the arty deaths that we used to see. I know that we were going to experiment with half animated/half rag doll deaths at some point. Haven't had a chance yet though... 
you should make sure the outer perimeter of your sprite is all transparent pixels, otherwise you get those floating lines and pixels you can see on the top of the flame and to the left of the barrel.

(also, in fitzquake you won't see the pink edges, but you'll still see the floating lines/pixels) 
I Like STALKER Deaths 
They rock!:) 
Doom Models 
ijed - you're right. At this moment I'm only trying to import the ZdoomGL models into Qmle, and so to Quake.
And as they don't understand a word quakes I have to make them understand that dooms isn't the legal arbitary...

No...kiddin, but it takes quiet some time to make them look right with all subroutines that I don't have had time to make the texture part.

I will try to convert the whole pack to Quake so they can be integrated just as the quake monsters. Point is I have to make decissions.
Doom models are, like necros said, split up in different framemodels fore the same monster.
So for the cacodemon and pain I have to relate to the explode scenes like hellspawn.

Fact is that they need some original subroutines what offers a lot of coding, like adding sprites to their acts. And something to make them divide to the costum monsters.

I tried to make a monster explode by tossing its fragments out of eachother, but experienced qmle always errors on not the same vertricecounts, even if they do.

metlslime- I haven't centered the sprite in fimg. In fact it's already a miricle to have a prog that handles these extentions.

A very strange feeling to see that doomguy in Quake. 
Fixing Graphics... 
Looks Good Hipshot 
Lighting is a touch yellowy, though: how about a bit of blue fill from the sky to offset the yellow sun? 

Fantastic ambiance there. The light pouring in and the overbearing structure built into the rock is a great looking setting.

If this is Quake3, is it possible to get some god/light beams coming in from the cliff edges? Would look amazing! Might be too much work in Quake3 though. 
Second That 
very badass. can't think of anything to add atm, everything looks pretty solid. all the little plants and shrubs help push the terrain into looking very alive. 
Lighting is a touch yellowy, though: how about a bit of blue fill from the sky to offset the yellow sun?

Disagree on this, the sky is yellow, so the ambient light from the sky would be yellow too.

Also, nice shots. 
"Disagree on this, the sky is yellow, so the ambient light from the sky would be yellow too."

Yeah, but then most of the scene is yellow. 
Well, the light is actually a bit more blue in the shadows, than orange. I had a version where the light was actually a lot more blue in the shadows, so it really stood out - looked pretty good. However, I wanted the art direction to be inspired by Quake(1), Quake2 and Unreal(1), so I decided to go with this instead.

About sun rays, I might do it - or not - depends on how good I can simulate the effect. I'm fairly sure I can make it look alright but not sure it will fit in the scene, with the clouds... 
Maybe I Finish Something During Winter Break 
I Refuse To Look At Anything That Isn't Zipped BMP 
(ok, too late. maybe next time, map seems cool, reminiscent of your speedmap, probably da r_speeds though) 
Another Beautiful Day 
...of combine oppression

Been working on this little map pack for a few weeks now, it will require episode 2 to run! 
When I think of combine oppression, I think of lens flare. 
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