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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Very Noob Question 
OK, so I just dloaded and installed QuakeSpasm 0.85.9 on OS X 10.8.4, where does it want the game data to be located? Launching the application fails because it can't find the game data and there is no obvious way to point it to a location. 
Quakespasm on Mac is same as Windows.

(your quake folder)\QUAKESPASM
(your quake folder)\id1\pak0.pak
(your quake folder)\id1\pak1.pak
I Tried 
I tried having the QuakeSpasm application in the /Quake folder and it didn't pick up the data, I tried moving the folder to /usr/local/games/quake, but still same problem, game client closes upon launch with a "couldn't load gfx,wad" error. 
And Now... 
... I got it to launch the game, but it weirds out in another way: I can launch a new singleplayer game just fine, but if I type "map start" in console, it can't actually find or load the map, same for any others like dm2, dm6, etc. What's going on? 
I Just Have 
my entire Quake folder in /Applications/Quake like so



It doesn't care about the case of the pak files. 

I tried moving the folder to /usr/local/games

Keep in mind OS X isn't Linux, particularly from an application usage perspective.

1. Right click on the desktop and make a folder called Quake
2. In that Quake folder, put Quakespasm.
3. In that Quake folder, make an id1 folder. Put pak0.pak and pak1.pak in there.
4. Run Quakespasm.

There are many other ways to get the job done, OS X is rather liberal like Windows and applications can live anywhere. Or you can do as SleepWalkR suggests. There isn't any one single way right or wrong here, but I think the /usr/local/games folder isn't going to work because OS X hides those kinds of folder from casual access. 
I Got It 
I got QuakeSpasm working fine now, I had picked up the /usr/local/games/quake idea from fodquake, which is supposedly THE qw client to use on OS X, which specifically expects that path. I guess I could just make a symlink from my current Quake folder location where I have QuakeSpasm working to that path, so that fodquake would work as well. 
Not Sure Why They Would Do That 
as it really goes against how OS X works usually. Applications go to /Applications. 
Ah, I had paths a bit confused, fodquake wants: /Library/Application Support/fodquake/id1: 
FOV-independant Viewmodels? 
Is there any chance FOV-locked viewmodels will be added/ported from FitzQuake Mark V?

I'd use just Mark V but it has a few issues (no fov_adapt cvar which bugs me and MP3 music seems to keep playing on level changes) 
By no fov_adapt cvar I mean that you can't seem to disable the effect. Normally the game view just gets shorter if you use a smaller viewsize but in FitzQuake Mark V it also zooms out too, which is something I'd like to prevent. QuakeSpasm lets you turn it off, at least. 
Also, any chance for a cvar to keep redrawing the HUD border tiles? I'm playing from Steam so that would keep the Steam notifications in the corner from staying on even after they go away.

Otherwise, great work on this port! I've been looking a long time for a simple GL port that lets you do independent HUD scaling for things like messages and the status bar and also generally keeps the software-mode feel. I think this is the one I'll stick with. 
Redrawing The Border Tiles Each Frame 
Setting the "gl_clear" cvar to "1" should do that. 
HUD Position 
How to center the HUD in Multiplayer? 
Lightning Shades Effect And Other Glows 
Using Quakespasm, is there a way to turn ON the nice GL glowing and lightning effects we sometimes see in modern Quake engines, as shown on Youtube ?

I'm especially interested in the ligthning gun rendering, which currently gives me an ugly pixelized effect (default, old lightning rendering). 
If you want super-pretty graphics I think you'll want to use Darkplaces instead of Quakespasm. QS I think strives for authenticity, while Darkplaces is kind of the rebel of the Q1 engines. 
Built binaries from SVN right now. On Linux.

Server where I lowercased all filenames:
quakespasm-svn -game atf -dedicated

Client where I forgot to do so (and thus QS wont be able to find the files):
quakespasm-svn -game atf +connect

Using protocol 666
Model progs/amr1.mdl not found
Couldn't find a cdrip for track 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Quakespasm GL Options 
Then what are the rendering options in Quakespasm, for the lightning gun ? 
Like It Or Lump It 
gl_flashblend 1/0 
Flash Effects And Others... 
Thanks Spirit,

but what about other effects ? Is there a list of GL effect commands somewhere, which are working in Quakespasm ? 
For Different Cvars 
try cvarlist (I think)

This will give you a list of all the options to play with. 
Re: Bugreportish. 
Thanks Spirit, fixed at r877. 
Today Quakespasm stopped recording by itself after I did the "record demoname", "reload" procedure.

Completed demo
]record m2
recording to /home/hannes/.quakespasm/quoth/m2.dem.
Loading game from /home/hannes/.quakespasm/quoth/quick.sav...
Completed demo
Client SpiritQuaddict removed
Warning: 37166 marksurfaces exceeds standard limit of 32767.


Map Title
Using protocol 666

Exe: 19:57:59 Oct 12 2013

Haven't tried reproducing it. No idea what happened. 
'prolly a bad condition if (! 
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