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D-D-D-Double post!

fuckin' awesome or what dudes? :D 
Rpg: Yes 
i have a job at TKO in santa cruz. I put all my stuff in storage, but i'm currently homeless. So, all my home projects like func and rubicon2 and fitzquake are on hold until i can set up my computer. 
2 More Q1SP Reviews: 
at my site

Rune Run 
your site is all black and in turn it makes every page I go to appear black unless I restart the browser - but your site remains black... 
Rater good map. I liked the layout, gameplay (except that nasty push into lava) and some imaginative designes.
What you lacking is the consistency and proper texture usage. The map is a mishmash of styles and textures. IE same blue wall textures (the dm4 one) used allover walls, floors, bridges, supports, railings..
Look at how things done in e3 quake maps, or better some custom maps with strong style.

Nice to see a mapper from ??????. ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ? ?? ?.??????????
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Link Of The Day 
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Glad you had fun. 8)

Moonlite was made on a PII300 w/320MB RAM (started out with 128MB, but had to upgrade!). I don't really remember the compile time too well, but I think it was something like 15 mins bsp, 4 hours light and 7 hours vis. 
Link Of The Day 
Link Of The Day 
My God... 
i need a new machine.

150 MHz CYRIX of all CPU's... 48MB RAM..

however my friend Murph in the UK offers to compile my maps on his PC... 
Quake Wallpaper 
Here you go.. I'm not normally big on photo manips, but oh well.

If you can spot the muscle man, I'll give you a cookie!

Sorry it's only 800x600... 
/me wonders if Maric's misspelling of CSG was intentional or not... 
Cheers Maric 
Ummmmm... No, but what a brain-fart induced typo eh?

My appologies good sir. For all I know there is nothing scetchy about you whatsoever, then again... ;-) 
Where did you get the name "CSG?" Is it a reference to the BSP process?

Dietz: heh. 
Christian Something Gravert.

Your HELLbridge map is nice, especially gameplay-wise. My only complaints would be the aforementioned slightly annoying lava trap, the wind tunnel bug and the fact that I had some trouble finding the whereabouts of the gold key.

If you have more maps like this in your drawer, I'd like to see them ... 
CSG = Constructive Solid Geometry

Not a Quake thing, but a Half-Life and Quake 3 thing. I thingk. :P 
"That tactic owned hard that wall." 
That link was handy, but you didn't have to post it 3 times. :)


H-Hour: lol 
Thanx Everybody 
Thanks everyone who said something about my map.

But this is my first SP map, but soon I'll publish another one.

to Speedy:
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Nice Pulsar 
I'm impressed Pulsar that you could build such a large level in only three weeks.
Liked it but has the same complains as others.
the lava trap that came out of nowhere, the wind tunnel and some confusion as to where to go when I had pressed the two buttons in the start room. Found the gold key though!
Let us get some more maps from you! 
quake does csg. unreal does csg. Pretty much any game that has brushes has csg. 
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