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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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But Seriously Thank You Very Much Indeed! 
thks Willem and Spirit 
"You know I'll totally abuse it with screenshots, demos and maps, right? "

Please do. :) I want to see if this thing actually works... 
I've Got A Couple Of Early Shots To Post 
but I cant log in.
ilovetheshubhub ilovequaketastic nope no nope not that eh. ;P 
please will we keep the 404 screen? Have you seen it? It er, ... I love that screen... 
Hahaha, god I suck. OK, password fixed. Really, it's the same as shub-hub, I swear! Sorry... 
Stylin'! Nice shots too - love the bridge! 
I sent you a mail ~12 hours ago, did you get it (got some weird relay errors when trying earlier, that's why I ask). 
Yep, I got it. Will reply... 
Very Nice 
but I must say, is that the q2 rock texture? Its horrible :(

If you can find the texture wad that is floating around from the game "Rune" it has some great rock textures in it, I've been using them exclusively in my maps for a long time. 
will check it out... ;P

Willem: Thanks :-) 
Great Ricki 
show r_showtris 1 fitz shot from that rocky area!
Reminds me of your earlier stuff and terra's first maps too, which means it's great... 
I Like That Rock Texture 
I guess it could use some scaling it up or whatever, but I think it looks fine. 
More Monsters... 
arghhhh i always hated this one in doom :\ 
That Idle Sound 
that they make used to really piss me off/freak me out 
I can hardly relate them to any sound, that's a small problem to me.
Sofar I can make them visible in Quake, but Doom has that 16bit texture that's horrible to substitute in Wally.

Further I get the nasty habbit, that when I export them to a modelling studio they immedeately start with vertices mixedup.
So I have to counterpart all loosing frames.
Most important is getting a good base/tex frame. 
So who is working on stuff? I'm doing a medieval map at the moment that's already running me over an hour in VIS time - not sure why, but it is. I don't intend for it to be massive though.

Anyone else? 
On playing with textures for a project I'll be starting based off whether I can get the textures to feel/look how I want them to. 
release soon... :\ i realy want to start a fresh no stuff 
just my tower map atm. i seem to be stuck though. :P 
Working On Something 
until I start to hate it all over again, and then I'll go back to the thing I haven't put up in the editor in over a year and if it looks slightly less repulsive than I remember, I might get that one to Alpha. 
I'm working on the doom monsters for quake, but it's hard to substitute their sprite attacks. Quake won't give me more than one frame mdl seq. 
Long time finishing, but what's already been completed is a great incentive. 
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