#5312 posted by
Orl on 2008/12/05 18:12:50
How much is finished so far, ijed?

#5313 posted by
ijed on 2008/12/05 19:07:40
~9 maps in beta.
We're basing all the code off the gameplay needed in the maps, meaning as the maps get closer to completion more entities will probably be introduced.
The basic stuff like old, known bugs and a completely reworked multiplayer system is close to finished.
New enemy list:
Berserk Ogre
Nail Ogre
Lavaman (subject to change)
New Behaviours:
Spawning (Quoth style)
Dodging (mild)
Flagged 'Wargear' (some monsters can carry extra stuff)
General AI improvements
Monster grouping
And lots of stuff in the works.
Lavaman (subject to change)
Is that, like, the miniature Chthon? I didn't like those a single bit.

#5315 posted by
ijed on 2008/12/05 19:24:11
That's why we're thinking to change them - a scaled down chthon doesn't add much.

#5316 posted by
madfox on 2008/12/05 21:24:18
I was melting some archville mdl.
What a creep that qmle and verticecounts.

#5317 posted by
ijed on 2008/12/05 21:30:57
Not going to blast the player in place?
Like the walk animation.

He Crawls So Hard I Couldn't Make A Demo Before He Grabbed Me
#5318 posted by
madfox on 2008/12/05 23:21:19
It's a tryout for seeing how far I could imitate its original sprite.
For testing the walk scene I just put notarget.

#5319 posted by
Spirit on 2008/12/06 10:39:03
That looks great. What a creepy bastard! Textures/Skins are always the "yay or nay" parts, it definitely is on a good way.

The Zdoomgl Models
#5320 posted by
madfox on 2008/12/06 21:41:21
The ZdoomGl monsters have their sprites in mdl.
I was trying to combine them in Qmle, but it�s a hazerdly job.
Qmle is extremely worried about the same verticecounts, even when they are the same.
My goal is to give them the same look as in Doom, but mdl will never substitute a sprite.
And yes, texturing is almost as far from mapping as modelling is to texturing.

#5321 posted by
than on 2008/12/09 19:39:14
just started mapping again for the first time in AGES and managed to get a nearly finished base map to very nearly complete. I imagine there will be a beta ready soon. Anyone interested in testing? It's my v.late basepak map ;)
http://than.quaddicted.com/ < old pics here
On another note, I looked at another big nearly finished map I have and had loads of ideas for fixing it, so maybe I will finally get that out early next year too :)

#5323 posted by
negke on 2008/12/09 20:26:56
Been looking forward to this one for a while. What's the status on APSP3 btw?
#5325 posted by
Trinca on 2008/12/09 21:33:22
than you are a inspiracion to all the mappers...
when i growup i want to map like you!!!

That's "If" You Grow Up Trinca
#5326 posted by
Orl on 2008/12/10 00:41:09

#5327 posted by
RickyT33 on 2008/12/10 03:36:11
get a move on!!!
Than: I would really love to test your maps should you so wish sir, it would be an honour!

#5328 posted by
Lardarse on 2008/12/10 14:54:01
I will test base maps. E-mail address is listed in my profle here.

#5329 posted by
CocoT on 2008/12/10 16:48:46
Combat Layer looks very interesting. Is it based on Quake? Any (working) link to it? :)

#5330 posted by
ijed on 2008/12/10 17:06:14
Everything's looking good there, APSP3 especially.

Boner Shorts.
#5331 posted by Drew on 2008/12/10 17:16:37

Thanks + Info
#5332 posted by thanatwork on 2008/12/11 11:22:32
ok, I will send out the first beta to everyone who said they will test once it's ready. I'm just doing gameplay stuff and tweaks at the moment, so it should be sometime this weekend or next week. What I might do, however, is select a couple of people for the first beta and then once feedback from that is taken into account the subsequent beta will be sent to fresh testers too. Oh, and since it's way too late to be in the basepak, it will become APSP2.
APSP3 will probably be early next year. However, lot of it needs overhauling so it might take longer than expected.
Cocot: combat layer is a crappy game I made at university. It doesn't use the Quake engine - just a really basic engine I made myself. However, it does use a .map compiler to generate its level format, though it's not exactly intuitive once you've made the basic level, since you need to add collision detection data in a text editor then compile that with the .map to get the proper level data. Doesn't have sound either.
I guess there is no working link at the moment :)

#5333 posted by
CocoT on 2008/12/13 05:04:29
Oh, ok, I see :)
It looked good from the screenshots ;)

Cold Times
#5334 posted by
madfox on 2008/12/13 17:39:13
thought pain would be harder to convert than cacodemon, but it went otherwise.
the blobby thing just crashes verticemeshes.

Might Just Be Me
#5335 posted by
ijed on 2008/12/13 17:52:50
But they look a bit washed out, skin-wise.
Maybe up the contrast and darken (burn) a bit?

#5336 posted by
RickyT33 on 2008/12/13 19:43:18
I think Ijed is right - just a "little bit" darker.
Also - totally ace! Really cool. Keep it coming.
Will we be able to map for it eventually?