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Sound Design?? 
You mean D3??

No way man, the sound was 90% awesome....the 10% was some of the weapon sounds and the imps.

Seriously....the ambient noises were dark as fuck, most of the monster ones were spot on....even the armour pick-up was eerie. 
i'm in agreement wish shambler here. d3's sounds are some of the most disturbing ambients ever.

the only let downs:
pretty much half of the monster sounds. a lot of them are missing mid frequencies, and sound choked off. same with the machinegun sound. the mg sounds terrible... completly lacking any character. plasma is utterly forgettable, bfg was unimpressive at best... i did like the pistol reload sound though, but the shotgun sounded wimpy, and the reload sound doesn't match up with the animation (?!). cg was pretty neat. a nice big thump thump thumping in time with the screen shakes, and the rl was quiet unique even sounding a bit like the original doom/doom2 rl sound. and the chainsaw was alright.

but seriously, the ambient sounds are incredibly detailed and unique. take a look in pak003.pk4 (openable in winzip)... there's just soo much coolness in there. :) 
I haven't been following this thread at all so I thought I would just post an idea I thought would be cool. I'd like to see someone make an episode for quake remaking the dungeons from A Link to the Past. The designs are actually kinda decent, they remind me a lot of a quake level but top down. There could be a lot of space for interpretation, and I think it'd just be really cool overall. OK that's it.

VIVE LE SPEEDMAP!!! <---- nevermind 
RSS Fuckstickmotherfuckfuckfuck 
Has anyone successfuly implemented a goddamn RSS news feed using either javascript or PHP (without using a DB)? I've looked everywhere and for the god damn life of me all I find is RSS applications or some fucking script that requires God himself to configure... I had a javascript one working just fine except there was no way to mandate the font size (no, html font tags don't work with it). 
Sign me up for being pretty dissappointed in the Doom3 sounds as well.

Perhaps having a non-creativesoundblaster non-5.1surroundsetup affected the sound somewhat, but you know, I haven't had a problem with the sounds in a lot of other games, so I doubt that's it.

Weapon sounds were embarrasingly weak, monster sounds were pretty unremarkable. Some other stuff was pretty average. Recycling the sounds from older games was a particularly bad idea, and really took me out of the game environment; and hell, not only did I think 'there's the health pickup sound from Q3', I thought 'there's the health pickup sound from Q3 and its a really inappropriate sound for this game anyways'.

I did enjoy a lot of the ambient sounds, I thought that was done very well at times. I certainly liked the decision to pretty much exclude music and include all of the ambient stuff instead. That added to the immersion a lot. 
there's even sound from doom 1 where you pick up some important disk once. (the sound of picking health/ammo from doom 1 :)

anyway, i enjoyed almost all the sounds there. especially ambience. it was amazing. but i have pk4 with trent's sounds and monsters indeed sounds much better there... 

Check my map from sm65... I based it on 'Zelda: Links Awakening' Dungeons, so not exactly the same, might be interesting though. 
yeah, i played it.

Awesome, Huh? 
you cant use it though, the rights have been bought by Nintendo 
Doom3 Audio 
I dunno it sounded fucking excellent on my Audigy 2, with my Logitech Z-2200 speakers. A lot of people where saying all the weapons lacked in bass?? Um get a better set of speakers, this is probably the most BASS-heavy game I've ever played. A few of the weapons like the MG could of been a little bit better, but good overall.

Wish I had a 5.1 setup though.. 
What He Said. 
No way man, the sound was 90% awesome....the 10% was some of the weapon sounds and the imps

Although I thought the imps were okay, and thought the weapon sounds mostly were (SG sounds cheap).

I'm honestly completely baffled by people hatin' on the sound; I think this is the best sound I have heard in any game. Ever.

The general lack of music and substituting a lot of ambient is something I really liked too, and I was impressed with many of the little touches (e.g. the door sounds in some areas sound *just* similar enough to some of the monster sounds that you clench up for a sec when the door closes behind you, especially if you stood in the doorway for a bit looking around before going into the room). 
I was impressed with many of the little touches (e.g. the door sounds in some areas sound *just* similar enough to some of the monster sounds that you clench up for a sec when the door closes behind you

Yeah man! And the armour pick-up is just plain fucking sinister... 
DooM3 Sound 
I must say that I thought the sound was excellent as well. Comments about the lack of bass etc amuse me somewhat, again, it's as if I was playing a different game to others. I mean, I had the ceiling fan controllers on the walls rattling to the point I had to tape them up. I could feel every thump and bump vibrating through my computer table. I would agree completely with the comment, the most BASS-heavy game I've ever played

To me the sound was half the game, certainly half the atmosfear

Then it must be said, at the volume level I was playing at, with my house completely closed, it could be heard as plain as day, from across the street, 30+ meters away. But everyone plays games like that, don't they? 
Gom Jabbar 
Thanks but I found something MUCH easier: 
Okay Look 
while you may not consider descriptions of door sounds to be 'spoliers' the sound design - good or bad - is clearly a major part of the experience, as this heated discussion proves.
You guys started a separate thread to talk about Doom3 and keep spoilers out of GA; could you please fucking use it. 
Sorry man, got carried away. 
What was spoiled?

I just read back through the last few posts, worried that I (or someone else) had let slip some sort of major game info, and I was prepared to apologize profusely...but as far as I can tell, all that was spoiled is that the game has sound--and imps and shotguns in it, OMG, imagine that!

If your point is that Doom discussion should not clutter up GD, then it's a valid one, and I'll try to keep doom shit in the doom thread(s) in the future. Sorry about that.

In the meantime, as far as I can tell, your bringing up "spoilers" is just pointless shitflinging, and perhaps you should unclench just a tad. 
In the meantime, as far as I can tell, your bringing up "spoilers" is just pointless shitflinging, and perhaps you should unclench just a tad.
Word. The game was released over a month ago. Surely its reached foreign store shelves by now? 
pointless shitflinging on Func_Msgboard ?............. No, I just can't believe that, sorry, I refuse to believe it !!

while you may not consider descriptions of door sounds to be 'spoliers' the sound design - good or bad - is clearly a major part of the experience and perhaps kell was just preempting the eventual slip that may occur, and I guess, even though the game should be in everyones hands by now, some may not be playing it until they upgrade etc. 
Oh, yeah, Doom3's sound had me on the edge of my seat. First the whispering child, then the holy choir, and just when I couldn't take it any more, the evil laugh.

Oh no. 
Oh, yeah, Doom3's sound had me on the edge of my seat. First the whispering child, then the holy choir, and just when I couldn't take it any more, the evil laugh.

Oh no. 
If A Double Post 
is made in the forest, and nobody has 5.1 speakers, is it still scary? 
Not As Scary, As The Eyebrows Are Hairy 
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